I have the hope that after reading this information, you will choose to do some more research on the dangers of fluoride in water and in our toothpaste which will lead you to a wise decision for yourself. If you decide that fluoride is detrimental to your health and are purchasing a Regency Elite, you might want to add a fluoride pre-filter.
Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Professor, Chemist, and Researcher sent Kallie Miller the following personal message:
On page 53 are names of 66 enzymes destroyed by very low levels of fluoride
in the .01 to 1.9 ppm range.
On page 54 is a list of 113 ailments caused by fluoride in tap water. 13 of
these were with 1 ppm in drinking water in a double blind study as determined
by Dr. Moohlenburgh in Holland, utilizing 60 patients, 12 physicians, 1
pharmacist, and 1 attorney. The 13 were “abdominal bloat, constipation,
depression, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, bone pain, stomach pain, stomatitis,
thirst exaggeration, tinnitus, vertigo and blurred vision.
The reason fluoride does this is because it severs the hydrogen bonds holding
the coils together in the enzyme structures which could have a molecular
weight as high as 69,000 whereas fluoride is only 19. Fluoride is the
smallest negative ion on the face of the earth, even smaller than hydride ion
causing it to have the most intense negative charge of any particle on earth.
This makes it the most destructive single ion on earth.
In addition to this profound knowledge we find from pages 44, 45, 46, and 49
that fluoride increases cavities 7% (22,000 children); 43% (29,000 children);
27% (.4 million children); and 5.8 % (39,000 children) when increased 1 ppm
in drinking water.
In addition to this, Table 1 on pages 57 and 58 gives the very low lethal
dosages of fluoride compounds: Fluoroacetic acid .050 mg/kg,
alphafluorobutyrate methylester .1, sodium alphafluorocrotonate .15,
ethyl-5-fluorohexanate .24, sodiumfluoroacetate .25,
di-isopropylfluorophosphate (VX nerve gas) 1.0, fluosalicylic acid 8.0,
sodium fluoride 57 (severe symptoms 3.6), ammoniumfluosalicylicate 100,
potassium fluoride 250, nitrogen trifluoride 332.
These compare to Sarin (nerve gas) as .01, pure chlorine (30 ppm, 10 minutes)
.17, phosphine (60 ppm, 5 minutes) .39, diborane .40, potassium cyanide, 1.6,
mustard gas, 3.5, arsenic (V) oxide 8.0, carbon monoxide (1000 ppm for 4
minutes) 8.0, arsenic acid 8.0, sodium arsenate 10.0, hydrogen sulfide
(rotten egg gas) 15, thallium (II) sulfate 16, phenylmercuric hydroxide 18,
kerosene 35, cadmium fluoride 88, lead arsenate 100, DDT 113, lead (II)
acetate 150, lead dioxide 200, dimethylarsenic acid 700, sodium cacodylate
(arsenic compound) 0.
You can easily see that fluoride competes with the highest toxicity of any
compounds on the face of the earth. It is far more toxic than arsenic, lead,
cadmium, thallium and even Sarin nerve gas. It has killed more animals on
earth than any other substance known.
Perhaps this will help you to get a perspective on fluoride from the book,
Good Teeth Birth to Death, that you already have. In addition to this, I
have worked on fluoride and from experience and medical advice, this is the
fact: hydrofluoric acid will kill a nerve cell which then dispenses the
fluoride. It will then kill the next cell and so on right on down the nerve
until the whole nerve is dead. That is why children in the dental chair
suffer death when they ingest as little as 1/2 tsp of the gel, 13,000 ppm
(1.3%) placed there by dentists in their false attempt to harden the enamel.
The sad part is the dentists have no idea what they are doing.
Dr. Gerard Judd”
To see the affidavit Dr. Judd presented to the court on the dangers of fluoridation, go to
Dr. Judd is the author of the book, “Good Teeth Birth to Death” which can be purchased through his website at http://goodteeth.tripod.com/judd.htm
Dr. Hardy Limeback who once recommended fluoridating water, after researching fluoridation to prove its benefits discovered it was very detrimental to our health and has put the following on his website:
Dr. Hardy Limeback, BSc, PhD, DDS
Associate Professor and Head, Preventive Dentistry
124 Edward St., Toronto, Ontario, M5G-1G6
April, 2000
To whom it may concern:
Why I am now officially opposed to adding fluoride to drinking water
Since April of 1999, I have publicly decried the addition of fluoride, especially hydrofluosilicic acid, to drinking water for the purpose of preventing tooth decay. The following summarize my reasons.
