pH – Your Potential for Health

by Dr. Ted Morter, Jr.B.S. M.A. D.C.



Personal responsibility for personal health. That’s the 21st century way. Proactive for health rather than reactive to disease. Disease is painful, activity limiting, and costly. That’s why checking personal pH – the acidity or alkalinity of some easy-to-get-to body fluids – will become as routine as checking your weight, credit card balance, or smoke alarm. Why? Because it can help you be an active participant in your personal health process. Keeping tabs on your personal pH can help you keep tabs on your personal health.

This pH guide explains how to check the pH of readily accessible body fluids and interpret the results. It also gives a brief overview of what we might call “The Scope and Limitations” of pH monitoring. Knowing what you can’t expect is as important as knowing what you can. And, perhaps most important, you will see how monitoring pH can help you be a more effective, active participant in your personal pursuit of health.

This guide is about evaluating your potential for health. It’s not about diagnosing or curing disease. It’s about monitoring signs of your body’s ability to handle your diet and lifestyle. Diagnosing and curing are reactive. Monitoring is proactive. We are accustomed to focusing on disease care. Our usual perspective on health is to wait for disease to “strike,” then try to combat it. Here we’re presenting a different perspective – making disease unnecessary. Rather than identifying a disease to fight, the objective is to find out if your diet and lifestyle are giving your body a fighting chance to be healthy.

This perspective on health is new to a lot of people. It’s not the perspective of most of the medical community. Most health care is designed to help people control symptoms in order to “get better” or “feel better.” Our objective here is to help you understand how you can “be better.” The concepts and procedures presented here have developed over my thirty-plus years of clinical practice. They are not universally accepted by those whose job it is to diagnose, evaluate, and treat disease. However, the concepts presented here are a cornerstone for monitoring your health. Your health is your responsibility.

For too many years, we, as a nation, have had a tendency to leave the responsibility of our health to others. The general attitude has been, “I’ll just do what I want and let the doctor fix it if something goes wrong.” Our health care has been remedial. We wait until a problem crops up, then try to remedy it. We have proved that this system doesn’t work. It’s too painful for our bodies, too disruptive to our lifestyles, and too hard on our personal and national wallets. So, with the dawning of a new century, we also have the dawning of greater personal responsibility for our own health. Part of that responsibility is fulfilled by following the current trend of reducing fat intake and increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables we eat.

You have probably already taken steps to improve your diet. You probably eat fewer foods that are lower in fat, cholesterol, and sodium than you used to. The next step is to adopt a habit of regular self-administered pH checks to see if your health improves along with your diet. Keeping track of how your body is withstanding your diet and lifestyle can be a major part of your newfound freedom that comes with taking personal responsibility for your personal health.

Notice that we are talking about keeping track of your health. We’re not talking about diagnosing or treating. The concepts presented here are not intended to be used as a substitute for competent professional health care. They are to help you recognize clues that your body is being overstressed by your diet and lifestyle. Part of your responsibility for your health is to seek good professional care when you need it.

So, we’ll begin with the basics of the what’s and why’s of pH, then move into the how-to and what-does-it-all-mean.

In the scientific world, pH stands for “potential of Hydrogen.” Or, you could be really scientific about it and say that pH represents the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. Instead, we’ll just say that, in your body, pH stands for your potential for Health.

pH is the value given to indicate the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. It’s a value – an intangible, not a thing. You can’t pick it up, use it to buy a Jet Ski, or dip it in your soup. pH values are to acid and alkaline what temperature degrees are to heat and cold.

The pH scale of values runs from 0 to 14. At the low end, 0 indicates really strong, complete acidity. At the high end, 14 indicates really strong, complete alkalinity. In the middle, pH 7.0 indicates that the substance is neither acid nor alkaline – it’s neutral. Very few substances are completely neutral. Most substances test out on either side of neutral. The pH of most substances falls somewhere from very strong to very weak acid, or from very weak to very strong alkali. For example, at pH 2.5, vinegar is a strong acid, and at pH 8.0+, baking soda is mildly (that’s more than “slightly”) alkaline. But we’re not concerned with vinegar or baking soda here. We’re talking body fluids. We’re concerned with the pH of your “internal environment” – the potential for health of the fluids in and around your cells. When we talk about the pH of your body, we mean the pH of the fluids inside and outside your cells.


The information presented in this article is a compilation of concepts and principles I have developed over the past thirty years. These concepts and principles relate to maintaining and promoting health, not to treating disease or other physical complaints. The information in this article is not intended as suggestions for self-diagnosis or self-treatment of mental, emotional, or physical symptoms or complaints. The reader is cautioned against applying the concepts in this article for therapeutic purpose in lieu of seeking professional health care. The reader is urged to consult licensed health care professionals for diagnosis and treatment of health problems mentioned in this article and for all other physical, mental, or emotional complaints. This article deals with the concepts that the body functions as a unit, that various elements of lifestyle can influence physiology, and that physiological processes respond in a predetermined manner to specific stimuli. The concepts and ideas presented are intended to offer the reader suggestions for examining facets of his or her lifestyle that can impact physiology.

No guarantee or assurance is given for obtaining specific results from the use of any of the suggestions given. The reader is reminded that regular professional health care examinations are important to early detection and treatment of all diseases. THIS ARTICLE DEALS PRIMARILY WITH THE PREVENTION OF DISEASE RATHER THAN WITH THE TREATMENT OF DISEASE.
Certain persons considered experts may disagree with one or more statements in this publication. However, the author is of the opinion that such statements are based upon reliable, sound report and authority. Nothing stated in this publication shall be construed as an offer of any product for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, or treatment of any disease.
Dr. M. T Morter, Jr.






To find out how the pH of your internal fluids is faring, specially treated test paper is used to check some of the fluids your body generates. pH test paper is designed specifically to indicate pH values. The paper you’ll use registers pH values, essentially in two-tenths increments, from moderately strong acid of pH 5.5 to mildly alkaline pH 8.0. The thin strip of pH paper changes color when it comes in contact with moist or wet acid or alkaline substances. A color guide comes with the pH paper dispenser. This guide shows the colors the paper can register. Each color represents a particular pH value. The numerical value is shown above each color sample.

So that’s the test equipment you’ll use – pH paper. And what do you use it on?
Even though your blood is the most important fluid in your body, you don’t “open a vein” to check your internal pH. Tears and perspiration take effort to generate, so they’re out. Other more readily available fluids are urine and saliva. The details of the checking procedure are given later. For now, you need to understand what you are trying to accomplish by checking the pH of either urine or saliva.

The purpose of checking urine pH is to find out if your body has a healthy store of the minerals that keep its internal environment slightly alkaline. Alkalizing minerals neutralize, or counteract, strong acid. Another term for the neutralizing process that means essentially the same thing is “buffering.” In other words, alkalizing minerals make strong acid weaker or not acid at all. This store of alkalizing minerals is your alkaline reserve – the workhorse of a very important buffer system. The minerals that contribute to your alkaline reserve are sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Your alkaline reserve isn’t a single cubbyhole within your body where these important minerals loll around waiting to be summoned. Your alkaline reserve is scattered throughout your body in various organs.
Urine pH values are your clue to whether or not your alkaline arsenal has been, or is being, used up or overwhelmed. The pH values indicate whether or not your body is overburdened with too much acid from too much high protein food – toxic. Saliva pH values, on the other hand, are your guide to whether or not your body is overburdened with emotional stress.

Urine pH and saliva pH results are valid only if checked under controlled conditions. That is, you set the scene first. Random or willy-nilly checks of the pH of either of these fluids may be interesting, but they’re meaningless. With a little planning before you whip out your pH paper, you get something to hang your health on.

As a preview of coming instructions, you set the scene for checking your urine pH by eating particular types of foods for two days immediately before the big check. To prepare for your saliva pH test, don’t eat, drink, chew gum, suck on a cough drop, or put anything else in your mouth except water for at least two hours.


Monitoring your pH gives you an indication of how well or how hard your body is working to survive your lifestyle. Notice that I said, “it gives you an indication. . . .” The results of your pH tests are indicators of how your body is responding to the foods you eat and to other stresses. The actual acid or alkaline level of your internal environment affects how your body functions. The pH values you get when you test your urine or saliva are indications of how your body is functioning.
When your body is at its pH best, it hums along smoothly and easily. And when your body hums along smoothly and easily, your life has a good chance of doing the same. When your body is at less than its pH best, its hum may turn into an exhausted moan as it works overtime to survive. And when your body is exhausted, you are exhausted.

The pH of your internal environment is a good indicator of how hard your body is working just to survive. The ideal pH for most of the fluids of your internal environment is just above pH 7.0. That’s slightly alkaline. Your body functions best when the pH of most of its fluids hover in the pH 7.0 neighborhood. Your blood must be a slightly alkaline pH 7.35 to pH 7.45 all the time. That’s a “must,” not an “it-would-be-nice.” If the pH of your blood falls much below 7.35 or rises much above 7.45 for more than a few hours, you can’t survive. When your pH values are too far below or too high above pH 7.0, your potential for health plummets.

Although your blood is slightly alkaline, the fluids in your stomach are usually quite acid. Digestive fluids may be as low as pH 1.0. That’s strong acid. This strong acid helps to “break down” the foods you eat as they begin their journey through your body. When we talk about the pH of the body, we’re not talking about stomach pH. We’re talking about the fluid in and around your cells.


As a rule, we go to a doctor when we have a specific pain, problem, or symptom. Rarely does a doctor hear the complaint; “I’m feeling great. Fix it.” Our health focus is usually on identifying symptoms and trying to get rid of them. When a doctor orders lab tests for you, these tests are to find out if a problem exists in a particular organ or system. We concentrate on identifying parts of the body that are the source of our misery. Not so with a pH check.

Monitoring your pH helps you evaluate how your whole body is doing. It’s a health index evaluation process, not a disease identifying process. Your pH doesn’t tell you whether or not you have a life-impairing or life-threatening disease. You can’t look at your pH results and correctly conclude, “Mercy me, I have galloping graphospasm!” pH tests don’t diagnose!

Your pH checks are not diagnostic tests. They are evidence to use in evaluating your overall health. Your internal pH concerns your whole body. Not parts. Knowing the pH of your body won’t tell you if your liver is functioning perfectly. It won’t tell you if your pancreas is struggling to produce insulin. It won’t tell you if your blood pressure is running amuck. It won’t tell you if you are anemic or overweight or nearsighted. Checking your pH is not a diagnostic test. This cannot be emphasized too strongly.

If you find that your internal pH is higher or lower than “ideal,” you won’t know any more than you did before about which, if any, disease you may have. However, you will have a strong indication that your body’s systems and organs are working under extreme stress of toxicity – its internal fluids are being “poisoned” by too much acid. But that doesn’t mean you have a particular disease. It means that unless you change your ways (probably starting with the types of food you eat), you could develop a disease. Remember that pH is an indicator of the condition of your internal environment. And your internal environment affects your overall health.

Perhaps a disease label has already been attached to your symptoms. If so, the chances that your organs and systems are living in an ideal pH neighborhood are about as good as your chances of being the first person to hit a golf ball on Jupiter. And knowing the pH value of your internal environment won’t cure your disease any more than knowing your blood pressure will cure hypertension. However, it can give you a clue that your body is “fighting stress” rather than “fighting disease.” The disease is an effect of the stress your body copes with in a “tough neighborhood.”


Some types of foods you eat can mess up your internal neighborhood. They leave an acid “mess” that the body must neutralize and eliminate. These messy foods are essentially high-protein foods – meats, poultry, fish, and grains. They are acid ash-producing foods. Most of us eat a lot of acid ash foods. That’s our custom, tradition, and a large part of our economy. But acid ash foods leave the internal equivalent of blowing trash, beer cans, drug paraphernalia, derelict cars, and graffiti. In other words, junk! Messy junk that pollutes the internal area and environment.

The “junk” from acid ash foods is in the form of an acid residue that’s left after high protein food has been digested. We might say it’s the physiological equivalent of toxic waste. During digestion, the usable parts of food are absorbed to help nourish the body. But a residue that can’t be used is left. This residue is acid. The body doesn’t need it. The acid of this residue can be quite strong. The residue itself will eventually make its way through the kidneys or bowel and out of the body. However, before it is eliminated, it must be neutralized – weakened, buffered. If it isn’t neutralized, it can fry delicate kidney tissue. That’s not good.

However, our bodies are smarter than we will ever be. Your own smart body has all sorts of ways to protect itself. The primary protection against strong acid is alkalizing minerals. These vital minerals can neutralize, or tone down, the acid from “quite strong” to “slightly strong.” Pretty clever. Unfortunately, in the process of neutralizing the acid, the minerals are eliminated right along with the residue. The vital neutralizing minerals tag along with the acid all the way out of your body. Gone forever. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that these lost minerals are easily replaced. Replacements come from the fruits and vegetables you eat. No problem – acid in the body is neutralized by minerals, replacement minerals come along in fruits and vegetables to take their place.

But suppose you don’t eat fruits and vegetables – well, not much, anyway.

Your intelligent body isn’t going to let a little thing like your negligence keep it from doing what needs to be done. Your body is a survivor. It was designed to survive. It wasn’t designed to be healthy or sick. If minerals that were lost aren’t replaced, other minerals jump in to do the job – survival. But these substitute minerals weren’t just sitting on the bench waiting to be called into the game. They have important full-time jobs, too. When they are called on to handle the emergency, they are taken from their primary jobs. For example, calcium is a “substitute” neutralizing mineral. Where do we keep our biggest calcium supply? Our bones. If you don’t replace neutralizing minerals by eating fruits and vegetables, calcium is taken from the bones. You know what happens when you lose a lot of calcium from your bones. The disease label is “osteoporosis.” The practical effect is weak bones. And it’s hard to hold your head up when your spine is gradually collapsing.

Your diet can be so top-heavy with acid ash foods that your neutralizing, or buffering, systems are overwhelmed. There is just too much acid for them to handle – acid saturation. When acid-laden materials arrive at the kidneys, the kidneys must act to neutralize the acid fast. It’s another backup system. Ammonia. The kidneys generate ammonia, which has a pH of about 9.25. A little ammonia mixed with strong acid raises the pH value. A lot of ammonia in a strong acid raises the pH value a lot.

So when your body is too acid for too long, it plays the game of life with a lineup of backup systems. These backups are either substitute minerals, or ammonia. When your body is too acid – when your internal pH is too low – the systems and organs of your body work overtime just to stay even. But systems and organs aren’t designed to function flat-out in red-alert mode all the time. They need rest just as you do. If the red-alert goes on for months or years, systems and organs become exhausted. An exhausted body can’t compete with disease. Eventually, disease wins the game.
What does all of this have to do with checking pH?

Monitoring your pH periodically gives you a status report on the quality of the environment of your internal neighborhood. Remember that pH monitoring doesn’t report on how the systems, organs, and processes are doing. It is your personal “neighborhood watch.”

Of course, that’s not a scientific explanation of how your physiological processes work. However, it may give you an idea of how the pH of your body affects your potential health and how the environment of a perfectly good internal neighborhood is ruined. And it gives you a picture of some of the things that go on in your body that allow pain and disease to take up residence. The process boils down to …

1. Acid ash from many of the foods you regularly eat must be neutralized (buffered) before the acid is eliminated through the kidneys.
2. Vital minerals are used to neutralize the acid, and in the process these minerals are lost through the kidneys and bowel.
3. If the neutralizing minerals aren’t replaced, other minerals will be taken from other functions to neutralize the acid.
4. If the neutralizing (buffer) systems aren’t up to the task, or if the body is saturated with acid, the kidneys generate ammonia as a last-ditch effort.
5. The body is over-acid, buffer systems are overwhelmed, and systems, organs, and processes are overstressed.
6. The body’s systems and organs aren’t able to perform at their best because they have become exhausted.
7. Exhaustion opens the door to disease.

That’s principally what you learn from checking your urine pH – whether or not the foods you eat regularly leave the door open to disease.


Your body works constantly to get rid of acid no matter where it comes from. Acid ash-producing food isn’t the only source of acid in your body. Two other prominent sources contribute to your internal acid level: (1) cellular activity, and (2) naturally acid foods. First, self-generated acid from cellular activity.
Your cells produce acid as they function. As long as cells are alive, they work and produce acid. As cells die off, other cells replace them. The new cells also produce acid. So, as long as you are alive, new cells are being produced, and cells are producing acid. In addition, when you exercise, cells produce more acid than when you’re resting. Acid production is a standard procedure for your body.
That’s strange! The body works best when it is slightly alkaline. Staying alkaline is so important that the body uses and loses vital minerals as it gets rid of acid. Yet the body produces acid.

That’s right. Your body is alkaline by design and acid by function. That is a very important concept. Alkaline by design; acid by function: However, there’s a big difference between the acid your cells produce and the acid that you get in high-protein acid ash producing foods. In the first place, the acid from cells – physiological acid, it’s called – is a lot weaker than acid from high-protein acid ash foods. And in the second place, self-produced cellular acid doesn’t need to be neutralized by vital minerals before it is sent out of the body. Self-produced cellular acid is easily eliminated through your lungs when you breathe and when you talk. Do you suppose there’s a connection here with the saying “full of hot air”?

You also get acid from foods, such as oranges and lemons, that are acid in their own right. This acid is also different from the acid you get from acid ash-producing foods. And it is as easily eliminated as the acid cells produce. This concept gets a little tricky, so we’ll clear it up a bit.

We have talked a lot about acid ash-producing foods that leave an acid residue after they get into the body. By now you know that acid ash foods are generally high-protein meats, poultry, fish. and grains. Now we’re talking about acid foods that are acid when they go into the body. They are naturally acid. Lemons, oranges, and grapefruit are obviously acid. In fact, they are so acid that many people can’t eat them without suffering discomfort. In general, fruits and vegetables are naturally acid foods.

In their natural state, acid foods – fruits and vegetables – have more built-in acid than do high-protein acid ash-producing foods – meat, poultry, fish, and grains. Fruit acid especially may be fairly strong going into your body. However, your body can get rid of fruit and vegetable acid very easily. The tag-along acid from fruits and vegetables is eliminated the same way as the acid generated by your cells. You just blow it off.

The acid from acid ash-producing foods is different. This is the kind of acid that needs to be neutralized before it is eliminated from your body. You can’t just blow it off. It must be weakened and escorted by neutralizing minerals out of the body through kidneys or bowel.
The acid of fruits and vegetables is no problem. The acid from ash of meats, poultry, fish, and grains can be a problem.

Just as high-protein foods leave a residual ash, fruits and vegetables also leave an ash residue. However, despite the naturally acid nature of fruits or vegetables, generally, the ash they leave is not acid. There’s a big difference between the ash left by fruits and vegetables and the ash left by high-protein acid ash-producing foods. The ash left by most fruits and vegetables is alkaline. It contains minerals that help alkalize your body.

Fruits are pretty neat additions to your body. They’re not big stress producers. They are easily digested. The acid that comes in them is easily eliminated through the lungs. And the ash they leave contributes needed minerals for your body to use. Great system design! Fruits have no obvious character flaws. Instead of acid fruits being a problem for your body, they contribute much needed alkalizing minerals that help keep your internal pH under control. They help clean up the neighborhood.

Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty practical application.

We’ll now list some specific foods that are acid ash-producers and some that are alkaline ash-producers. Then we’ll explain how to test your urine to tell if you have been overloading your alkalizing life-support system with too much acid.


We’ve talked about acid ash-producing foods and alkaline ash-producing foods. You now know that, in general, acid ash foods are high protein meat, poultry, fish, and grains. You can top off that acid menu with some nuts – chopped or whole. You also know that, in general, fruits and vegetables are alkaline ash-producing foods. But notice that both groups are generalizations. There are exceptions in both. In addition, there is a small group of neutral ash foods that have an acidifying effect on the body. (Is nothing clear-cut?) These neutral ash foods include refined sugar, corn syrup, corn oil, and olive oil.

The following lists of the alkaline ash-producing foods and acid ash-producing foods are in alphabetical order. They aren’t in “strength” order. Some foods are more acidifying or alkalizing than others. But these lists will give you the information you’ll need when you prepare to check your urine pH. You may be surprised at how many acid ash foods you eat every day. You will also find these lists as tear-outs in the appendix section.


(Help to control acid in your internal environment)
Almonds Dates, dried Parsnips
Apples Figs, dried Peaches
Apricots Grapefruit Pears
Avocados Grapes Pineapple
Bananas Green beans Potatoes, sweet
Beans, dried Green peas Potatoes, white
Beet greens Lemons Radishes
Beets Lettuce Raisins
Blackberries Lima beans, dried Raspberries
Broccoli Lima beans, green Rhubarb**
Brussels sprouts Limes Rutabagas
Cabbage Milk, goat* Sauerkraut
Carrots Millet Soy beans, green
Cauliflower Molasses Spinach, raw
Celery Mushrooms Strawberries
Chard leaves Muskmelons Tangerines
Cherries, sour Onions Tomatoes
Cucumbers Oranges Watercress

* Recommended for infants only when mother’s milk is not available
** Not recommended: has properties detrimental to the body








(Leave strong acid in your internal environment)
Bacon Eggs Pork
Barley grain Flour, white Prunes *
Beef Flour, whole wheat Rice, brown
Blueberries Haddock Rice, white
Bran, wheat Honey Salmon
Bran, oat Lamb Sardines
Bread, white Lentils, dried Sausage
Bread, whole wheat Lobster Scallops
Butter Milk, cow’s* Shrimp
Carob Macaroni Spaghetti
Cheese Oatmeal Squash, winter
Chicken Oysters Sunflower seeds
Cod Peanut butter Turkey
Corn Peanuts Veal
Corned beef Peas, dried Walnuts
Crackers, soda Pike Wheat germ
Cranberries Plums * Yogurt
* These foods leave an alkaline ash but have an acidifying effect on the body.

Corn oil Corn syrup Olive oil Refined sugar





The purpose of checking the pH of your urine is to evaluate how your alkaline reserve is holding up and if your ammonia backup system must take the role of key acid neutralizer.

The first step of the pH challenge is to eat only acid ash-producing foods for two days. That means lots of meat, eggs, pasta, rice, chicken, bread, peanut butter, and anything else listed on the Acid Ash Foods list. But no fruit, no fruit juice, no salad, no potato chips, no banana splits, no strawberry jam – nothing listed on the Alkaline Ash Foods list.

There’s no need to check your urine pH until after you have been on a strictly acid ash diet for two days. Knowing the pH of your urine doesn’t tell you how your body handles excess acid if you don’t know what foods your body has been processing. The “pH challenge” taken after eating a controlled diet is different from conventional pH urine tests that focus on gathering other information.
Recall that your alkaline reserve is made up of neutralizing minerals that keep strong acid left by high-protein foods from sizzling your innards. After the acid has been neutralized, it and the minerals leave your body in your urine. Your urine holds clues to whether or not, or how seriously, your supply of alkalizing minerals has been drained. If your alkaline reserve is in good shape, even though you have eaten great quantities of high-protein foods, your urine should show evidence that alkaline minerals have been the principle acid neutralizer. The condition of your alkaline reserve depends on how much high-protein food your body has had to contend with over time.
Keep in mind that we all need protein in our diets. Protein is a building block of cells, body, and health. We need protein. We don’t need too much protein. That’s what we’re talking about here – too much protein!

Your pH challenge checks your alkaline reserve’s ability to handle strong acid from a lot of protein. So, to make sure it’s a valid test, you need a lot of protein in your body before you check your urine. That’s the challenge – to see if your alkaline reserve can still handle great quantities of acid from great quantities of acid ash foods. Your alkaline reserve is being pitted against a concentrated dose of dietary acid. No point in trying to see how well dietary acid is being neutralized if you haven’t eaten much high-protein food recently. This is why it’s important that you eat only foods from the Acid Ash list for two days before you check your urine pH. You are going to flood your body with excess acid ash-producing protein. You might say the pH challenge is the acid test.


If you are seriously ill with a life-threatening disease – or any major illness – do not go on a diet of high-protein foods. Once more, just to make sure you get that. IF YOU ARE SERIOUSLY ILL, DO NOT EAT A LOT OF HIGH-PROTEIN FOODS!!!!


Remember that the purpose of monitoring pH is to evaluate an individual’s health. The health of the really sick has already been evaluated – it’s not good. Those who are seriously ill already have too much acid in their systems – their bodies are quite toxic. Putting more acid ash-producing foods in a body that’s already toxic from too much acid could have disastrous results. DON’T DO IT!! If you are in the seriously ill category, don’t worry about your pH at this point. Just eat brown rice and as many servings of cooked vegetables as your body can tolerate.

Back to the procedure for those who are not seriously ill.

After your two full days of gluttonous gorging on steak, hamburgers, pasta, bread, rolls, eggs, cheese, sausage, biscuits, oatmeal, chicken, seafood, and any other high-protein foods you can fit in, you are ready to check your urine pH. This is done on the morning of the third day at the first voiding, preferably after you have slept for at least five hours. However, if you get up several times during the night, you may not rack up five non-stop hours of sleep time. Do your pH challenge when you get up to start the day. The reason you use the first voiding of the morning is that during the night your body has been doing basic “housecleaning.” First thing in the morning you get rid of most of the remnants of the previous day’s food and physiological activity.

The actual procedure is simple. Reading these directions takes longer than the pH test itself.
On the morning after your two-day protein binge, as soon as you get up and go to the bathroom, tear a two- to three-inch strip of pH test paper from the roll. You will see that there is a color chart on the pH paper dispenser. This is the chart you’ll use to get your urine pH number. Now, using your two- to three-inch strip of pH paper, direct one end of the paper into the urine stream very briefly – for about a second. All you need to do is get the paper wet. The paper will respond. Then match the color of the wet pH paper with a color on the dispenser chart. Note the number designated above the matching color. Dispose of the used pH paper, and write down the pH number and the current date. Take my word for it: if you don’t write down your pH score, you’ll forget the number before your next urine pH check, and you want to compare the two. One of the purposes of all of this is to evaluate the progress of your health – health is a process, not a one-time thing.

That’s all there is to the actual pH testing. Now comes the important part. Interpreting the results. The interpretations that follow are based on clinical results gathered over thirty years of clinical practice with thousands of patients. These interpretations may not agree with your medical doctor’s interpretation and understanding of urine pH. Medical urinalysis may be directed toward different evaluations. The urine pH numbers you are interpreting are intended to help you monitor your health, not to tell you how sick you are or what disease you have.


Your urine pH numbers are alkaline reserve indicators. The “Urine pH Results” chart in the appendix gives a synopsis of the meaning of the numbers. But a little more explanation might be helpful.

Urine pH 5.5 – 5.8

If your urine scored pH 5.5 or pH 5.8, your alkaline reserve is adequate. It’s holding its own. You have enough alkalizing minerals in your body to handle a concentrated load of dietary acid. That’s good. It shows that you have enough alkaline minerals to protect your kidneys from being fried by strong acid from excess protein.

You can rejoice. But don’t get smug or complacent. Maybe you did well because you’re still young enough that you haven’t had enough meals to make major inroads into your alkaline reserve. Maybe you aren’t a big meat-eater. Maybe you just like vegetables and fruit. Whatever the reason you fared so well, you need to make sure that you continue to re-equip your alkaline supply for the future.
Although your urine pH indicates that your body can handle great gobs of protein, you don’t need to press the point. If you make a habit of overloading with high-protein foods, your supply of neutralizing minerals will dwindle slowly. Your alkaline reserve is adequate – now. Keep it that way. Make sure you eat enough alkaline ash foods to keep it well stocked.

Now that you know your body can handle excess dietary protein, go back to your regular diet. After a couple of days, check your first voiding urine pH again. If it registers pH 6.2 or below, you are eating too much acid ash food. You need to reduce the amount of meat, poultry, fish, cheese, and grains and increase the amount of alkaline ash vegetables and fruits. No big deal, just an adjustment in quantities. You don’t need to stop eating meat or other acid producers completely. Your body can handle moderate amounts of dietary acid as long as you bolster your alkaline reserve with generous amounts of replacement minerals from vegetables and fruit.

If your regular diet follow-up pH test checks in at above pH 6.2, keep doing what you’re doing. You are on the right road. You probably already eat generous amounts of vegetables, fruit, and grains, and minimal amounts of meat. If you reduce the amount of grains in your diet, your pH numbers will rise even higher. That’s even better.

Keep in mind that these follow-up, regular diet urine pH numbers apply only if you scored pH 5.5 or 5.8 on the acid challenge test.

Urine pH 6.0 – 6.6

Urine pH challenge test results of 6.0 to 6.6 tell a different story. It’s not “good,” but it’s not “horrible.” This is the “warning” stage. Although it would appear that your neutralizing reserves are better equipped at pH six-something rather than pH five-something, actually, the reverse is true. Your alkaline reserve is running low. However, you still have some alkalizing minerals available.

Very briefly, it works like this: The workhorse mineral of the alkaline reserve – sodium – can weaken strong acid enough to protect your delicate internal tissue. Your alkaline reserve can neutralize moderate amounts of acid from protein. It can’t handle tremendous amounts of acid from protein. But for two days, you filled your digestive system with excess protein. There was a lot of rather strong acid to neutralize – around pH 4.5. Consequently, if your urine pH is 6.0 or above after eating a lot of high-protein, something besides alkalizing minerals is working on the acid to bring the numbers up that high. Your alkaline reserve supply either isn’t adequate to do the job by itself, or it’s just overwhelmed by the volume of acid that needs to be neutralized. So backup systems begin to contribute to the neutralizing (buffering) to get the job done.

If you are in pH 6.0 – 6.6 category, in the past few months, you may have noticed more “signs of aging.” You may be stiff in the morning but loosen up as the day goes on. You may tire easily or be short tempered. Your joints and muscles may be painful, and you may be more “sickly” than you once were. These annoying symptoms are easily passed off as signs that you’re getting older. In reality, you are not only getting older; you are speeding the aging process by eating too much protein. Your alkaline reserves are so low that your body has called on backup systems to help neutralize too much strong dietary acid. It’s beginning to get tired no matter how old you are.
However, your health outlook can be improved rather easily. Reduce the amount of high-protein acid producing foods and increase the amount of cooked vegetables in your daily diet. Since you probably don’t regularly o.d. on vegetables and fruit, you should reintroduce them to your body gradually. With a morning urine in the pH 6.0 – 6.6 range, cooked vegetables do better than raw vegetables and raw fruit. That won’t always be the case. As your body becomes accustomed to handling more plant food, you’ll be able to eat raw vegetables and raw fruits without suffering “dietary distress” – that’s the politically correct term for “belly ache.”

Urine pH 6.8 – 8.0

A high urine pH seems to indicate a vast store of alkalizing minerals at work. However, that’s not the case when you’ve challenged your body with two days of protein overload. A urine pH score of 6.8 to 8.0 when the body is saturated with dietary acid is very significant. It indicates that your supply of available alkaline reserve is virtually zilch – gone, depleted, kaput. You may be sick frequently or chronically ill. You may be tired most of the time, have stiff joints, sore muscles, and burning on urination. This is the natural progression after the pH 6.0 – 6.6 stage if your regular diet consists mostly of acid ash foods.

A high urine pH following the acid challenge test of acid ash foods indicates that the important emergency neutralizing backup system of ammonia is the principle neutralizer. Instead of minerals neutralizing the acid from dietary protein, ammonia is doing the job.

Ammonia is produced naturally in the body through an assortment of chemical activities in almost all cells. Ammonia is also produced in the kidneys. Ammonia is a strong alkali that can give the urine a pH as high as 8.0 or more. A strong alkali (high pH numbers) can weaken a very strong acid (low pH numbers) such as sulfuric acid. And a strong alkali such as ammonia can overwhelm the kind of acid in your body that comes from acid ash (protein) foods.

The ammonia in your body is physiological ammonia. Physiological ammonia is made in your body and useful to your body. You don’t put ammonia – especially household ammonia – into your body to neutralize acid. Commercially produced household ammonia – the kind you keep under lock and key so little children can’t get to it and poison themselves – is strong, dangerous stuff. Your body produces physiological ammonia in specific quantities for specific uses.

Physiological ammonia produced by the kidneys helps neutralize excess acid. When the fluid in the kidneys contains too much protein due to long-term over-consumption of high protein foods, ammonia is produced as a by-product in eliminating the excess protein. The more protein in the kidney fluid, the more ammonia is produced and the higher the pH goes. When the body is overwhelmed with acid and protein, the kidneys have a lot of acid to handle. They must generate greater quantities of ammonia to handle the greater quantities of acid and protein.

But the kidneys are nearly the end point of your digestion-elimination process. By the time fluids get in the kidneys, they should have already been neutralized by your handy-dandy alkaline reserve.
Aha! You’ve found the key to unlock the mysteries of (1) why you can have an alkaline urine from a body that’s been saturated with acid ash food, and (2) why urine smells like ammonia. And the two go together.