New evidence for lack of effectiveness of fluoridation in modern times.
1. Modern studies (published in the 1980′s 1990′s) show dental decay rates are so low in North America that the effects of water fluoridation cannot be measured. Because of the low prevalence of dental decay, water fluoridation studies today must be carefully conducted to correct for mobility of subjects between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas, access to fluoride from other sources, the lack of blinding and problems with the `halo’ effect. Even when very large sample sizes are used to obtain statistically significant results, the benefit of water fluoridation is not a clinically relevant one (the number of tooth surfaces saved from dental decay per person is less than one half). Recent studies show that halting fluoridation will either result in only a marginal increase in dental decay which cannot be detected or no increase in dental decay at all.
2. The major reasons for the general decline of tooth decay worldwide, both in non-fluoridated and fluoridated areas, is the widespread use of fluoridated toothpaste, improved diets, and overall improved general and dental health (antibiotics, preservatives, hygiene etc).
3. There is now a better understanding of how fluoride prevents dental decay. What little benefit fluoridated water may still provide is derived primarily through topical means (after the teeth erupt and come in contact with fluorides in the oral cavity). Fluoride does not need to be swallowed to be effective. It is not an essential nutrient. Nor should it be considered a desirable `supplement’ for children living in non-fluoridated areas. Fluoride ingestion delays tooth eruption and this may account for some of the differences seen in the past between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas (i.e. dental decay is simply postponed). No fluoridation study has ever separated out the systemic effects of fluoride. Even if there were a systemic benefit from ingestion of fluoride, it would be miniscule and clinically irrelevant. The notion that systemic fluorides are needed in non-fluoridated areas is an outdated one that should be abandoned altogether.
New evidence for potential serious harm from long-term fluoride ingestion.
1. Hydrofluorosilicic acid is recovered from the smokestack scrubbers during the production of phosphate fertilizer and sold to most of the major cities in North America, which use this industrial grade source of fluoride to fluoridate drinking water, rather than the more expensive pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride salt. Fluorosilicates have never been tested for safety in humans. Furthermore, these industrial-grade chemicals are contaminated with trace amounts of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic and radium that accumulate in humans. Increased lead levels have been found in children living in fluoridated communities. Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) has been shown to be associated with radium in the drinking water. Long-term ingestion of these harmful elements should be avoided altogether.
2. Half of all ingested fluoride remains in the skeletal system and accumulates with age. Several recent epidemiological studies suggest that only a few years of fluoride ingestion from fluoridated water increases the risk for bone fracture. The relationship between the milder symptoms of bone fluorosis (joint pain and arthritic symptoms) and fluoride accumulation in humans has never been investigated. People unable to eliminate fluoride under normal conditions (kidney impairment) or people who ingest more than average amounts of water (athletes, diabetics) are more at risk to be affected by the toxic effects of fluoride accumulation.
3. There is a dose-dependent relationship between the prevalence/severity of dental fluorosis and fluoride ingestion. When dental decay rates were high, a certain amount of dental fluorosis was considered an acceptable `trade off’ of providing an `optimum’ dose of 1.0 ppm fluoride in the water. However, studies published in the 1980′s and 1990′s have shown that dental fluorosis has increased dramatically in North America. Infants and toddlers are especially at risk for dental fluorosis of the front teeth since it is during the first 3 years of life that the permanent front teeth are the most sensitive to the effects of fluoride. Children fed formula made with fluoridated tap water are at higher risk to develop dental fluorosis. A relatively small percentage of the children affected with dental fluorosis have the more severe kind that requires extensive restorative dental work to correct the damage. The long-term effect of fluoride accumulation on dentin colour and biomechanics is also unknown. Generalized dental fluorosis of all the permanent teeth indicates that the bone is a major source of the excess fluoride. The effect of this excess amount of fluoride in bone is unknown. Whether stress bone fractures occur more often in children with dental fluorosis has not been studied.
4. A lifetime of excessive fluoride ingestion will undoubtedly have detrimental effects on a number of biological systems in the body and it is illogical to assume that tooth enamel is the only tissue affected by low daily doses of fluoride ingestion. Fluoride activates G-protein and a number of cascade reactions in the cell. At high concentrations it is both mitogenic and genotoxic. Some published studies point to fluoride’s interference with the reproductive system, the pineal gland and thyroid function. Fluoride is a proven carcinogen in humans exposed to high industrial levels. No study has yet been conducted to determine the level of fluoride that bone cells are exposed to when fluoride-rich bone is turned over. Thus, the issue of fluoride causing bone cancer cannot be dismissed as being a non-issue since carefully conducted animal and human cancer studies using the exact same chemicals added to our drinking water have not been carried out.