Your urine pH can range from quite acid (pH 4.5) to slightly alkaline (pH 8.0+) immediately following the acid challenge. Low urine pH indicates some alkaline reserve minerals are still available. High urine pH is a warning that:

1. your alkaline reserve is shot and can’t neutralize the flood of acid sufficiently before it gets in the kidneys, or
2. your body is overwhelmed with large quantities of protein by-products, so ammonia is produced on the spot for last chance neutralization.

Ammonia goes out with your urine and therefore your urine pH numbers are high. And that’s why if you have an alkaline urine after eating a lot of high protein foods, you have burning on urination and/or your urine smells of ammonia. It is ammonia. And ammonia is your body’s last ditch effort to keep your innards from being stewed by excess dietary protein. Drinking cranberry juice will relieve the burning of urination. Cranberries are acid ash foods. In juice form, the acid of cranberries travels quickly through the digestive tract and “neutralizes” the strong alkali of ammonia. Most people think the odor of ammonia is “normal” for urine. Not so. Even in children, ammonia in the urine is crisis intervention. If your urine has an ammonia odor, you know your body is fighting excess protein. And it doesn’t even need to be animal protein -just too much protein.

The urine pH of strict vegetarians can be an ammonia 8.0 just as can the urine of avid meat-eaters. Many vegetarians are heavy into grains. Their diets revolve around grains. Grains in all forms and most grains are acid ash-producers. Most nuts are also acid ash producing. Nuts are also big favorites of most vegetarians. Your body doesn’t care whether it’s fighting too much dietary acid from meat or from grains and nuts. It still goes through the same survival tactics.
So, what to do if you “flunked” the urine pH challenge?

Start to improve your diet immediately. But don’t toss out all of your acid ash foods and switch cold turkey to nothing but vegetables. Your body will let you know in a hurry that it isn’t accustomed to handling a sudden surge of vegetables and fruits. Your body isn’t telling you it “can’t” handle a lot of fruits and vegetables. It certainly can. But you probably won’t like the short-term results. You see, your body has been working for a long time in its survival mode of constantly coping with excess protein. It’s programmed for protein survival. A quick, radical change in diet can magnify unpleasant symptoms you already have, and it can add a few that are new. The objective is to alkalize your body slowly but surely. Begin changing your diet immediately, but make diet changes slowly enough to let your body adapt easily. You may find it helpful to jump-start the alkalizing process with nutrition supplements.

Begin your diet change very gradually. Introduce some of the “more conservative” acid ash foods, such as brown rice, into your diet and add one serving of cooked vegetables to your daily menu for a week. After a week, you can add another serving of vegetables. Continue the add-a-vegetable-a-week routine for about six weeks. That may sound like a lot of vegetables, but you have three meals a day to work with. Stick with brown rice for a while, and ease the transition with alkalizing diet supplements.

Hold off doing another urine pH check for a week or two. Give your body a little time to adjust. If you test your urine too quickly after you have started your new eating for-health program; you may be disappointed that dramatic results don’t show up immediately. Even on an unproved diet, the changes in your urine pH won’t be as dramatic as you might like. In fact, the pattern of change will look as though things are going from bad to worse. When the out-of-alkaline-reserve bunch improve their diets, urine pH readings go down before they start coming up again. That’s because alkalizing minerals are being replenished. As more and more vegetables and fruits supply precious alkalizing minerals, urine pH goes down as in the pH 6.0 – 6.6 scenario after the pH challenge. The alkaline minerals are doing the neutralizing, not ammonia. Alkalizing minerals aren’t nearly as strong on the alkaline side as is ammonia. So a steady downward trend in urine pH is great in the short term as you travel the road to health.

Your readings should change gradually – one color change at a time. If you are truly committed to improving your diet as a major part of your pursuit of health, you will probably see a dramatic change from your original pH challenge numbers in a couple of months.

But, suppose you go through all of the alkalizing processes you can think of, but your urine pH doesn’t improve the way it should? You’ve changed your diet, cut down on acid ash foods, eaten mostly vegetables and fruit, and taken alkalizing supplements but your urine pH is locked in. Does that mean that it’s all a waste of time? Or does it mean that this urine pH business is all a bunch of nonsense?

“No” to both of the above. There’s more to pursuing health than just eating right. Other factors besides toxicity and diet enter into how your body functions. After you’ve “cleaned up” your diet, if you still don’t feel as well as you’d like, it’s time to take another type of pH test to see if emotional stress is leading to physical distress.


Just about everyone has the occasional “down time.” They just don’t “feel good” despite good eating habits. They do the vegetable bit, eat very little meat, but they just aren’t up to par. They are “kind of” stiff, tire easily, and get out of breath just walking up stairs. How come?

Emotional override!

Their bodies are responding to strong emotions, and these responses are overriding the benefits of their good diet. That’s where checking the pH of saliva comes in. Saliva pH indicates whether or not emotions are the overriding influence on physiology.

“But doesn’t that smack of `being crazy’ or `mental illness’?” you might ask.

Not at all.
We all have stress in our lives. It goes with the territory of living. If you’re alive, you’re stressed. But stress itself doesn’t cause health problems. The way you respond might. Some ways you react to stress are more damaging to your health than others. For most of us, the biggest health hazard of all is how we cling to past hurts and injustices we have suffered and survived. And, to make matters worse, we may not even realize we are clinging!

You see, your body responds to your feelings and emotions. The most striking example of these responses is when you are suddenly and severely frightened. Fright is emotional. Your response to fright is physical. And it’s fast. In extreme fright situations, the physical response is so apparent that others can tell by looking at you that you are frightened. Emotions and body are so closely intertwined that the phrase “scared to death” may not be an exaggeration.

Most of your physical responses to emotions aren’t as dramatic as those of “scared to death” fright. Your physical body responds to all of your mental activities and emotions. Worry, anxiety, hate, joy, elation, and all the rest. Emotions don’t have to be strong to cause a physical response. Any emotion affects your body. And when the same emotion is played over and over again for weeks, months, and years, your body continues to be affected the same way over and over. That’s exhausting. Both you and your body become exhausted. And you may not be aware that anything is amiss.

But our purpose here isn’t to give an in-depth study of how and why your emotions, feelings, thoughts, and memories affect your health. Our purpose here is to help you determine why you are feeling tired, achy, and generally “out of sorts” even though you are eating properly. That’s where saliva pH comes in.


Saliva pH tests can indicate if “emotional override” is keeping you from feeling your best. Saliva pH isn’t any more of a diagnostic tool than urine pH. Saliva pH is a tool for evaluating whether your body is responding to internal (mental and emotional) stimuli in ways that can lead to long-term health or long-term disease. Saliva pH tests can also provide clues to the condition of your alkaline reserve, but urine pH monitoring does a better job of that.

The pH of your saliva dances from low to high depending on what you’ve put into your mouth recently. The “normal” pH of saliva is considered to be around 6.8. However, it can go much lower and much higher than that. Chew on an orange, and your saliva pH can drop like a rock. Swish a solution of water and baking soda in your mouth (although I’m not sure why you would want to do that) and your saliva pH shoots up like a rocket. The point is that your saliva pH changes instantly to handle current conditions. And that’s what you are looking for when you check your saliva pH – change.

This is a two-stage check. A “before” and “after.” The “before” gives you the pH of your saliva when you haven’t eaten anything for a while. The “after” pH shows the response to a sudden, intense “threat” of acid. Your body responds to survive “threats” of all sorts. Acid is one of those “threats.” The objective is to find out if the acid “threat” is more intense than any current emotional “threat.” This is where emotional override comes in – emotional threats may override physical “threats” of a sudden “acid attack.” Emotions can affect the pH of your saliva. In fact, you can have residual emotional override from long forgotten, past emotional “threats” that can send your saliva pH as low as 5.5 or as high as 8.0.

The equipment you need for your saliva pH check includes: (1) pH paper, (2) saliva, (3) a stimulant, such as a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of lemon juice, and (4) a pencil and a piece of paper to record your initial results.

You begin your saliva pH check with your saliva being as close to your personal “normal” as it is likely to get when you are up, moving about, and contending with the rigors or pleasures of the day. In order to reach your daytime “saliva equilibrium”, you need a period of abstinence from food, drink, and other substances that you put into -your mouth. No chewing gum, no. cough drops, no peppermints, no breath spray, no cigarette smoke, no toothpaste, no mouthwash. Okay, it’s been two hours. You’re ready to go with the pH paper, lemon, pencil and paper.

Tear off an inch or two of pH paper. If you are reasonably healthy and have no allergies, work up some saliva and move it toward the tip of your tongue. Without touching the paper to your lips or tongue, wet the pH paper with the saliva and match the color of the wet paper with the color chart on the dispenser. Write down the pH number corresponding to the matching color.

Next, the stimulant. Put the lemon into your mouth. Just suck on the lemon until the flavor permeates your whole mouth. Dispose of the lemon. Swallow four times as you tear off another inch or two of pH paper, then repeat the paper-into-the-saliva routine. Compare the color and write down the corresponding pH number.

Before we get into what the numbers mean, let’s back up a bit. Recall that the testing instructions began with, “If you are reasonably healthy and have no allergies, work up some saliva and move it toward the tip of your tongue.” There is a reason for this “reasonably healthy and have no allergies” business. Some people are too sensitive to use the pH paper in the way just described. If you are one of these, instead of touching the paper to the saliva in your mouth, put some saliva into a clean plastic teaspoon. Have your pH paper torn off and ready so you can quickly test the pH. Test the saliva immediately. Exposure to air can change the pH of the saliva rather quickly. This is the procedure for both the “before” and “after” checks.

Now you have two pH numbers and three possibilities for change. (1) The first number may be higher than the second, (2) the first number may be lower than the second, and (3), the numbers may be the same – no change. The question is, “what does it all mean?”


Instead of using numbers to interpret the results of your saliva pH test, we’ll simplify matters and use colors instead. The color chart has three dominant colors – yellow, green, and blue. Since the colors blend into one another, to mark the change from one color to another, we’ll establish color groups at particular pH numbers. We’ll say that:

Yellow = pH 5.5 through 6.0
Green = pH 6.2 through 7.0
Blue = pH 7.2 through 8.0

Changes in saliva pH can indicate whether or not your physiology is being dominated by your emotions despite your superlative diet. Since only three possible change patterns are possible, we’ll look at what each pattern of color change indicates about your health.

Keep in mind that the color changes in the saliva test are different from color changes in urine tests. In the saliva test, you are looking at “before” and “after” changes within minutes of your body being stimulated with a quick dose of lemon juice acid. In the urine test, you look for “before” and “after” changes following days or weeks of improved diet. We’re talking here about changes in saliva pH for each “double-dip” saliva test. We don’t use the interpretations that follow to compare today’s test results with next week’s test results.

Numbers Go Up
If your pH numbers go up, this indicates that your body can respond easily to strong stimuli (acid of the lemon). No matter what color your first number was, if it changed to a higher color, that’s good. Of course, some goods are better than other goods. The best “good” is green changing to blue.

Green to Blue – Preferred response
Saliva pH that starts out green and moves up to blue is the preferred response. It’s a good indication that your emotions aren’t getting the best of your physiology. You handle stress well, and your alkaline reserve is adequate. Since this is the preferred response it has the shortest analysis. You are entitled to a tiny bit of smugness. Just keep up the healthy diet and attitudes and check your saliva pH occasionally to make sure you are entitled to stay smug.

Yellow to Green or Blue – Not the best “good”
A yellow reading that changes to either green or blue indicates two situations. First, your alkaline reserve is holding its own. You have enough alkalizing reserve for your saliva to be flooded with alkalizing minerals to neutralize the acid of the lemon. Second, anxiety, or similar emotion, is keeping your body “on guard” most of the time. If you are feeling less than top-notch you may be emotionally stressed and not even realize it. Very likely, you are anxious much of the time. Although improper diet isn’t your main problem, make sure you are kind to your body nutritionally by eating less meat and dairy products and more fruits and vegetables.

Numbers Go Down
The acid in the lemon is a sudden “threat” to your body. Your body must defend itself. The first line of defense against this threat is to neutralize the acid with alkaline saliva. This means that, if the acid is the greatest threat to survival your body is facing at the moment, your saliva pH numbers will go up because your saliva is quite alkaline. If they don’t go up (they go down, or stay the same) another threat, such as anxiety or other chronic stress, is dominating your physiology.
If your “after” lemon saliva pH numbers are lower than your “before” numbers, take this as a sign that your life and health could be better with a few changes.

Blue to Green, or Green to Yellow – Wrong Direction
Your pH results indicate that your body is moving toward exhaustion. That’s really not good. The problem isn’t too much dietary acid. You still have alkaline reserve minerals available; that was demonstrated by the Blue or Green “before” reading. However, your digestive system is running wide-open all the time. The problem is chronic stress. Probably worry. Low-level stress that goes on and on and on. A change in lifestyle attitudes is more important than a change in diet. However, replacing meats with brown rice, and adding more vegetables can’t hurt. Saliva pH responses that go down on the pH scale can serve as a warning that you could be headed for physical problems. They also indicate that you are not “doomed” to disease and despair. Both your diet and your attitudes are under your control. You can change either or both. Taking control of the way you look at life is as important as taking control of your diet. And when you take control of these two major areas of living, you take control of your health.

Numbers Don’t Change
Saliva pH “before” and “after” colors that are virtually the same are the strongest indication that emotional override is the key factor. It’s time to take action. Diet is essentially good but may need to be modified slightly. Emotional habits certainly need to be re-examined and modified.

Blue – Blue – Not Desirable
Blue results before and after the lemon indicate that diet isn’t a major problem. The alkaline reserve is still able to sit up and take nourishment. However, true-blues have a tendency to be worriers. Some vegetarians are world-class worriers. Among other things, they worry about the animals that are killed for meat-eaters to eat. Worriers have a problem with excess digestion – it goes on constantly, even when they haven’t eaten anything. However, these people usually do not have indigestion problems. The negative fallout from worry and anxiety overrides the positive benefits they get from their good diets. Classic emotional override. Consequently, their bodies are headed toward exhaustion.

The need for diet adjustments must be evaluated according to eating habits. Many vegetarians fall into the blue-blue category. Since they eat primarily veggies and fruit, they certainly don’t need to add more. But they need to include more rice cereals with their vegetables to help neutralize the effects of anxiety such as worry. A little more acid ash in their diets might tone down their pH. However, if worry is the cause of the abnormal saliva pH readings, diet alone will not improve them.
Diet is essentially a non-issue for non-vegetarians who register blue-blue. Their bodies are being stressed by their emotions. Acute anxiety is the major problem for all bluebluers.

Green – Green – Less Desirable than Blue – Blue
The steady-state green group is also combating emotional override. These are the “strong emotions” folks. Not only is anxiety a fixture, fear, anger, or rage are constant companions in one form or another. The end result is physical and physiological exhaustion.

Their saliva pH didn’t respond to a sharp jolt of acid from the lemon. Their pH is high enough to indicate that some minerals are still available from their alkaline reserve, but the reserve isn’t overflowing. They need to make a substantial change in their diet to reinforce their reserves. Less meat, more cooked vegetables, and some fruit are in order.

Their biggest challenge will be to change their long-standing negative attitudes to allow their bodies to rest occasionally. As it is, their bodies are working full-time to keep them ready day and night to fight or run. Green-green is not a good situation. Greengreeners make up much of the “physically and emotionally drained” set.

Yellow – Yellow – Serious Problems
Most people who are seriously ill are yellow-yellows. But not all people who are yellow-yellow are seriously ill. However, regardless of their present state of health, their diets and their attitudes need to be restructured immediately. Their alkaline reserve is either very low or, more likely; they are experiencing the effects of severe emotional override from persistent strong emotions such as hate, anger, or rage that they may not consciously think about.

Cooked vegetables need to be added to the daily diet of yellow-yellows. The vegetables must be cooked because yellow-yellow bodies aren’t ready to handle raw. Even fruit may be a bit too “strong” for their overworked systems. Changes in diet should be made gradually.