The issue of mass medication of an unapproved drug without the expressed informed consent of each individual must also be addressed. The dose of fluoride cannot be controlled. Fluoride as a drug has contaminated most processed foods and beverages throughout North America. Individuals who are susceptible to fluoride’s harmful effects cannot avoid ingesting this drug. This presents a medico-legal and ethical dilemma and sets water fluoridation apart from vaccination as a public health measure where doses and distribution can be controlled. The rights of individuals to enjoy the freedom from involuntary fluoride medication certainly outweigh the right of society to enforce this public health measure, especially when the evidence of benefit is marginal at best.
Based on the points outlined briefly above, the evidence has convinced me that the benefits of water fluoridation no longer outweigh the risks. The money saved from halting water fluoridation programs can be more wisely spent on concentrated public health efforts to reduce dental decay in the populations that are still at risk and this will, at the same time, lower the incidence of the harmful side effects that a large segment of the general population is currently experiencing because of this outdated public health measure.
Dr. Hardy Limeback BSc PhD (Biochemistry) DDS
Head, Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto
Other Research headings on Dr. Limeback’s page:
Water fluoridation less effective in the late 1980′s and the 1990′s.
Comparison of fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities
Decline of caries is not all due to fluoride
Dental fluorosis is now an epidemic
Fluoride ingestion delays tooth eruption and may simply delay tooth decay
The anti-caries benefit from swallowed fluoride is miniscule compared to the post-eruptive topical effects.
Fluoridated water is associated with an increase risk for bone fracture
Fluorosilicates, lead, arsenic, radium and other harmful contaminants in our fluoridated water are toxic
Studies reporting a link between fluoride and cancer
Publications arguing against the link between fluoride and cancer. Why?
Fluoride is neurotoxic
Fluoride affects reproduction
Fluoride can affect thyroid hormones and, therefore, many other organs
Fluoride enters the placenta and may cause birth defects
Fluoride may affect the immune system
Visit Dr. Limeback’s page at http://www.fluoridealert.org/limeback.htm for much more information. His video is very enlightening and I highly recommend it.
Other experts speak out
50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation by Paul Connett Ph.D. http://www.fluoridealert.org/50-reasons.htm
WHY I CHANGED MY MIND ABOUT WATER FLUORIDATION by John Colquhoun* © 1997 University of Chicago Press
John Remington Graham, an attorney, has successfully prosecuted water fluoridation cases in US and Canadian courts. The following illuminating extracts are taken from his manuscript
THE FLUORIDE DRAGON has some good data to keep in mind when dealing with the So called “water Fluoridation Experts”
Often – and it may be regarded as a maxim of dirty politics – when scheming adults have selfish or oppressive ends in mind, they try to sell their program by appealing to the welfare of children. This approach has been even more effective in getting otherwise good citizens to do stupid things than the most rabid anti-communist hysteria.
It so happens that, on October 15, 1984, I had occasion to take a deposition from Dr Echternacht, who, with Dr Uppgaard, had repeatedly appeared before committees of the legislature of the State [of Minnesota] to proclaim that artificial fluoridation of public water supplies is “safe, effective and economical.” The deposition went like this:
Q: You wouldn’t be in a position to tell me, basically, what happened in the Newburgh-Kingston Study, would you?
A: Well, I just remember the outcome, and I don’t remember whether it was Kingston or Newburgh that did fluoridate the water supply for the control city. It showed fluoridation was very beneficial, and there were no harmful side effects found from the use of fluoridation.
Q: Do you have any recollection in your reading what the nature of that evidence was?
A: No.
Q: Have you read any laboratory studies or other work on living tissue about the effects of fluoride in water?
A: I have read summaries presented in papers regarding it through my dental literature.
Q: Have you read any by a Dr Alfred Taylor?
A: No.
Q: How about Drs Irwin Herskowitz and Isabel Norton?
A: No.
Q: Have you ever read anything about Wolfgang Klein?
A: No.
Q: Have you read the report put out by the National Research Council of Canada by Rose and Marier in 1977, entitled ‘Environmental Fluoride, 1977′?
A: No.
Q: Have you ever read anything about Dr Chong Chang that came out in about 1968?