Yellow-yellows are essentially up-tight. These are the folks who need pills at night to go to sleep and coffee in the morning to get going. They may think they relax when they sleep. But they are as tired when they get up as they were when they went to bed. They may sleep, but their bodies never rest. Sorting out their emotional lives and their nutritional lives should be top priority in their daily lives if they intend to continue to have a life.
So there you have it. The rousing story of pH. Monitoring urine pH can help you to improve your menu selections. Improving your menu selections can help improve your health. But nutrition isn’t the whole ball game. Monitoring saliva pH can help you determine if emotional override is heavily involved in your overall picture of health. Yet there’s little point in monitoring either urine pH or saliva pH if you don’t act on the information. That’s the purpose behind pH monitoring and this guide – to give you information you can use in devising your own plan of action for improving your health.
Your body’s potential for health is built-in. The potential is there. Only you can cultivate or suppress it. You have seen how the types of foods you eat require your body to respond in particular ways. Every response your body makes is required for it to survive the conditions it faces at the time. Everything your body does is perfect for the circumstances. So you can’t blame “poor health,” or even “good health” for that matter, on your body. Your body doesn’t think and it doesn’t plan for the future. It works in the here and now. It works with the materials you give it. That’s the good news.

With the health perspective that everything your body is doing is absolutely correct for current conditions, you realize that you have more control over your health than you had thought. That’s cause for hope! You don’t need to wait for disease to strike before you “do something” about your health. You don’t need to depend on someone else, like your medical doctor, to “keep you well.” Health is your job, not your doctor’s. Your doctor does a great job when you are seriously ill, injure yourself, or when symptoms are making your life miserable or difficult. That’s what doctors do. Their job is to help relieve symptoms. And they do their jobs well.

Your doctor helps you in an emergency situation when you need help fast. So, handle the crisis. After it’s over, then devise your action plan for improving your health. Your doctor focuses on treating sick bodies and “fixing” parts that “misfire.” We need that expertise. However, your medical doctor probably won’t share your excitement over the concept of improving your health by improving your pH. That’s not his or her perspective.

Health is dynamic – ever changing. Promoting health is a way of life – not a onetime thing. When you realize that your body responds to everything you put into your mouth, eating takes on a whole new flavor. And when you realize that your body responds to your attitudes, you realize your thoughts and feelings are “things” that affect your health.

Monitoring your personal pH is a tool. It’s not a self-diagnostic device. Monitoring your urine pH and saliva pH can help you take charge of your health. In the final analysis, you, and only you, can lead your life in ways that promote health or in ways that prevent health. Health isn’t an accident.

This partial article has been extracted from Dr. Morter’s Dynamic Health Workbook. There is much more important information available in his book “Dynamic Health”. Please pay attention to his information regarding how emotions and stress affect your life. It is highly recommended you obtain his books. Dr. Morter offers a “Health Week” at his clinic in Rogers, Arkansas where those who suffer serious health challenges willing to take responsibility for their healing, learn how to restore their body to health.

An Apple A Day? – Is it enough today?
Health is the result of making more right decisions than wrong about eating, drinking, exercising, resting, breathing and thinking. This book will help you understand what the particular choices in your diet can mean to your body, and how you can modify your diet to produce a consistent body chemistry that can help keep you healthy for the rest of your life.

Dynamic Health
Prepare to take one of the most exciting health journeys of your life! This book is the result of three decades of study and clinical experience that reinforces the validity of the body-mind-energy connection that has skirted the fringes of healing for years, and that not only makes self-directed health possible, but achievable.

Exercise or Diet? Which will win the race to health?
Exercise or Diet is about more than exercise and being fit. It’s about whole-body health. This book deals with how your body responds to exercise. It is written to help you understand why you should pursue health first, then go after fitness. It relates the effects of diet and strenuous exercise on your internal environment and physiological responses. This book gives a perspective on health, exercise, and fitness that may be new to you.

pH – Your Potential for Health
This booklet helps you evaluate your potential for health by teaching you to monitor your saliva and urine pH. It is offered as a view of the relationship between food and health. Use with pH paper.

The Healing Field
This book helps you understand why some people go from doctor to doctor and still get the verdict, “We can’t find anything wrong!” Dr. Morter shows that the body is greater than the sum of its parts – much greater . . . the body is the only source of its own health. All externally administered treatments for disease and pain work on the symptoms

Correlative Urinalysis: The Body Knows Best
Research Text that defines the basics of the field

pH papers are available from:

Grau-Hall Scientific or 

Single rolls in dispenser with chart 5.5 – 8.0 # 3790067 for $6.50 US or
2 rolls in a dispenser with chart 5.5 – 8.0 # 3790167 for $9.40
A refill pack of 5 rolls 5.5 – 88.0 # 3794167 for $12.60


8524 Erinbrook Way
Sacramento CA 95826



Remember the information given here is not a medical diagnosis, treatment or cure. This guide is about evaluating your potential for health. It’s not about diagnosing or curing disease. It’s about monitoring signs of your body’s ability to handle your diet and lifestyle. Diagnosing and curing are reactive. Monitoring is proactive.

If you are not healthy, whether you have a serious illness that you have identified, or just have one or a number of symptoms that keep you from feeling good and doing all the things you want to do each day, you may have tried to seek out what exactly it is you have and when you got it. To most people, these are the most important questions to answer before going about treating the problem. Dr. Morter has a different philosophy. The important questions to answer are: Why you got what you have and how you got it?

As you have been learning, there are many factors that affect your health. The Six Essentials, and the choices that you make with them are instrumental in determining your health. These are simple principles to follow, but will still require plenty of practice. In fact, depending on your current state of health and mind, you may need more help than you can get from this kit or from visits to a trained doctor. You may need intensive care and treatment to get you back on the road to health.
Each month, Dr. Morter offers four days of just that, intensive care and treatment called HealthWeek. HealthWeek is held at a state-of-the-art health facility offering Chiropractic Physicians using the B.E.S.T. treatment method. Medical physicians and physical therapists will all be working for you to find the cause of your health problems and how to correct that cause.

Here are some comments from others like you who have attended this life-changing HealthWeek program:

” I thought I was doomed to have headaches for the rest of my life. The pressure has lifted from my head and I have no more headaches-it (Health Week) absolutely changed my life.” (Male, 73)
“My blood tests have improved everyday since Health Week, I knew I needed to turn my life around, and I had, after I left here, the power to do just that. – female 57

” While I have been here this week, I’ve been able to find the ’cause’ of the problem. My Saliva pH has turned so blue, it’s almost purple. I wish I had a psychotherapist like you instead of one that gave me a pill. It’s a great program.” (Male, 30)
“I have no more pain! This week was the best time I’ve had in my life. (Female, 48)

” We couldn’t find a thank you card big enough to express our heartfelt thanks for such a tremendous week. How can I ever say enough thanks to someone who was so instrumental in saving our son’s life. I wish you could see Burke now-with a bright smile and a new twinkle in his eyes. It’s really like coming back to life after 7 years of increasing pain and going down hilt He is so thrilled to be able to go for a walk and have his feet still feel good. He can write a letter without pain in his wrists. During Burke’s first night home, he had a hard time sleeping because he was excited about feeling so good Thanks to you, he now has a freshand positive attitude towards life and a bright future to look forward to! Thank you, Dr. Morter!” (Male, 26)

“My head hurt constantly for two years. It nearly drove me crazy. I can’t explain it, except I simply couldn’t function in life. Today, I have no more headaches, and my head and ears have cleared I couldn’t believe it! It had been four and a half years since I’ve felt this great!” (Male, 28)

“I believed death was coming and there was no way out … I had a lot of anger and many difficulties throughout my life. He (the doctor) took me out of an emotional state-total depression-and put me back on top. I am happy to say that a year and six months after I should have died, I never felt better. Even my thinking processes changed Once I had an understanding of what building your Alkaline reserve meant, I added another 40 – SO years to my life!” (Male, 39)

“I have been so crippled with arthritis-like symptoms before coming toHealth Week in September of 1995 that I have to stop and remind myself of the amazing gift I received Everyday, I give prayers of thanks for each morning when I go for my three mile walk!” (Male, 58)

We believe that you don’t have to be sick. You don’t have to develop diseases or live in pain anymore. You can fix the cause of your health problems, rather than settling for temporary relief from your symptoms. And, you can start on this road to health by attending his four-day, life-changing program where you will learn how lifestyle, nutrition, attitudes, emotions, and belief systems affect your overall health and contribute to illness.

Call for more information on Health Week today at 1-800-443-BEST (2378).

Alkalize or Die

In the 1930′s, Dr Howard Hay devised a diet plan popularly known as “food combining”, which has helped millions of people towards better health. He recommended eating alkaline forming foods, avoiding refined and heavily processed foods, fruit on its own, and not to eat protein rich and carbohydrate rich foods together. These factors are still valid today.

One of Dr. Hay’s greatest observations was that people with more acidic blood were more likely to be ill. He defined a pH range of 7.4 to 7.5 to be associated with good health. When foods are metabolized, acids are produced which are neutralized by the alkaline salts (carbonates) of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Foods containing chlorine, phosphorous, sulfur and nitrogen, animal products and refined carbohydrates tend to be acid forming. Strenuous exercise has a great effect in that it creates more acid in the body. So athletes be advised, carbo-loading with pasta and other refined carbohydrates is also acid forming. Your performance and health can be adversely affected by not keeping your body alkaline!

In her book “The Wright Diet”, Celia Wright describes the over-acid person as being grouchy, sensitive, exhausted, inclined to aches and pains, headaches, and problems with sleeping and acidity of the stomach. Smokers have been found to have a high acid content in their urine. Cravings appear to be reduced on a more alkaline diet.

Acidic Salts

Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi, Director of the Water Institute, Tokyo, says that bad diets such as meat and potatoes, fried foods, soft drink colas, and sugars build up acid salts in the body. Often these deposits, by having to be stored away from the blood flow, can remain in the body for decades. He recommends the consumption of Ionized alkaline water, which will slowly and gently wash these salts away.

The accumulation of non-disposed acidic wastes within our body is a main contributor to the aging process. As most of the foods we eat are acidic forming, the waste products are acidic, and can only be removed by alkaline solvents. If the body is struggling to obtain sufficient alkaline from the diet to make the bloodstream a constant pH of 7.4, it has to resort to other methods. It can take calcium from the bones (osteoporosis) or it can store it in the tissues as solid acid waste so removing it from the bloodstream. Over a period of many years with the same dietary habits, this can amount to a very large amount of toxic acid waste, waiting for diseases to take place. It is probably no coincidence that cancer cells are acidic.

Dr. T. Baroody Ph.D.. states that it is absolutely imperative to keep the body more alkaline so the body can heal itself. We should be eating 80 percent alkaline forming foods and 20 percent acid forming foods. Unfortunately the average western diet is skewed the other way around, which after a period is a recipe for disaster.

Examples of strongly acid forming foods and those of strongly alkaline forming foods

Colas (1.0)
Soft drinks artificially sweetened (1.0)
Sugar (1.0)
Liquor (1.0 – 2.0)
Coffee (1.5)
Salt Refined (1.5)
Wheat refined (1.5)
White rice (1.5)
Cereal corn (2.5)
Meat (2.5)
Fried potato chips (3.0)
Chicken and fish (3.0)
Prescribed drugs are normally highly acidic

Melons (7.0)
Asparagus (6.5)
Pineapple (6.5)
Fresh fruit juices (6.5)
Avocados (6.0)
Citrus fruits (6.0)
Most vegetables (5.0 – 6.0)
Potatoes with skin (5.5)
Almonds (5.0)




The above pH figures are approximate and are measured by testing the residue after combustion or in other words digestion. For example, cola maybe (2.5) before digestion, but (1.0) after digestion. What must be remembered is that each unit change of pH is to the power of ten. In other words, a decrease of pH from seven to six is an increase of acidity of ten times! From seven to five is an increase of acidity of 100 times!

With modern foods, it really is not easy to obtain an alkaline diet, in fact if one followed correct practice; one would be labeled a fanatic or even a nerd! Dr Theodore Baroody ND, PhD, who is a foremost authority on acidity of the body, has written a five star book called “Alkalize or Die,” which is a must read for those concerned with health and longevity. The newest concept in drinking water today is alkaline water. The one Dr. Baroody has tested and feels exited about is:

“In my opinion, distilled water and alkaline restructured water are the safest forms of water at this time of our earth’s toxic exploitation. It is not advisable to drink city tap water. It is nauseating to see what is precipitated out of an apparently clear glass of tap water. The chlorine in it breaks down to form chloroform. The fluoride is a waste product. The aluminum, used to make the water sparkle, has been linked by responsible researchers to many illnesses, including Alzheimer’s disease. “

“Electronically restructured water is produced through a special unit right at your own sink. This method yields alkaline drinking water and has another facet that I find particularly interesting — it lowers the millivoltage of the water. This means that the water molecule is re-figured into a lighter, simpler form that is definitely more absorbable in the body. So not only are you getting a more alkaline product, but also there is a hertz frequency charge that is beneficial. The acid run-off water can be used to water your plants or as a disinfectant on the skin. There are companies that produce units that treat the entire house water supply as well. “

“I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for about every health situation imaginable. I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone.”

“After years of very positive continuous clinical experiment that I am conducting with hundreds of clients using electronically restructured alkaline water, it is my opinion that this technology will change the way in which all health providers and the public will approach their health in the coming years.

“Restructured alkaline water alkalizes by displacing acids and replacing alkalines. The other health benefit of restructured water is the imparted frequencies that are not in distilled water. These frequencies assist in acid displacement toward the elimination channels.

“My suggestion is to drink restructured alkaline water whenever possible.”


The Japanese and Koreans, arguably, are way ahead of most western doctors on neutralization and washing out acid wastes from the body with their alkaline water treatment. Advanced technology has made it possible for households to have their own Ionizers, which can produce water with a pH of over 9! More than 100 times more alkaline than tap water! Oriental doctors have had wonderful results and use alkaline water successfully for many ailments including reverse aging.

Scientist Sang Whang explains everything in his book “Reverse Aging”, (another must read) including why the west is slow on this technology in that very little Japanese research is translated into English, where in contrast much western research is translated into Japanese. Water Ionizers are only manufactured in Japan and Korea. He explains:

“Here is the simple process of aging. Every living cell within our body creates waste products. The nutrients from our food are delivered to each cell and they burn with oxygen to provide energy for us to live. The burned nutrients are the waste products. The food that is either good or bad for you is determined by the amount and quality of the wastes produced: toxic, acid, alkaline, etc. Most of our cells go through metabolism and old dead cells become waste products. “

“These waste products must be discharged from our body. In fact, our body tries its best to dispose of them through urine and perspiration. Virtually all waste products are acidic; that is why urine is acidic and skin surface is also acidic. The problem is that, due to several reasons, our body cannot get rid of 100% of the waste products it produces. “

“The main reason for this is our lifestyle. We stay up late and get up early. We do not take time to rest; some of us work more than one job. We, therefore, spend more time producing waste products than processing them. “

“The second reason is food. Most of the food we like is mainly acidic. Acidic food does not necessarily mean that it tastes acidic, but that the wastes produced are acidic. Grains and meats are mainly acidic; fruits and vegetables are alkaline. Citric fruits may taste acidic but they are considered to be alkaline because they contain alkaline minerals. “

“The third reason is our environment. More healthy cells are killed by pollutants in the air, water and soil than the natural deaths of cells caused by normal metabolism. Thus, more wastes products are created. “

“The question is: “What happens to those non-disposed acidic waste products?” The answer is simple. These waste products become solid wastes, such as, cholesterol, fatty acid, uric acid, kidney stones, urates, phosphates, sulfate etc., and unknown to us they accumulate and build up somewhere within our body. This accumulation of non-disposed acidic wastes within the our body is the aging process. “

“Alkaline neutralizes acid. Drinking alkaline water helps our body dissolve acid wastes and makes it easier for the body to dispose of them safely since the accumulation of acid wastes is aging, the reduction of acid wastes is reverse aging. Alkaline water is not a medicine to cure any disease. However if consumed regularly, alkaline water gradually reduces the accumulated acid wastes. As a result of acid reduction, there are many reports of natural health improvement in Japan.”

Ionization is simple and natural. The objective of a household Ionizer is to duplicate the tumbling waters of mountain streams and waterfalls. This generates an electrical charge similar to electrolysis, which generates negative ions, which in turn creates alkaline water. People drinking mountain alkaline water are known to have less disease and greater longevity. Negative ions allow inorganic minerals to be easily absorbed by the body. At the same time, quality Ionizers have an efficient, activated charcoal filter, which removes chlorine, bacteria, heavy metals and other pollutants from tap water, whilst retaining and concentrating beneficial minerals.

A daily intake of eight glasses of alkaline water helps your body combat free radicals and to neutralize and wash out acid wastes.


In an emergency, the human body can manage to survive without food for well over one month, but without water we can only survive for a few days. Water is the essence of life. Over seventy percent of the human body is made up of water. That is over sixty liters in the average male! It therefore makes very good sense to drink water of the very highest quality. Trillions of cells in the body require clean water to function and to get rid of waste. Every cell in the body makes waste products, which are normally acidic and have to be removed. The easier it is for the water to enter the cells the easier it is for the cells to receive nutrients and get rid of waste. Cells do not accept any old water. The better the water the better the health of the cells.

At least eight glasses of water a day should be consumed and are we not talking about tea, coffee, sodas, colas and alcoholic drinks, which are highly acidic and all strong diuretics. Freshly made fruit and vegetable juices are excellent but there is a limit to how much one can drink.

Municipal water is the best of a bad job. Increasing pollutants, toxic metals such as lead and mercury, pesticides, industrial solvents, arsenic, nitrate and estrogen mimics (endocrine disrupters) are entering water supplies. Hundreds of toxins are now being detected in drinking water and many a municipality have only the means of testing for only twelve….

Recently, on the television program Carte Blanche, Professor Riana Bornman said that she thinks what is important is to get the message through to industry, and get them to reduce the concentration [pollution] in production they are producing, and to limit the effluent they put into our drinking water. Gauteng’s drinking water is questionable.

Many water authorities are complacent when they reassure everyone that the water we drink is great, whereas often it is nothing of the sort.

Chlorine, added to kill bacteria is carcinogenic and is another toxin that the body has to contend with. The real problem is that you never know how good or bad your tap water really is. Even with an expert analysis today, tomorrow can be different. A good filter to eliminate chlorine, bacteria, and other toxins, especially if we are drinking eight glasses a day, is an absolute must.

In some areas, well-meaning municipalities add fluoride to prevent tooth decay. There is now much evidence that it does not at all, but more later. Fluoride is an accumulative toxin that can build up in the body. Unfortunately, except for an expensive activated alumina filter, no other design of filter can remove fluoride in any meaningful way. Only distillation removes fluorides completely, reverse osmosis to low levels and Ionization by about half. Drinking carbonated water is no solution, as the carbon is unattached, binds with valuable minerals and removes them from the body. People who drink plenty of sodas often have less dense bones.

The dangers of chlorine

If you are not convinced about the dangers of chlorine in your tap water, go to an extract from Dr. Z Rona.

Your body’s many cries for water

Dr. Batmanghelidj has written a remarkable book called “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” in which he describes many cures for many illnesses by drinking at least eight glasses (250ml each) of water per day. He advocates for every quart (liter) of water one should take a quarter teaspoon of sea salt. Just like many nutritionist who believe that most people are walking around with a mild form of scurvy through lack of vitamin C, Dr. Batmanghelidj really believes that most people are suffering from dehydration or a deficiency of water. If the sensation of “dry mouth” is not present, it does not indicate that the body has sufficient water, and when “dry mouth” is present it is far too late.

Pains such as headaches, asthma, peptic pain, hypertension, angina, joint pains and many others, could well be one of one your body’s many cries for water. The body has a rationing system with the brain having priority. If the brain begins to be short of water, water is taken from another part of the body to the detriment of that part, which eventually will malfunction and cause disease. This makes sense as the only way cells can rejuvenate themselves and get rid of waste is through ample water, and very few people drink eight glasses of water per day. It’s hard to believe we can be foolish enough to put our health on the line over a few glasses of water.

The medical establishment is ignoring Dr. Batmanghelidj in spite of the mountain of evidence he has put forward in many well-theorised papers. In many cases doctors are treating dehydration with diuretic drugs. Oh well, there’s no money in water! Anyway, after selling more than 400,000 books, Dr. Batman is receiving such an avalanche of thanks and testimonies (including doctors) that he must be helping many people, and their wallets. So keep your water levels topped up!

Take a look at what the doctors are saying!

Endorsement from Dr. Theodore A. Baroody on Ionized Water

  • It is definitely a health benefit to anyone who would use it. I predict that the use of electronically restructured alkaline [ionized] water will change healthcare on a worldwide basis….
  • Through a very detailed system of testing and analysis covering 170 areas, called Bio kinetics, I have seen the following areas strengthened and stabilized on my clients by restructured [ionized] water….
  • Urethra
  • Kidney Gravel
  • Lymph Vessels
  • Alkaline/Acid Imbalances
  • Kidney
  • Colon
  • Stomach
  • Pancreas


Director International Water Council

  • Cancer tumors cannot live in alkaline water. All cancer patients should be on alkaline water, and you and I should be drinking alkalized water so our bodies won’t provide an environment for cancer tumors to live.
  • Alkaline water is fantastic for insomnia and colic.
  • The brain is 90% water and when it can’t maintain that percentage it will pull water from all other parts of the body.
  • Salt, caffeine, nicotine, valium, alcohol and sugar put your body out of balance. If we don’t keep our blood pH at 7.3 or above, death will occur. In fact, death will occur if the blood pH goes below 7.
  • The hydrogen ion is positively charged….[An ionizer]…changes the hydrogen ion into a negative charge. The liver loves negative hydrogen ions. That is why kidney and liver problems can be helped with alkaline ionized water.
  • Urine that has a strong odor indicates an unhealthy body. If the body is balanced there is no ammonia and protein in the urine. An over acid body causes kidney stones and gall stones.
  • Cysts are the beginning of tumors, which lead to cancer because minerals are deficient from that part of the body. Cancer is a long period of mineral deficiency caused by an over acid condition of the body.
  • The kidney, heart, lungs, brain, intestines, mucous and skin are [electrolytic] membranes and need electrolyzed water.
  • Ionized water is great for Attention Deficit Disorder as this condition is [caused by] too much rhodium and iridium in the brain. Ionized water calms these types of children.
    Alkaline ionized water allows greater penetration than any other water and thus wrinkles reduce because the skin is getting the water in needs.
  • When alkaline ionized water was used with Alzheimer’s patients, just by drinking a gallon a day, their senility problem subsided.
  • Alkaline ionized water is the frequency of the pineal gland and thus affects all other glands below the pineal gland. That is why the water can lower blood pressure and blood sugar, shrink an enlarged prostrate, stimulate sex drive, improve vision, improve MS and Parkinson’s Disease, just to name a few.
  • Reverse osmosis water units remove too many minerals from the water that our body needs and is too acid for the body to help the over acid condition.
  • Distilled water is neutral, dead water, and has no minerals or charge.
  • Alkaline ionized water electrolysis converts the inorganic minerals present in the water to organic minerals, just like plant juice.
  • Alkaline ionized water ties up free radicals from attacking healthy cells.
  • Also we are aging too fast because we are acidic and dehydrated!
  • Alkaline ionized water is the most powerful liquid antioxidant that can rebuild the immune system and is revolutionizing the health industry. Most of our health problems today are caused by an over-acid condition of the body.
  • Read the book, ALKALIZE OR DIE, by Dr. Baroody. He endorses ionized water as one of the best and quickest way to get the body alkaline.


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Want to stay healthy and look younger?

Alternative Medicine Digest Issue #9
Article Title: Rejuvenation Keys SPECIAL FOCUS ON REJUVENATION

Ever since the 1960s, Japanese scientists have been redefining what good water means. Today, if you ask any of an estimated 300,000 Japanese how they spell good water, they’ll tell you it’s Ionized Water because they use it in/ their homes every day. Ionized Water is a new technology for filtering and enhancing the quality of water by making the size of water molecules smaller. It’s already a $700 million a year industry in Japan and it is now being introduced to the U.S. under the “Ange” label with an impressive roster of health claims.

Here’s how it works. The Ionized Water unit, hooked up to a faucet, uses a carbon-activated filter to remove impurities from the water (including chlorine, fluoride, and trihalomethanines). Then it injects a small electrical charge into the water that separates the water into two kinds. Flowing out of one tube there is an acidic water (with positive ions) useful for topical, external uses; out of another tube comes alkaline water (with negative ions) perfect for drinking. The unit makes this separation at the rate of one gallon per minute.

The applications of the acidic portion of Ionized Water are numerous and quite surprising. According to the research and based on early reports from African and South American users, acidic Ionized Water acts as a “super-oxidant” to disinfect and sterilize surfaces, skin, wounds, even surgical instruments. It can kill bacteria and viruses; it can promote the healing of acne, eczema, wounds, sore throats, and blisters and it can improve skin quality. When used on foods, it can retard spoilage or act as a bacterial cleanser for meats; it can be used by dentists to sterilize the mouth during dental procedures. You can even use it as a mouthwash when you brush your teeth.

Regarding the alkaline Ionized Water, here the smaller size of the water molecules shows its advantage. According to Hidemistu Hayashi, M.D., one of Japan’s foremost Ionized Water researchers, alkaline Ionized Water can act as a powerful antioxidant in the body, destroying harmful free radicals, just as do vitamins A, C, and E, which are also antioxidants.

Although the reports are still, strictly speaking, anecdotal, Dr. Hayashi reports that he and his colleagues have seen improvements in diabetes, constipation, ulcers, blood pressure, allergies, circulation, migraines, obesity, osteoporosis, and menstrual irregularities after drinking Ionized Water every day for several months. The use of Ionized Water as a preventive medicine technology is reportedly expanding in Japanese clinics and hospitals.

Once Ionized Water gets absorbed by the body’s cells, says Dr. Hayashi, it helps to dissolve acidic wastes that have accumulated there over many years and reduces the chronic dehydration common in many people. In effect, thanks to the smaller molecular size, more water is absorbed by the body and more water actually penetrates all the cells and tissues. When the body has more water to work with (and, in this case, a more refined form of it), it is able to better deliver nutrients to all the cells, tissues, and organs.

The water tastes unusually smooth and soft, and due to its high concentration of negative ions (typical of pure mountain springs), it can be refreshing. “We are advancing the theory that the most effective and economical source for an antioxidant is ordinary tap water after it is filtered and treated with a Ionized Water unit,” says Dr. Hayashi. If Ionized Water’s claims are true, one key to rejuvenation may be as simple as drinking a few glasses of good water every day.

Test for Sufficient HCL (Hydrochloric Acid)

There are some simple tests that may help determine if you or your child lack HCl. There is a hydrochloric acid reflex present on the bottom of the lowest rib approximately one inch lateral to the midline. If this area on the rib is tender to palpation there is a strong likelihood the person is deficient in hydrochloric acid, and would benefit from supplementation. Additionally:

    1. Drink four ounces of beet juice on an empty stomach. If this turns the next urine red, suspect low HCl for there isn’t enough acid to break down the red pigment but, you could be iron deficient.


    1. Check the pH of the urine drink four ounces of grapefruit juice, or a lemon orange juice mixture, on an empty stomach. Test the pH of the urine one hour later. If it is significantly more acid (lower pH number), suspect low HCl. The citric acid should have been broken down.


    1. If you have heartburn or a too acid feeling, swallow a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. If it makes the symptoms worse you have more than enough hydrochloric acid. If the symptoms are relieved, you need HCl.


    1. If it appears that you may need additional HCl, obtain a bottle of 10-grain HCl (with pepsin) in capsule form from the health food store; “Adults…take five…of such a product with a meal. If you do not suffer the usual burps and belches, you have proven in one hour that you have need for digestive support. If five…solve your problem, then try four the next meal, then three…you will finally have a recurrence of the old symptoms. Slowly increase the dosage each meal to find the dosage needed to prevent symptoms. Continue that dosage indefinitely.” Indigestion by Doctor Kurt W. Donsbach.


You may need more than five, usually ten is enough for an adult; however, if your symptoms worsen, you are overproducing HCl. To aid in restoring vibrant health, strength, and normal weight, utilize that number of capsules of HCl with each meal. Be sure to take the HCl after the meal, so as to allow starch digestion to proceed for the first 45 minutes, and so as not to discourage the stomach from supplying all the HCl that it can. The Betaine can be discontinued once the reflex point is non-tender to deep palpation, or the other tests show no further need.

Refined Sugar: The Sweetest Poison of All

A multitude of common physical and mental ailments are strongly linked to the consuming of ‘pure’, refined sugar.

Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 7, Number 1 (December 1999 – January 2000).
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381
From the Nexus web page at:
by William Dufty © 1975
Extracted/edited from his book Sugar Blues
First published by Chilton Book Co. Padnor, PA, USA
Currently published by Warner Books, USA.


In 1957, Dr William Coda Martin tried to answer the question: When is a food a food and when is it a poison? His working definition of “poison” was: “Medically: Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. Physically: Any substance which inhibits the activity of a catalyst which is a minor substance, chemical or enzyme that activates a reaction.”1 The dictionary gives an even broader definition for “poison”: “to exert a harmful influence on, or to pervert”.

Dr Martin classified refined sugar as a poison because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals. “What is left consists of pure, refined carbohydrates. The body cannot utilize this refined starch and carbohydrate unless the depleted proteins, vitamins and minerals are present. Nature supplies these elements in each plant in quantities sufficient to metabolize the carbohydrate in that particular plant. There is no excess for other added carbohydrates. Incomplete carbohydrate metabolism results in the formation of ‘toxic metabolite’ such as pyruvic acid and abnormal sugars containing five carbon atoms. Pyruvic acid accumulates in the brain and nervous system and the abnormal sugars in the red blood cells. These toxic metabolites interfere with the respiration of the cells. They cannot get sufficient oxygen to survive and function normally. In time, some of the cells die. This interferes with the function of a part of the body and is the beginning of degenerative disease.”2

Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans because it provides only that which nutritionists describe as “empty” or “naked” calories. It lacks the natural minerals which are present in the sugar beet or cane. In addition, sugar is worse than nothing because it drains and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the demand its digestion, detoxification and elimination make upon one’s entire system.

So essential is balance to our bodies that we have many ways to provide against the sudden shock of a heavy intake of sugar. Minerals such as sodium (from salt), potassium and magnesium (from vegetables), and calcium (from the bones) are mobilised and used in chemical transmutation; neutral acids are produced which attempt to return the acid-alkaline balance factor of the blood to a more normal state.

Sugar taken every day produces a continuously overacid condition, and more and more minerals are required from deep in the body in the attempt to rectify the imbalance. Finally, in order to protect the blood, so much calcium is taken from the bones and teeth that decay and general weakening begin.

Excess sugar eventually affects every organ in the body. Initially, it is stored in the liver in the form of glucose (glycogen). Since the liver’s capacity is limited, a daily intake of refined sugar (above the required amount of natural sugar) soon makes the liver expand like a balloon. When the liver is filled to its maximum capacity, the excess glycogen is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids. These are taken to every part of the body and stored in the most inactive areas: the belly, the buttocks, the breasts and the thighs.

When these comparatively harmless places are completely filled, fatty acids are then distributed among active organs, such as the heart and kidneys. These begin to slow down; finally their tissues degenerate and turn to fat. The whole body is affected by their reduced ability, and abnormal blood pressure is created. The parasympathetic nervous system is affected; and organs governed by it, such as the small brain, become inactive or paralysed. (Normal brain function is rarely thought of as being as biologic as digestion.) The circulatory and lymphatic systems are invaded, and the quality of the red corpuscles starts to change. An overabundance of white cells occurs, and the creation of tissue becomes slower. Our body’s tolerance and immunising power becomes more limited, so we cannot respond properly to extreme attacks, whether they be cold, heat, mosquitoes or microbes.

Excessive sugar has a strong mal-effect on the functioning of the brain. The key to orderly brain function is glutamic acid, a vital compound found in many vegetables. The B vitamins play a major role in dividing glutamic acid into antagonistic-complementary compounds which produce a “proceed” or “control” response in the brain. B vitamins are also manufactured by symbiotic bacteria which live in our intestines. When refined sugar is taken daily, these bacteria wither and die, and our stock of B vitamins gets very low. Too much sugar makes one sleepy; our ability to calculate and remember is lost.



Shipwrecked sailors who ate and drank nothing but sugar and rum for nine days surely went through some of this trauma; the tales they had to tell created a big public relations problem for the sugar pushers.

This incident occurred when a vessel carrying a cargo of sugar was shipwrecked in 1793. The five surviving sailors were finally rescued after being marooned for nine days. They were in a wasted condition due to starvation, having consumed nothing but sugar and rum.

The eminent French physiologist F. Magendie was inspired by that incident to conduct a series of experiments with animals, the results of which he published in 1816. In the experiments, he fed dogs a diet of sugar or olive oil and water. All the dogs wasted and died.3

The shipwrecked sailors and the French physiologist’s experimental dogs proved the same point. As a steady diet, sugar is worse than nothing. Plain water can keep you alive for quite some time. Sugar and water can kill you. Humans [and animals] are “unable to subsist on a diet of sugar”.4

The dead dogs in Professor Magendie’s laboratory alerted the sugar industry to the hazards of free scientific inquiry. From that day to this, the sugar industry has invested millions of dollars in behind-the-scenes, subsidised science. The best scientific names that money could buy have been hired, in the hope that they could one day come up with something at least pseudoscientific in the way of glad tidings about sugar.