A: No.
Q: Have you ever read anything about Dr Danuta Jachimczak published in 1978?
A: No.
Q: Have you ever read anything about Dr John Emsley and his co-workers at the University of London on the hydrogen bonding potential of fluoride?
A: No.
Q: Have you ever read anything about Dr Takeki Tsutsui from Japan on the possible effects of fluoride on living tissue, either of a cancer-related nature or otherwise?
A: No.
Q: Have you ever read the work of Drs Burk and Yamouyiannis on fluoridation and cancer, the epidemiological studies?
A: No.
Q: I take it, then, that you have not read a compendium of scientific material that was gathered in congressional hearings entitled Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, 95th Congress, 1st Session, September 21 and October 12, 1977, of which I show you a copy?
A: No.
Q: I take it, then, that you simply are not familiar with and do not consider yourself an expert with any particular intensive knowledge with respect to any of these subjects of epidemiology or the laboratory studies that have been done on both sides of the question of whether or not fluoridation may be harmful to human health in terms of cancer or anything else?
A: I haven’t read them, but scientists whose articles I have read, and whom I respect, have certainly covered these various articles, and I accept their decision.
Q: What scientists whose articles you have read would you include on your list, can you give me one name?
A: No, not really.
I was called to try a case before the District Court of Texas in Houston. The matter was entitled Safe Water Foundation of Texas v. City of Houston, 151st Judicial District, No. 80-52271. The chief counsel on the case advised me that we had to prove by a fair preponderance of the evidence that artificial fluoridation of public water supplies causes cancer and other ailments in man. Judge Anthony Farris, tough-minded and blunt, heard the evidence. He was exceedingly fair to both sides. It was an international confrontation of the leading experts in the world.
When we rested our case on January 20, 1982, I was never so proud of a group of professional men in my life. And they all proved the truth of the seasoned lawyer’s maxim that if an adverse witness is really strong, avoid cross-examination if you can. Naturally, Dean Burk was there. I think history will show that, when he testified, Dr Burk was the most eminent cancer scientist then living. He stated the awful truth, a truth so awful that you do not want to believe it:
Q: In assessing the total percentage of cancer increase in the United States . . . do you have an opinion, based on a reasonable degree of scientific probability, as to what percentage of those would be associated with fluoridation?
A: Not in terms of percentage. That would be estimated, but it is my firm opinion that fluoridation contributes very materially to the increase that is observed. I have had that opinion for quite a few years now. In other words, we wouldn’t see by any means as much increase in cancer but for this fluoridation, or, to look at it from the other way around, I know of absolutely no, and I mean absolutely no means of prevention that would save so many lives as simply to stop fluoridation, or don’t start it where it is otherwise going to be started. There you might save 30,000 or 40,000 or 50,000 lives a year, cancer lives. That is an awful lot of lives a year.
Q: At any expense?
A: No, it would save money.
Q: And at any great effort?
A: No, you just wouldn’t bother to put it in the water. And why people don’t fully appreciate it, or take action to oppose it, I cannot understand without going into the question of politics and the root of all evil and those things. But, scientifically, I can’t understand any basis.
The other side appeared with their team of polished witnesses. Their first witness was the Director of the Health Department for the City of Houston. She held the degrees of doctor of medicine and master of public health. In an erudite and poised manner, with demeanor of a kind which naturally commands respect and confidence, she had enthusiastically and unreservedly recommended, for the good of children, especially those in low socioeconomic groups, that the City of Houston “adjust the fluoride in the municipal water supply to the optimal level for reduction of dental caries.”