It has been proved, however, that (1) sugar is a major factor in dental decay; (2) sugar in a person’s diet does cause overweight; (3) removal of sugar from diets has cured symptoms of crippling, worldwide diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart illnesses.

Sir Frederick Banting, the codiscoverer of insulin, noticed in 1929 in Panama that, among sugar plantation owners who ate large amounts of their refined stuff, diabetes was common. Among native cane-cutters, who only got to chew the raw cane, he saw no diabetes.

However, the story of the public relations attempts on the part of the sugar manufacturers began in Britain in 1808 when the Committee of West India reported to the House of Commons that a prize of twenty-five guineas had been offered to anyone who could come up with the most “satisfactory” experiments to prove that unrefined sugar was good for feeding and fattening oxen, cows, hogs and sheep.5 Food for animals is often seasonal, always expensive. Sugar, by then, was dirt cheap. People weren’t eating it fast enough.

Naturally, the attempt to feed livestock with sugar and molasses in England in 1808 was a disaster. When the Committee on West India made its fourth report to the House of Commons, one Member of Parliament, John Curwin, reported that he had tried to feed sugar and molasses to calves without success. He suggested that perhaps someone should try again by sneaking sugar and molasses into skimmed milk. Had anything come of that, you can be sure the West Indian sugar merchants would have spread the news around the world. After this singular lack of success in pushing sugar in cow pastures, the West Indian sugar merchants gave up.

With undaunted zeal for increasing the market demand for the most important agricultural product of the West Indies, the Committee of West India was reduced to a tactic that has served the sugar pushers for almost 200 years: irrelevant and transparently silly testimonials from faraway, inaccessible people with some kind of “scientific” credentials. One early commentator called them “hired consciences”.

The House of Commons committee was so hard-up for local cheerleaders on the sugar question, it was reduced to quoting a doctor from faraway Philadelphia, a leader of the recent American colonial rebellion: “The great Dr Rush of Philadelphia is reported to have said that ‘sugar contains more nutrients in the same bulk than any other known substance’.” (Emphasis added.) At the same time, the same Dr Rush was preaching that masturbation was the cause of insanity! If a weasel-worded statement like that was quoted, one can be sure no animal doctor could be found in Britain who would recommend sugar for the care and feeding of cows, pigs or sheep.

While preparing his epochal volume, A History of Nutrition, published in 1957, Professor E. V. McCollum (Johns Hopkins University), sometimes called America’s foremost nutritionist and certainly a pioneer in the field, reviewed approximately 200,000 published scientific papers, recording experiments with food, their properties, their utilisation and their effects on animals and men. The material covered the period from the mid-18th century to 1940. From this great repository of scientific inquiry, McCollum selected those experiments which he regarded as significant “to relate the story of progress in discovering human error in this segment of science [of nutrition]“. Professor McCollum failed to record a single controlled scientific experiment with sugar between 1816 and 1940.

Unhappily, we must remind ourselves that scientists today, and always, accomplish little without a sponsor. The protocols of modern science have compounded the costs of scientific inquiry.

We have no right to be surprised when we read the introduction to McCollum’s A History of Nutrition and find that “The author and publishers are indebted to The Nutrition Foundation, Inc., for a grant provided to meet a portion of the cost of publication of this book”. What, you might ask, is The Nutrition Foundation, Inc.? The author and the publishers don’t tell you. It happens to be a front organisation for the leading sugar-pushing conglomerates in the food business, including the American Sugar Refining Company, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Curtis Candy Co., General Foods, General Mills, Nestlé Co., Pet Milk Co. and Sunshine Biscuits-about 45 such companies in all.

Perhaps the most significant thing about McCollum’s 1957 history was what he left out: a monumental earlier work described by an eminent Harvard professor as “one of those epochal pieces of research which makes every other investigator desirous of kicking himself because he never thought of doing the same thing”. In the 1930s, a research dentist from Cleveland, Ohio, Dr Weston A. Price, travelled all over the world-from the lands of the Eskimos to the South Sea Islands, from Africa to New Zealand. His Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects,6 which is illustrated with hundreds of photographs, was first published in 1939.

Dr Price took the whole world as his laboratory. His devastating conclusion, recorded in horrifying detail in area after area, was simple. People who live under so-called backward primitive conditions had excellent teeth and wonderful general health. They ate natural, unrefined food from their own locale. As soon as refined, sugared foods were imported as a result of contact with “civilisation”, physical degeneration began in a way that was definitely observable within a single generation.

Any credibility the sugar pushers have is based on our ignorance of works like that of Dr Price. Sugar manufacturers keep trying, hoping and contributing generous research grants to colleges and universities; but the research laboratories never come up with anything solid the manufacturers can use. Invariably, the research results are bad news.

“Let us go to the ignorant savage, consider his way of eating and be wise,” Harvard professor Ernest Hooten said in Apes, Men, and Morons.7 “Let us cease pretending that toothbrushes and toothpaste are any more important than shoe brushes and shoe polish. It is store food that has given us store teeth.”

When the researchers bite the hands that feed them, and the news gets out, it’s embarrassing all around. In 1958, Time magazine reported that a Harvard biochemist and his assistants had worked with myriads of mice for more than ten years, bankrolled by the Sugar Research Foundation, Inc. to the tune of $57,000, to find out how sugar causes dental cavities and how to prevent this. It took them ten years to discover that there was no way to prevent sugar causing dental decay. When the researchers reported their findings in the Dental Association Journal, their source of money dried up. The Sugar Research Foundation withdrew its support.

The more that the scientists disappointed them, the more the sugar pushers had to rely on the ad men.



When calories became the big thing in the 1920s, and everybody was learning to count them, the sugar pushers turned up with a new pitch. They boasted there were 2,500 calories in a pound of sugar. A little over a quarter-pound of sugar would produce 20 per cent of the total daily quota.

“If you could buy all your food energy as cheaply as you buy calories in sugar,” they told us, “your board bill for the year would be very low. If sugar were seven cents a pound, it would cost less than $35 for a whole year.”

A very inexpensive way to kill yourself.

“Of course, we don’t live on any such unbalanced diet,” they admitted later. “But that figure serves to point out how inexpensive sugar is as an energy-building food. What was once a luxury only a privileged few could enjoy is now a food for the poorest of people.”

Later, the sugar pushers advertised that sugar was chemically pure, topping Ivory soap in that department, being 99.9 per cent pure against Ivory’s vaunted 99.44 per cent. “No food of our everyday diet is purer,” we were assured.

What was meant by purity, besides the unarguable fact that all vitamins, minerals, salts, fibres and proteins had been removed in the refining process? Well, the sugar pushers came up with a new slant on purity.

“You don’t have to sort it like beans, wash it like rice. Every grain is like every other. No waste attends its use. No useless bones like in meat, no grounds like coffee.”

“Pure” is a favourite adjective of the sugar pushers because it means one thing to the chemists and another thing to the ordinary mortals. When honey is labelled pure, this means that it is in its natural state (stolen directly from the bees who made it), with no adulteration with sucrose to stretch it and no harmful chemical residues which may have been sprayed on the flowers. It does not mean that the honey is free from minerals like iodine, iron, calcium, phosphorus or multiple vitamins. So effective is the purification process which sugar cane and beets undergo in the refineries that sugar ends up as chemically pure as the morphine or the heroin a chemist has on the laboratory shelves. What nutritional virtue this abstract chemical purity represents, the sugar pushers never tell us.

Beginning with World War I, the sugar pushers coated their propaganda with a preparedness pitch. “Dietitians have known the high food value of sugar for a long time,” said an industry tract of the 1920s. “But it took World War I to bring this home. The energy-building power of sugar reaches the muscles in minutes and it was of value to soldiers as a ration given them just before an attack was launched.” The sugar pushers have been harping on the energy-building power of sucrose for years because it contains nothing else. Caloric energy and habit-forming taste: that’s what sucrose has, and nothing else.

All other foods contain energy plus. All foods contain some nutrients in the way of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins or minerals, or all of these. Sucrose contains caloric energy, period.

The “quick” energy claim the sugar pushers talk about, which drives reluctant doughboys over the top and drives children up the wall, is based on the fact that refined sucrose is not digested in the mouth or the stomach but passes directly to the lower intestines and thence to the bloodstream. The extra speed with which sucrose enters the bloodstream does more harm than good.

Much of the public confusion about refined sugar is compounded by language. Sugars are classified by chemists as “carbohydrates”. This manufactured word means “a substance containing carbon with oxygen and hydrogen”. If chemists want to use these hermetic terms in their laboratories when they talk to one another, fine. The use of the word “carbohydrate” outside the laboratory-especially in food labelling and advertising lingo-to describe both natural, complete cereal grains (which have been a principal food of mankind for thousands of years) and man-refined sugar (which is a manufactured drug and principal poison of mankind for only a few hundred years) is demonstrably wicked. This kind of confusion makes possible the flimflam practised by sugar pushers to confound anxious mothers into thinking kiddies need sugar to survive.

In 1973, the Sugar Information Foundation placed full-page advertisements in national magazines. Actually, the ads were disguised retractions they were forced to make in a strategic retreat after a lengthy tussle with the Federal Trade Commission over an earlier ad campaign claiming that a little shot of sugar before meals would “curb” your appetite. “You need carbohydrates. And it so happens that sugar is the best-tasting carbohydrate.” You might as well say everybody needs liquids every day. It so happens that many people find champagne is the best-tasting liquid. How long would the Women’s Christian Temperance Union let the liquor lobby get away with that one?

The use of the word “carbohydrate” to describe sugar is deliberately misleading. Since the improved labelling of nutritional properties was required on packages and cans, refined carbohydrates like sugar are lumped together with those carbohydrates which may or may not be refined. The several types of carbohydrates are added together for an overall carbohydrate total. Thus, the effect of the label is to hide the sugar content from the unwary buyer. Chemists add to the confusion by using the word “sugar” to describe an entire group of substances that are similar but not identical.

Glucose is a sugar found usually with other sugars, in fruits and vegetables. It is a key material in the metabolism of all plants and animals. Many of our principal foods are converted into glucose in our bodies. Glucose is always present in our bloodstream, and it is often called “blood sugar”.

Dextrose, also called “corn sugar”, is derived synthetically from starch. Fructose is fruit sugar. Maltose is malt sugar. Lactose is milk sugar. Sucrose is refined sugar made from sugar cane and sugar beet.

Glucose has always been an essential element in the human bloodstream. Sucrose addiction is something new in the history of the human animal. To use the word “sugar” to describe two substances which are far from being identical, which have different chemical structures and which affect the body in profoundly different ways compounds confusion.

It makes possible more flimflam from the sugar pushers who tell us how important sugar is as an essential component of the human body, how it is oxidised to produce energy, how it is metabolised to produce warmth, and so on. They’re talking about glucose, of course, which is manufactured in our bodies. However, one is led to believe that the manufacturers are talking about the sucrose which is made in their refineries. When the word “sugar” can mean the glucose in your blood as well as the sucrose in your Coca-Cola, it’s great for the sugar pushers but it’s rough on everybody else.

People have been bamboozled into thinking of their bodies the way they think of their cheque accounts. If they suspect they have low blood sugar, they are programmed to snack on vending machine candies and sodas in order to raise their blood sugar level. Actually, this is the worst thing to do. The level of glucose in their blood is apt to be low because they are addicted to sucrose. People who kick sucrose addiction and stay off sucrose find that the glucose level of their blood returns to normal and stays there.

Since the late 1960s, millions of Americans have returned to natural food. A new type of store, the natural food store, has encouraged many to become dropouts from the supermarket. Natural food can be instrumental in restoring health. Many people, therefore, have come to equate the word “natural” with “healthy”. So the sugar pushers have begun to pervert the word “natural” in order to mislead the public.

“Made from natural ingredients”, the television sugar-pushers tell us about product after product. The word “from” is not accented on television. It should be. Even refined sugar is made from natural ingredients. There is nothing new about that. The natural ingredients are cane and beets. But that four-letter word “from” hardly suggests that 90 per cent of the cane and beet have been removed. Heroin, too, could be advertised as being made from natural ingredients. The opium poppy is as natural as the sugar beet. It’s what man does with it that tells the story.

If you want to avoid sugar in the supermarket, there is only one sure way. Don’t buy anything unless it says on the label prominently, in plain English: “No sugar added”. Use of the word “carbohydrate” as a “scientific” word for sugar has become a standard defence strategy with sugar pushers and many of their medical apologists. It’s their security blanket.



Whether it’s sugared cereal or pastry and black coffee for breakfast, whether it’s hamburgers and Coca-Cola for lunch or the full “gourmet” dinner in the evening, chemically the average American diet is a formula that guarantees bubble, bubble, stomach trouble.

Unless you’ve taken too much insulin and, in a state of insulin shock, need sugar as an antidote, hardly anyone ever has cause to take sugar alone. Humans need sugar as much as they need the nicotine in tobacco. Crave it is one thing-need it is another. From the days of the Persian Empire to our own, sugar has usually been used to hop up the flavour of other food and drink, as an ingredient in the kitchen or as a condiment at the table. Let us leave aside for the moment the known effect of sugar (long-term and short-term) on the entire system and concentrate on the effect of sugar taken in combination with other daily foods.

When Grandma warned that sugared cookies before meals “will spoil your supper”, she knew what she was talking about. Her explanation might not have satisfied a chemist but, as with many traditional axioms from the Mosaic law on kosher food and separation in the kitchen, such rules are based on years of trial and error and are apt to be right on the button. Most modern research in combining food is a laboured discovery of the things Grandma took for granted.

Any diet or regimen undertaken for the single purpose of losing weight is dangerous, by definition. Obesity is talked about and treated as a disease in 20th-century America. Obesity is not a disease. It is only a symptom, a sign, a warning that your body is out of order. Dieting to lose weight is as silly and dangerous as taking aspirin to relieve a headache before you know the reason for the headache. Getting rid of a symptom is like turning off an alarm. It leaves the basic cause untouched.

Any diet or regimen undertaken with any objective short of restoration of total health of your body is dangerous. Many overweight people are undernourished. (Dr H. Curtis Wood stresses this point in his 1971 book, Overfed But Undernourished.) Eating less can aggravate this condition, unless one is concerned with the quality of the food instead of just its quantity.

Many people-doctors included-assume that if weight is lost, fat is lost. This is not necessarily so. Any diet which lumps all carbohydrates together is dangerous. Any diet which does not consider the quality of carbohydrates and makes the crucial life-and-death distinction between natural, unrefined carbohydrates like whole grains and vegetables and man-refined carbohydrates like sugar and white flour is dangerous. Any diet which includes refined sugar and white flour, no matter what “scientific” name is applied to them, is dangerous.

Kicking sugar and white flour and substituting whole grains, vegetables and natural fruits in season, is the core of any sensible natural regimen. Changing the quality of your carbohydrates can change the quality of your health and life. If you eat natural food of good quality, quantity tends to take care of itself. Nobody is going to eat a half-dozen sugar beets or a whole case of sugar cane. Even if they do, it will be less dangerous than a few ounces of sugar.

Sugar of all kinds-natural sugars, such as those in honey and fruit (fructose), as well as the refined white stuff (sucrose)-tends to arrest the secretion of gastric juices and have an inhibiting effect on the stomach’s natural ability to move. Sugars are not digested in the mouth, like cereals, or in the stomach, like animal flesh. When taken alone, they pass quickly through the stomach into the small intestine. When sugars are eaten with other foods-perhaps meat and bread in a sandwich-they are held up in the stomach for a while. The sugar in the bread and the Coke sit there with the hamburger and the bun waiting for them to be digested. While the stomach is working on the animal protein and the refined starch in the bread, the addition of the sugar practically guarantees rapid acid fermentation under the conditions of warmth and moisture existing in the stomach.

One lump of sugar in your coffee after a sandwich is enough to turn your stomach into a fermenter. One soda with a hamburger is enough to turn your stomach into a still. Sugar on cereal-whether you buy it already sugared in a box or add it yourself-almost guarantees acid fermentation.

Since the beginning of time, natural laws were observed, in both senses of that word, when it came to eating foods in combination. Birds have been observed eating insects at one period in the day and seeds at another. Other animals tend to eat one food at a time. Flesh-eating animals take their protein raw and straight.

In the Orient, it is traditional to eat yang before yin. Miso soup (fermented soybean protein, yang) for breakfast; raw fish (more yang protein) at the beginning of the meal; afterwards comes the rice (which is less yang than the miso and fish); and then the vegetables which are yin. If you ever eat with a traditional Japanese family and you violate this order, the Orientals (if your friends) will correct you courteously but firmly.

The law observed by Orthodox Jews prohibits many combinations at the same meal, especially flesh and dairy products. Special utensils for the dairy meal and different utensils for the flesh meal reinforce that taboo at the food’s source in the kitchen.

Man learned very early in the game what improper combinations of food could do to the human system. When he got a stomach ache from combining raw fruit with grain, or honey with porridge, he didn’t reach for an antacid tablet. He learned not to eat that way. When gluttony and excess became widespread, religious codes and commandments were invoked against it. Gluttony is a capital sin in most religions; but there are no specific religious warnings or commandments against refined sugar because sugar abuse-like drug abuse-did not appear on the world scene until centuries after holy books had gone to press.

“Why must we accept as normal what we find in a race of sick and weakened human beings?” Dr Herbert M. Shelton asks. “Must we always take it for granted that the present eating practices of civilized men are normal?… Foul stools, loose stools, impacted stools, pebbly stools, much foul gas, colitis, haemorrhoids, bleeding with stools, the need for toilet paper are swept into the orbit of the normal.”8

When starches and complex sugars (like those in honey and fruits) are digested, they are broken down into simple sugars called “monosaccharides”, which are usable substances-nutriments. When starches and sugars are taken together and undergo fermentation, they are broken down into carbon dioxide, acetic acid, alcohol and water. With the exception of the water, all these are unusable substances-poisons.

When proteins are digested, they are broken down into amino acids, which are usable substances-nutriments. When proteins are taken with sugar, they putrefy; they are broken down into a variety of ptomaines and leucomaines, which are nonusable substances-poisons.

Enzymic digestion of foods prepares them for use by our body. Bacterial decomposition makes them unfit for use by our body. The first process gives us nutriments; the second gives us poisons.

Much that passes for modern nutrition is obsessed with a mania for quantitative counting. The body is treated like a cheque account. Deposit calories (like dollars) and withdraw energy. Deposit proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals-balanced quantitatively-and the result, theoretically, is a healthy body. People qualify as healthy today if they can crawl out of bed, get to the office and sign in. If they can’t make it, call the doctor to qualify for sick pay, hospitalisation, rest cure-anything from a day’s pay without working to an artificial kidney, courtesy of the taxpayers.

But what doth it profit someone if the theoretically required calories and nutrients are consumed daily, yet this random eat-on-the-run, snack-time collection of foods ferments and putrefies in the digestive tract? What good is it if the body is fed protein, only to have it putrefy in the gastrointestinal canal? Carbohydrates that ferment in the digestive tract are converted into alcohol and acetic acid, not digestible monosaccharides.

“To derive sustenance from foods eaten, they must be digested,” Shelton warned years ago. “They must not rot.”

Sure, the body can get rid of poisons through the urine and the pores; the amount of poisons in the urine is taken as an index to what’s going on in the intestine. The body does establish a tolerance for these poisons, just as it adjusts gradually to an intake of heroin. But, says Shelton, “the discomfort from accumulation of gas, the bad breath, and foul and unpleasant odors are as undesirable as are the poisons”.9



In the Dark Ages, troubled souls were rarely locked up for going off their rocker. Such confinement began in the Age of Enlightenment, after sugar made the transition from apothecary’s prescription to candymaker’s confection. “The great confinement of the insane”, as one historian calls it,10 began in the late 17th century, after sugar consumption in Britain had zoomed in 200 years from a pinch or two in a barrel of beer, here and there, to more than two million pounds per year. By that time, physicians in London had begun to observe and record terminal physical signs and symptoms of the “sugar blues”.

Meanwhile, when sugar eaters did not manifest obvious terminal physical symptoms and the physicians were professionally bewildered, patients were no longer pronounced bewitched, but mad, insane, emotionally disturbed. Laziness, fatigue, debauchery, parental displeasure-any one problem was sufficient cause for people under twenty-five to be locked up in the first Parisian mental hospitals. All it took to be incarcerated was a complaint from parents, relatives or the omnipotent parish priest. Wet nurses with their babies, pregnant youngsters, retarded or defective children, senior citizens, paralytics, epileptics, prostitutes or raving lunatics-anyone wanted off the streets and out of sight was put away. The mental hospital succeeded witch-hunting and heresy-hounding as a more enlightened and humane method of social control. The physician and priest handled the dirty work of street sweeping in return for royal favours.

Initially, when the General Hospital was established in Paris by royal decree, one per cent of the city’s population was locked up. From that time until the 20 century, as the consumption of sugar went up and up-especially in the cities-so did the number of people who were put away in the General Hospital. Three hundred years later, the “emotionally disturbed” can be turned into walking automatons, their brains controlled with psychoactive drugs.

Today, pioneers of orthomolecular psychiatry, such as Dr Abram Hoffer, Dr Allan Cott, Dr A. Cherkin as well as Dr Linus Pauling, have confirmed that mental illness is a myth and that emotional disturbance can be merely the first symptom of the obvious inability of the human system to handle the stress of sugar dependency.

In Orthomolecular Psychiatry, Dr Pauling writes: “The functioning of the brain and nervous tissue is more sensitively dependent on the rate of chemical reactions than the functioning of other organs and tissues. I believe that mental disease is for the most part caused by abnormal reaction rates, as determined by genetic constitution and diet, and by abnormal molecular concentrations of essential substances… Selection of food (and drugs) in a world that is undergoing rapid scientific and technological change may often be far from the best.”11

In Megavitamin B3 Therapy for Schizophrenia, Dr Abram Hoffer notes: “Patients are also advised to follow a good nutritional program with restriction of sucrose and sucrose-rich foods.”12

Clinical research with hyperactive and psychotic children, as well as those with brain injuries and learning disabilities, has shown:

“An abnormally high family history of diabetes-that is, parents and grandparents who cannot handle sugar; an abnormally high incidence of low blood glucose, or functional hypoglycemia in the children themselves, which indicates that their systems cannot handle sugar; dependence on a high level of sugar in the diets of the very children who cannot handle it.

“Inquiry into the dietary history of patients diagnosed as schizophrenic reveals the diet of their choice is rich in sweets, candy, cakes, coffee, caffeinated beverages, and foods prepared with sugar. These foods, which stimulate the adrenals, should be eliminated or severely restricted.”13

The avant-garde of modern medicine has rediscovered what the lowly sorceress learned long ago through painstaking study of nature.

“In more than twenty years of psychiatric work,” writes Dr Thomas Szasz, “I have never known a clinical psychologist to report, on the basis of a projective test, that the subject is a normal, mentally healthy person. While some witches may have survived dunking, no ‘madman’ survives psychological testing…there is no behavior or person that a modern psychiatrist cannot plausibly diagnose as abnormal or ill.”14

So it was in the 17th century. Once the doctor or the exorcist had been called in, he was under pressure to do something. When he tried and failed, the poor patient had to be put away. It is often said that surgeons bury their mistakes. Physicians and psychiatrists put them away; lock ‘em up.

In the 1940s, Dr John Tintera rediscovered the vital importance of the endocrine system, especially the adrenal glands, in “pathological mentation”-or “brain boggling”. In 200 cases under treatment for hypoadrenocorticism (the lack of adequate adrenal cortical hormone production or imbalance among these hormones), he discovered that the chief complaints of his patients were often similar to those found in persons whose systems were unable to handle sugar: fatigue, nervousness, depression, apprehension, craving for sweets, inability to handle alcohol, inability to concentrate, allergies, low blood pressure. Sugar blues!

Dr Tintera finally insisted that all his patients submit to a four-hour glucose tolerance test (GTT) to find out whether or not they could handle sugar. The results were so startling that the laboratories double-checked their techniques, then apologised for what they believed to be incorrect readings. What mystified them was the low, flat curves derived from disturbed, early adolescents. This laboratory procedure had been previously carried out only for patients with physical findings presumptive of diabetes.

Dorland’s definition of schizophrenia (Bleuler’s dementia praecox) includes the phrase, “often recognized during or shortly after adolescence”, and further, in reference to hebephrenia and catatonia, “coming on soon after the onset of puberty”.

These conditions might seem to arise or become aggravated at puberty, but probing into the patient’s past will frequently reveal indications which were present at birth, during the first year of life, and through the preschool and grammar school years. Each of these periods has its own characteristic clinical picture. This picture becomes more marked at pubescence and often causes school officials to complain of juvenile delinquency or underachievement.

A glucose tolerance test at any of these periods could alert parents and physicians and could save innumerable hours and small fortunes spent in looking into the child’s psyche and home environment for maladjustments of questionable significance in the emotional development of the average child.

The negativism, hyperactivity and obstinate resentment of discipline are absolute indications for at least the minimum laboratory tests: urinalysis, complete bloodcount, PBI determination, and the five-hour glucose tolerance test. A GTT can be performed on a young child by the micro-method without undue trauma to the patient. As a matter of fact, I have been urging that these four tests be routine for all patients, even before a history or physical examination is undertaken.

In almost all discussions on drug addiction, alcoholism and schizophrenia, it is claimed that there is no definite constitutional type that falls prey to these afflictions. Almost universally, the statement is made that all of these individuals are emotionally immature. It has long been our goal to persuade every physician, whether oriented toward psychiatry, genetics or physiology, to recognise that one type of endocrine individual is involved in the majority of these cases: the hypoadrenocortic.15

Tintera published several epochal medical papers. Over and over, he emphasised that improvement, alleviation, palliation or cure was “dependent upon the restoration of the normal function of the total organism”. His first prescribed item of treatment was diet. Over and over again, he said that “the importance of diet cannot be overemphasised”. He laid out a sweeping permanent injunction against sugar in all forms and guises.

While Egas Moniz of Portugal was receiving a Nobel Prize for devising the lobotomy operation for the treatment of schizophrenia, Tintera’s reward was to be harassment and hounding by the pundits of organised medicine. While Tintera’s sweeping implication of sugar as a cause of what was called “schizophrenia” could be confined to medical journals, he was let alone, ignored. He could be tolerated-if he stayed in his assigned territory, endocrinology. Even when he suggested that alcoholism was related to adrenals that had been whipped by sugar abuse, they let him alone; because the medicos had decided there was nothing in alcoholism for them except aggravation, they were satisfied to abandon it to Alcoholics Anonymous. However, when Tintera dared to suggest in a magazine of general circulation that “it is ridiculous to talk of kinds of allergies when there is only one kind, which is adrenal glands impaired…by sugar”, he could no longer be ignored.

The allergists had a great racket going for themselves. Allergic souls had been entertaining each other for years with tall tales of exotic allergies-everything from horse feathers to lobster tails. Along comes someone who says none of this matters: take them off sugar, and keep them off it.

Perhaps Tintera’s untimely death in 1969 at the age of fifty-seven made it easier for the medical profession to accept discoveries that had once seemed as far out as the simple oriental medical thesis of genetics and diet, yin and yang. Today, doctors all over the world are repeating what Tintera announced years ago: nobody, but nobody, should ever be allowed to begin what is called “psychiatric treatment”, anyplace, anywhere, unless and until they have had a glucose tolerance test to discover if they can handle sugar.

So-called preventive medicine goes further and suggests that since we only think we can handle sugar because we initially have strong adrenals, why wait until they give us signs and signals that they’re worn out? Take the load off now by eliminating sugar in all forms and guises, starting with that soda pop you have in your hand.

The mind truly boggles when one glances over what passes for medical history. Through the centuries, troubled souls have been barbecued for bewitchment, exorcised for possession, locked up for insanity, tortured for masturbatory madness, psychiatrised for psychosis, lobotomised for schizophrenia. How many patients would have listened if the local healer had told them that the only thing ailing them was sugar blues?


1. Martin, William Coda, “When is a Food a Food-and When a Poison?”, Michigan Organic News, March 1957, p. 3.
2. ibid.
3. McCollum, Elmer Verner, A History of Nutrition: The Sequence of Ideas in Nutritional Investigation, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1957, p. 87.
4. op. cit., p. 88.
5. op. cit., p. 86.
6. Price, Weston A., Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects, The American Academy of Applied Nutrition, California, 1939, 1948.
7. Hooton, Ernest A., Apes, Men, and Morons, Putnam, New York, 1937.
8. Shelton, H. M., Food Combining Made Easy, Shelton Health School, Texas, 1951, p. 32.
9. op. cit., p. 34.
10. Foucault, Michel, Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, translated by R. Howard, Pantheon, New York, 1965.
11. Pauling, Linus, “Orthomolecular Psychiatry”, Science, vol. 160, April 19, 1968, pp. 265-271.
12. Hoffer, Abram, “Megavitamin B3 Therapy for Schizophrenia”, Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, vol. 16, 1971, p. 500.
13. Cott, Allan, “Orthomolecular Approach to the Treatment of Learning Disabilities”, synopsis of reprint article issued by the Huxley Institute for Biosocial Research, New York.
14. Szasz, Thomas S., The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement, Harper & Row, New York, 1970.
15. Tintera, John W., Hypoadrenocorticism, Adrenal Metabolic Research Society of the Hypoglycemia Foundation, Inc., Mt Vernon, New York, 1969.


Editor’s Note:
This article is extracted and edited from the book, Sugar Blues, © 1975 by William Dufty; specifically, the chapters “In Sugar We Trust”, “Dead Dogs and Englishmen” and “What the Specialists Say”. The book was first published by the Chilton Book Company, Padnor, PA, USA. Warner Books, Inc., NY, published an edition in 1976 and reissued it in April 1993.

The book is currently published by Warner (USA) as a paperback. Ask for it at your local bookstore, or order it online.

Apology: We had previously reported the author as deceased, but after hearing from him recently ourselves, we decided he isn’t. :)

Detoxification Recipe to Remove Heavy Metals

Coriander has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our bodies in a relatively short period of time. Combined with the benefits of the other ingredients, this recipe is a powerful tissue cleanser. Two teaspoons of this pesto daily for three weeks is purportedly enough to increase the urinary excretion of mercury, lead and aluminum, thus effectively removing these toxic metals from our bodies. We can consider doing this cleanse for three weeks at least once a year. It is delicious on toast, baked potatoes and pasta.

Heavy metal poisoning is rampant. It is a major cause of hormonal imbalances, cancer, thyroid problems, neurological disturbances, learning problems, depression food allergies, parasites, etc etc. This is a great recipe that is not only easy to make but also really yummy! It is truly a healing food. One friend suffering from high blood pressure due to mercury poisoning had her blood pressure return to normal after eating 2 teaspoons of this pesto daily for only a week. So whether you need to detoxify heavy metals from your body or just wish to use it as a preventative measure, 2 teaspoons a day is all you need to take.


4 cloves garlic

1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium)

1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine)

1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium)

2 cups packed fresh coriander / cilantro (Chinese parsley). (Vitamin A)

2/3 cup flaxseed oil

4 tablespoons lemon juice (Vitamin C)

2 tsp. Dulse powder

Bragg’s liquid aminos.

Process the coriander and flaxseed oil in a blender until the coriander is chipped. Add the garlic, nuts, and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Add a squirt of Braggs’s liquid aminos to taste and blend again. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well, so purchase coriander in season and fill enough jars to last through the year.

Cilantro has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our bodies in a relatively short period of time. Combined with the benefits of the other ingredients, this recipe is a powerful tissue cleanser.

Two teaspoons of this pesto daily for three weeks is purportedly enough to increase the urinary excretion of mercury, lead and aluminum, thus effectively removing these toxic metals from our bodies. We can consider doing this cleanse for three weeks at least once a year. The pesto is delicious on toast, baked potatoes, and pasta.

Liver Cleanse Procedure – Avoid Gallbladder Surgery

  • Improve your health dramatically……easy and free.
  • Lowers cholesterol and allows your body to function efficiently.
  • Avoid needless and dangerous gall bladder surgery.
  • At least 80% of people older then 30 have intrahepatic stones, that we call “gallstones” as there is no big difference between stones inside the liver and stones inside the gall bladder.
  • Gallstones are always first created inside the liver!
  • Gallstones inside the gallbladder(GB) have always first started inside the liver (intrahepatic bile ducts = tubes inside your liver)!!! Then, they “roll” down to the GB, where they may continue growing, until they take all the space inside your GB. People may have gallstones as big as 5 cm across. (2 inch)
  • If you have stones inside your GB, you already have hundreds of stones inside your liver! (Not all of them are big!) I call a “stone” anything bigger then 2 mm across, anything that cannot be called bile, but is still made of it.