Q: Doctor, have you read a report which has been marked and introduced as plaintiff’s exhibit 23, entitled Fluoride, Fluoridation and Environmental Quality, a translation of a report prepared for the Minister for the Environment [for the Province of Quebec] by the Advisory Committee on the Fluoridation of Water Supplies?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, I am showing you what has been marked as plaintiff’s exhibit 3, an article [by Burk and Yiamouyiannis], published in the journal Fluoride, entitled Fluoridation and Cancer: Age-Dependence of Cancer Mortality Related to Artificial Fluoridation. Have you read that before?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, I am showing what has been marked plaintiff’s exhibit 7, a book by George Waldbott, MD, and Professors Burghstahler and McKinney, University of Kansas, entitled Fluoridation: the Great Dilemma. Have you read that book?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, showing what has been marked plaintiff’s exhibit 8, a publication by the National Research Council of Canada, entitled Environmental Fluoride 1977, by Dyson Rose and John Marier, have you read that report?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, I am showing you what has been marked plaintiff’s exhibit 13, a paper entitled Cytological Effects of Sodium Fluoride on Mice by Aly Mohamed and Mary Chandler of the Biology Department at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. Have you read that report?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, showing you what has been marked as plaintiff’s exhibit 20, a translation of an article in the original German, the translation being entitled Fluoridated Water and Teeth, by Rudolf Ziegelbecker in Austria, published in the journal Fluoride, have you read that report?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, showing you what has been marked plaintiff’s exhibit 9, a paper by Dr Alfred Taylor in 1954 in the journal Dental Digest, entitled Sodium Fluoride in the Drinking Water of Mice, have you read that report?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, showing you what has been marked plaintiff’s exhibit 15, a paper by Danuta and Jachimszak and others of Department of Biology in the Institute of Biostructure in the Pomeranian Medical Academy, published in volume 19 of Genetica Polonica, entitled The Effect of Fluorine and Lead Ions on the Chromosomes of Human Leukocytes in Vitro, have you read that report?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, showing you what has been marked plaintiff’s exhibit 10, a paper published in the journal Genetics, volume 48, in 1963 by Herskowitz and Norton, entitled Increased Incidence of Melanotic Tumours in Two Strains of Drosophila Melanogaster Following Treatment with Sodium Fluoride, have you read that paper?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, showing you what has been marked as plaintiff’s exhibit 24, a paper by John Lee, MD, entitled Optimal Fluoridation: the Concept and its Application to Municipal Water Fluoridation, it is reprinted from the Western Journal of Medicine, have you read that report?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, showing you what has been marked plaintiff’s exhibit 25, a paper by George Waldbott, MD, Fluoridation: A Clinician’s Experience, in volume 73 of the Southern Journal of Medicine, published in March 1980. Have you read that study?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, I am showing you what has been marked as plaintiff’s exhibit 16, a paper done by John Emsley, published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, entitled An Unexpectedly Strong Hydrogen Bond: Ab Initio Calculations and Spectroscopic Studies of Amide-Fluoride Systems. Have you read that paper?
A: No.
Q: Doctor, showing you what has been marked plaintiff’s exhibit 12, a paper in Plant Physiology, volume 43, by Dr Chong Chang of the United States Department of Agriculture, entitled Effect of Fluoride on Nucleotides and Ribonucleic Acid In Germinating Corn Seedling Roots. Have you read that report?
A: No.
Q: Have you read anything in the way of literature by Dr Ionel Rappaport?
A: No.
I “passed the witness”, as they say in Texas. The assistant city attorney then asked,
Q: You are not an expert in fluoride, are you?
A: No.
(Health Care Consent and Care Facility Admission Act, s. 6); (3) unlawfully and without good faith sell public water fluoridation as a health program in the year 2003 (Sale of Goods Act, s. 2); (4) unlawfully allow the unconscionable deceptive consumer transaction of public water fluoridation (Trade and Practice Act, s. 18(1)); (5) unlawfully allow public water fluoridation to cause a health hazard that endangers and harms public health, and prevents and hinders the prevention and suppression of dental fluorosis and other diseases, by poisoning public water with highly toxic fluorides, making the public water fail to meet the prescribed standard of being potable water (Health Act, s. 55(2)(b)); and, (6) unlawfully allow public water fluoridation projects to introduce into the environment hazardous waste fluorides; at levels harming fish, etc. (Waste Management Act, s. 3(2))
Charter rights in Canada under Canadian AIDS Society v. Ontario because: (1) there is a serious issue as to the validity of the Local Government Act, and any other Act in Canada that authorizes public water fluoridation by referendum; (2) the constituents are directly affected and has a genuine interest in the validity of the Local Government Act, and any other Act in Canada that authorizes public water fluoridation in Canada; and (3) there are no other reasonable and effective way to bring the validity of the Local Government Act, or any other Act in Canada that authorizes public water fluoridation, before the court. Also, RJR-MacDonald Inc. v. Canada (Attorney-General) gives the constituents public interest standing because the suspension of s. 523(3) of the Local Government Act would itself provide a public benefit. Likewise, MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson and CDN Egg Marketing v. Richardson gives the constituents standing to advance the public interest because the constituents’ and others & rights are affected by criminal conduct & because public water fluoridation under s. 523(3) of the Local Government Act, or any other Act in Canada, is criminal and unconstitutional.
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