Very few adults have no stones! Healthy skin is a sign of healthy liver and healthy intestines.

  • After age 50-60 almost all the people have stones! Some adults with very good and healthy liver menage to clean out all liver in only 3-5 cleanses. Skin of those people is extremely beautiful, soft and healthy, before, and especially after cleanses. After cleanse, their skin is as beautiful as skin of the people from the first group.
  • Other people get stones out every time they do a cleanse, regardless of cleanse frequency. The liver of these people is able to generate hundreds of new stones (something like process of crystallization inside intrahepatic bile ducts, bile starts crystallizing and stones starts growing.) in just a few days or few weeks. Skin of those people is not as healthy as skin of those from the previous group.
  • New stones are usually of tan-green color, almost transparent, pure cholesterol, bile salts and toxins (heavy metals, mercury from food and amalgam, cadmium, led, and others). Old stones can have more different colors, more pigment, more different salts and if cut across one will see layers, which can not be easily seen in stones created in very short time.
  • If your liver keeps producing stones constantly, you can do 1 cleanse every two months.
  • People who do cleanse regularly, will dramatically reduce their chances for getting Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, AIDS and many other diseases. Cleanse will help to keep toxins and parasites away, and will keep you in good mood!
  • For people who already suffer from Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, AIDS, the liver cleanse is a vital step in regaining health.
  • It is always much easier to prevent diseases, than to regain health, once you are sick.
  • Don’t blame your liver for making gallstones constantly. Be happy that your liver is still able to pack all the bad toxins inside small marbles, so that they are not reabsorbed with your intestines!
  • Liver /GB cleanse is single MOST powerful way to improve your health in JUST 24 hrs.
  • It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1.5 quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fats triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine. The liver usually manages to take most of the toxins (that it can recognize) out of our body.
  • Bile is used to remove heavy metals out from our body (cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, radioactive elements, …) But, the way our liver is doing it may cause those toxins to come back inside of our body. Our liver is producing bile from cholesterol by converting it into bile acids. Bile also contains a lot of toxins that have to be removed from our body. But, the problem is that bile is going directly into our intestines, and by doing this we have chance of absorbing those toxins again in our blood stream.
  • It is natural fibers and lignans in our food that are suppose to bind with bile, and help taking bile out of our intestines. What happens if we don’t eat enough fibers? We may reabsorb some of the bile back into the blood and lymph stream.
  • In order to prevent reabsorbing those toxins, our intestines produce even more mucus on its walls, preventing in this way absorption of too many bad things. Now, as it may not be enough, our liver starts coagulating some bile that contains a lot toxins, in order to let them pass through our intestines without being absorbed. Now, those coagulated acids are called gallstones. And they are occasionally passed down the intestines, when we eat fatty foods.
  • For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. As the stones grow and become more numerous the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile.
  • Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels rise.
  • Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way “nests” of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these gallstones from the liver.”
  • Not only that gallstones will decrease production of bile, but some of them may also move down to the gallbladder. Amount of bile that you actually get in your intestines is equal to the amount of water that you have squeezed the second time. Because you did not get enough bile, fats you ate will not be properly digested, and you will not be able to absorb them. Also having not enough bile inside intestines will affect intestinal flora. It may also make you more susceptible to intestinal parasites. Did you know that 80% of people have intestinal parasitic animals? Once parasites get into your bowel system, they eat your nutrients, they secrete toxins.
  • You absorb those toxins. Toxins from parasites also kill intestinal flora; beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidumbacter Bifidus, … Without intestinal flora, Candida Albicans and other yeast grow inside your bowel without control. Toxins produced by the Candida yeast family can cause many diseases. Candida can escape from the bowel, and cause a lot of troubles on your skin, inside your muscles (Fibromyalgia, CFS), inside your brain (brain fog), and generally decrease your immunity, making you more susceptible to any other infection. Without intestinal flora, your digestion is not going to prepare nutrients from the food, for absorption. Your bowel digestion is going to prepare toxins for absorption.
  • After 5 – 50 years of this kind of digestion, you may develop Constipation, Colitis, Crohn’s disease, Irritable bowel syndrome, Tumors, Arthritis, and Cancer. When you eat some fatty foods, your body gives you a warning. Gallstones attack, or allergy, or digestive problems, or arthritis, or shoulder pain, or arm pain,… You name it. “Tunnels” in your liver are obstructed with stones, and very little of bile comes into your duodenum. Because you don’t have enough bile, fats will not be properly digested, and you will not absorb them.
  • At the same time, there is no gallbladder to collect bile in-between meals, so bile will be dropping out from your liver, directly into the intestines. That will irritate intestines, making it more possible for you to develop Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, frequent diarrhea, bloating and poor digestion. There will not be enough bile when it is needed, and in the same time, there will be too much bile when you don’t need it! Fats you ate will not be properly digested, and you will not be able to absorb them.
  • Also having not enough bile inside intestines will affect intestinal flora. It may also make you more susceptible to intestinal parasites. Once parasites get into your bowel system, they eat your nutrients, they secret toxins. You absorb those toxins. Toxins from parasites also kill intestinal flora; beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidumbacter Bifidus, … Without intestinal flora, Candida Albicans and other yeast grow inside your bowel without control. Toxins produced by Candida yeast family can cause numerous diseases. Candida can escape from the bowel, and cause a lot of troubles on your skin, inside your muscles (Fibromyalgia, CFS), inside your brain (brain fog), and generally decrease your immunity. making you more susceptible to any other infection.
  • Without intestinal flora, your digestion is not going to prepare nutrients from the food, for absorption. Your bowel digestion is going to prepare toxins for absorption. After 1 – 50 years of this kind of digestion, you may develop Constipation, Colitis, Crohn’s disease, Irritable bowel syndrome, Tumors, Allergies, Arthritis, Cancer, and many other health problems.
  • Gallbladder operations are the most common operation in North America. Every year, more than half a million people in the United States and more than 50,000 people in Canada undergo surgery to remove their gallbladders because of gallstones.
    • 90% of people have gallstones
    • 80% of people do not know that they have gallstones
    • 50% of children have gallstones
    • Approximately 80% of all gallstones show no symptoms and may remain “silent” for years.
    • More than 90 % of Americans and people in developing countries will, in their life, develop some of these problems: Acne, Colitis, Heart diseases, Leukemia, Crohn’s disease, Irritable bowel syndrome, Tumors, Allergies, Arthritis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Cancer, AIDS.



(from The Cure For All Diseases by Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D.)


  • 4 tablespoons Epsom salts
  • one-half cup of olive oil – the light olive oil is easier to drink
  • 1 large or 2 small fresh pink grapefruit (enough to squeeze 2/3 to ¾ cup of juice)
  • Ornithine, 4 to 8 capsules, to help you sleep. People have done the cleanse without Ornithine (Kallie took Ornithine one night and noticed no effect and never used it again.)


  • Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest the next day. Take no medicines, vitamins or pills that you can do without; they can prevent success. Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch such as:
    • a cooked cereal with fruit
    • fruit juice
    • bread and preserves or honey (no butter or milk)
    • baked potato or other vegetables with salt only.

    This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones.

  • 2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink anything but water after 2 o’clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later. Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tbs. in 3 cups of water and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, ¾ cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste only).
  • 6:00 PM. Drink one serving (3/4 cup) of the ice cold Epsom salts.
    (Recommended: Drink the Epsom salt solution through a straw to get the drink to the back of your mouth and avoid most of the taste. A little maple syrup afterwards sweetens the aftertaste of the salts.)
  • 8:00 PM. Repeat.
  • 9:45 PM. Pour ½ cup olive oil into pint jar. Add ¾ cup squeezed grapefruit juice. Shake vigorously.
  • 10:00 PM. Drink this mixture taking 4 to 8 Ornithine capsules (not mandatory but helps one sleep). Lie down immediately on your back with head high on your pillow. Keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes. Go to sleep
    (Recommended: A warm hot water bottle placed on your upper abdomen and slightly to the right helps your liver to relax.)
  • Upon Awakening – After 6 AM. Take third dose of Epsom salts.
  • 2 Hours Later. Take fourth dose of Epsom salts.
  • 2 Hours Later. You may eat starting with juice and fruit. Later eat light.





Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole health. You can expect your allergies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you do! Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well being.

It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1 ½ quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.

For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed nothing is seen. Typically, they are not in the gallbladder. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility on X-ray. There are over half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black, red, white, green or tan colored. The green ones get their color from being coated with bile.

At the very center of each stone is found a clump of bacteria, according to scientists, suggesting a dead bit of parasite might have started the stone forming.

As the stones grow and become more numerous the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels may rise. Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way “nests” of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these gallstones from the liver.

Cleanse your liver twice a year. 

How well did you do?

Expect diarrhea in the morning following the cleanse steps. Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside. Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. You will need to total 2000 stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies or bursitis or upper back pains permanently. The first cleanse may rid you of them for a few days, but as the stones from the rear travel forward, they give you the same symptoms again. You may repeat cleanses at two-week intervals.




 GallbladderGallbladder (L Yours?)You can cleanse your liver even if you do not have a Gallbladder! This is for everyone. Healthy people without any health problems, and people with serious diseases such as:Cancer, bursitis, poor digestion, food intolerance, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Allergies, Asthma, Back pain, Shoulder pain, Tumors, Leukemia, Hodgkin’s Disease, Lyphoma, Myeloma, Sarcoma, Arthritis, Parasites,Aids.

Dr. Hulda Clark says, “Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole health. You can expect your allergies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you do! Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well being. For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed nothing is seen.

A Gallstone flush is the second most important thing someone can do in order to cure lf_stein1“incurable” and degenerative diseases. “This procedure contradicts many modern medical viewpoints. Gallstones are thought to be formed in the gallbladder, not the liver. They are thought to be few, not thousands. They are not linked to pains other than gallbladder attacks. It is easy to understand why this thought: by the time you have acute pain attacks, some stones in the gallbladder are big enough and sufficiently calcified to see on X-ray, and have caused inflammation there. When the gallbladder is removed the acute attacks are gone, but the bursitis and other pains and digestive problems remain.” People who have had their gallbladder removed surgically still get plenty of green, biliary stones. Dr. Ted Morter D.C. says the removal of the gallbladder increases chances of osteoporosis.


The Overnight Cure for Cancer

Please take a look at the following website. In seven detailed Chapters, R. Webster Kehr Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. outlines how to help cure cancer.

The Overnight Cure for Cancer

Use of Vitamin D in Clinical Practice

Please take a look at the following Alternative Medicine Review Paper by John J. Cannell, MD and Bruce W. Hollis, PhD.

Vitamin D in Clinical Practice

Is Sun Exposure Good or Bad?

For years, doctors have warned us that too much sun exposure can cause skin cancer. Now, researchers say we need more of the very vitamin our bodies produce from sunshine.

Who is right?

Actually, both. By one estimate, fair-skinned people in strong midday sun need as little as five or 10 minutes of exposure on their legs and arms three times a week to make all the vitamin D they’ll need. Dark-skinned people may need several times that long.

The problem is that the recommended amount varies according to time of day, season, latitude and the person’s age and skin tone. And there is no agreement on precisely what length of sun exposure is considered safe. Dermatologists are adamant that no amount of tanning is a good idea.

For that reason, most researchers say it’s best to get your vitamin D from a supplement — specifically as vitamin D3.

“You don’t need the sun,” says Susan Harris, a scientist at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University. “The sun is a really efficient way to get it because you get a really big dose from sun exposure. But if you take enough supplement, it’s just as good.”

It’s only a simple vitamin, but it sounds like a miracle drug — one that top researchers say may help you stave off everything from osteoporosis to multiple sclerosis to diabetes, schizophrenia and breast cancer.

A series of recent studies has found that vitamin D, the so-called sunshine vitamin — once thought to be critical only to bone health — is useful throughout the body to strengthen the immune system and control cell growth. Yet researchers estimate that as many as half of all Americans are likely deficient in utrient. The problem is particularly serious in people with dark skin, the elderly and those who are diligent about avoiding sun exposure, especially if they adhere to the federal government’s current recommended dietary allowance of the vitamin, which many say is far too low.

“What we’re finding is really challenging physicians’ long-standing knowledge about vitamin D,” says Dr. Lisa Bodnar, assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh. She is co-author of a recent study that found more than 80 percent of pregnant black women and nearly half of pregnant white women — and their subsequent newborn babies — to be vitamin D-deficient. The women lived in the Pittsburgh area, but Bodnar says the findings likely apply throughout the northern United States, where there is little wintertime sun, and perhaps to the South, as well.

“If people go to their doctor and say, ‘I think I should be taking more vitamin D,’ it’s very likely their doctor will say they don’t need it. But what people have to understand is that the [current] dietary recommendation is not based on the best science. And more science is coming out now confirming that vitamin D intake has got to be higher if we’re going to prevent some of these problems.”

In fact, current research indicates vitamin D deficiency plays a role in 17 varieties of cancer, plus heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, periodontal disease and auto-immune diseases such as lupus. It may not be the lone cause of these problems, the experts caution, but it appears to be a contributor.

One study in Finland, for instance, followed children given a whopping 2,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day — 10 times what the U.S. government currently suggests — from birth through their first birthday. After three decades, those who had received the supplements were found to have reduced their chance of getting Type I diabetes by 80 percent compared with those who were given no supplement.

“The data are also pretty strong in relating adequate vitamin D levels to decreased risk of developing and dying of colon, prostate, breast and pancreatic cancer,” says professor Dr. Michael Holick, director of the Bone Health Care Clinic at Boston University Medical Center and considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on vitamin D. “We also [think] now that the reason African-Americans are more prone to getting tuberculosis and have more aggressive disease is that they’re more prone to vitamin D deficiency.”



Historically, mankind’s main source of vitamin D has been sunlight, which penetrates the skin’s uppermost layer and, after processing in the liver and kidneys, becomes cholecalciferol — the hormone responsible for vitamin D’s healthful benefits.

Such a system worked well as long as man spent most of his days outdoors with little clothing. But our relatively recent indoor lifestyle — as well as dark pigmentation, aging and using sunscreen — can all interfere with that process. A mere SPF-8 sunscreen, for instance, cuts vitamin D synthesis by roughly 95 percent.

Complicating matters is the fact that few foods offer even modest amounts of natural vitamin D, and those that do are often high in fat so should be consumed in moderation. They include cream, egg yolks, cod liver oil and fatty fish.

And though milk and some cereals are fortified with D in this country, the vitamin is often delivered in the form of synthetic D2, which is more stable but not easily used by the body. Many multivitamins also use D2.

Make sure you’re taking D3, . . . the same compound that is made in sun-exposed skin,” advises best-selling author Dr. Andrew Weil, a physician and strong proponent of holistic medicine. “So often, you see orange juice or foods that say they’re vitamin D-fortified. But many times, those are fortified with D2. [And] vitamin D has to be taken with fat. Taking a vitamin D pill with orange juice isn’t going to work; it won’t stick to you.”



Vitamin D has long been known to prevent rickets — a disease that can leave children with soft and misshapen bones. For years, the United States has based its advice on how much vitamin D people need on the minimum necessary to prevent rickets. Too much D, they warned, could be toxic.

But scientists now say those warnings have been overblown.

“Even at 10,000 units of vitamin D, I know of no adverse health consequences seen in studies,” Bodnar says. “There’s a study right now going on in pregnancy, for instance, that is looking at the safety and effectiveness of supplementing pregnant women with up to 4,000 units a day. And they’re doing it in both black and white women to see, for instance, if black women need more vitamin D simply because of the dark pigment in their skin.”

The consensus at this point, though, is that 1,000 to 2,000 units a day is probably a good amount to maintain health. Holick says he — and everyone in his family — now takes 1,000 units daily.

Still, the government’s official recommendation, last revised a decade ago, is a mere 200 IU for people age 50 and younger, 400 IU for those 51 to 70 and 600 IU for those 70 and older.



“It has taken science and medicine a long time to figure out how vitamin D really works,” explains Dr. Luke Bucci, a biochemist and vice president of research for Schiff Nutrition International. “People were afraid because they thought it accumulates in the body. Well, no, it doesn’t.”

If you want to know whether your vitamin D levels are already adequate, ask your doctor for a blood test to measure 25-hydroxy vitamin D, the storage form of the vitamin in the body. 25(OH)D

Listen: Your body might be asking for more vitamin D Contrary to current advice, studies show we need a larger dose of the nutrient in order to reap its benefits.

Kate Santich, Orlando Sentinel, Staff Writer, April 17, 2007

Posted April 17, 2007

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