Parasites and Worms

You may be shocked to know that parasites can remain in your body for 10, 20, and even 30 years. This has been extensively documented in medical literature. In one study in 1979, they reported on 600 British former POW's from W.W.II. Thirty years after the war, 15% were still found to be infected with a parasitic infestation (Strongyloides) they had contracted during the war. This means you may have eaten meat 10 years ago which was a little undercooked -and still be contaminated with the tapeworms from that meat. Parasites can be your "partners for life."

One excellent medical paper on worms is called, This Wormy World. It was written by Dr. Norman R. Stoll and was published in the February 1947 copy of The Journal of Parasitology. Dr. Stoll writes that worms are "unremittingly corrosive." I like that phrase. It places the right label on the problems. Dr. Stoll also says, "Think of the great parasitic role the lives of worms play in men." Obviously, this is a role most Americans are unaware of. Many doctors haven't been trained to look for parasites -- so they don't find them. Worms and parasites can cause just about any health problem there is." Dr Hulda R. Clark, in her book entitled, "A Cure For All Cancers," boldly states that in her studies, it was shown that ALL cancers are caused by a single parasite, and that by getting rid of this parasite, the cancer is stopped at once, and the tissues return to normal. One health expert was asked what the main cause of blood sugar and diabetes problems were, and she said. "Worms, worms, worms."

As mentioned before, even though medical doctors do not believe parasites are a problem in America, there is still a lot of excellent material in the medical literature. A parasite is any organism that lives in or on another organism, at the expense of that other organism. A host is any animal that harbors a parasite. One of the most penetrating comments I have read about parasites appeared in a medical book entitled, Animals Parasitic in Man, by Geoffrey Lapage. This was originally published in 1957 by Dover Publications. Mr. Lapage has spent a lifetime studying parasites in man. On page 22, Mr. Lapage says,

"There is no part of man's body, nor, indeed, any part of the bodies of hosts of parasitic animals in general, which is not visited by some kind of parasitic animal at some time or other during their life histories."

What he is saying is that parasites can occur anywhere in your body. No organ is immune. Your blood, your muscles, your heart, your lungs, your brain, they are ALL possible sites for parasitic infestation.

TAPEWORMS: If The Head Is Not Expelled, The Whole Worm Will Grow Back!

Another excellent book to read on worms is Medical Parasitology by Markell and Voge. This was published in 1986 by W.B. Saunders. Chapter 7 is about tapeworms, or cestodes. The adult tapeworm lives in the small intestine where it attaches itself to the mucus wall. The head is called a scolex. On page 177, it says, "Therapy has been successful only when the whole worm has been expelled." In other words, if the tiny scolex - the head - is still in the body, the entire worm will grow back. There is one type of fish tapeworm that used to be prevalent in the Great Lakes region. In some people, this may produce a condition closely resembling pernicious anemia. This is because the worm absorbs vitamin B 12 from the body.

"Tapeworms Are Among The Oldest Parasites Of The Human Race!"

Thomas J. Brooks, Jr. MD.
Another great reference book on worms is called The Essentials of Medical Parasitology by Thomas J. Brooks, Jr. MD. This was published many years ago and is now out of print. Chapter 11 of this book contains a comprehensive section on tapeworms. On page 168, it says, "Tapeworms are among the oldest parasites of the human race. Indeed, some species have become so well adapted to life in the human intestine, that the host (man) may be entirely asymptomatic." This means you may have a tapeworm and not appear to have any symptoms. You wouldn't even know it was there. There are five basic types of tapeworms that occur in man: The beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata), the pork tapeworm (T. solium), the dwarf tapeworm (H. nana), the dog tapeworm (E. granulosus), and the fish tapeworm (D. latum).

The beef tapeworm occurs in people who often eat raw or rare beef. The beef tapeworm is the second largest tapeworm. It averages from 13 to 39 feet in length! Even longer tapeworms have been found in the small intestine of man. In some people, the beef tapeworm can cause abdominal pains, weakness, loss of weight, nausea, dizziness and other symptoms. According to Geoffrey Lapage, "poisonous substances produced by the worm can produce convulsions and fits." If the head of this tapeworm digs in too far into the intestinal wall, these injuries can be infected with bacteria and lead to ulceration of the intestinal wall. Ordinary Freezing Of Raw Beef Does Not Kill The Tapeworm Larvae, Except For Prolonged Periods. The larva of the beef tapeworm often reside in the striated muscle of the cow. The larva develop into a bladder worm. The worm becomes protected by a calcified shell. When raw or undercooked beef is eaten by man, this bladder worm turns inside out and attaches to the mucous membrane. In about three months, it develops into an adult worm.

In the pork tapeworm, there are hooks in the head and suckers on the body which attach to the intestinal wall. It absorbs food through the entire length of its body. Dr. Brooks says, "Metabolic wastes are absorbed by the host, producing toxic mani- festations...and intestinal obstruction sometimes results from balling-up of the worm." Dr. Brooks repeats the same thing other researchers have said, "If the scolex (head) remains in the gut, it will soon grow another worm."
The pork tapeworm is much less frequent because pork is generally well-cooked. But you never know. It is interesting that the pork tapeworm can remain in the body for 25 years or more. This is stated on page 176 of Dr. Brooks' book. When The Larva Of The Pork Tapeworm Enters The Brain, It Can Cause Seizures And Epilepsy. Imagine if you ingest just one tiny larva from one under-cooked piece of pork? Suppose you eat a pork sausage which is not fully cooked? This is very possible today. Can one truly trust the sleepy morning cooks in the thousands of fast-food drive-throughs across America? Dr. Brooks shows a picture on page 179 of the brain of a 40 year-old man who died from myocardial failure. For several years previously, this man had suffered from "seizures." In the brain picture, you see cysts of the pork tapeworm!

Another problem that the pork tapeworm can cause is epilepsy. Dr. Brooks says, "Neuralgic disorders appear when the central nervous system is invaded. Symptoms depend on the number and location of the larva in the brain. One of the most frequent manifestations is epileptiform seizure, sometimes referred to as verminous epilepsy."

The Fish Tapeworm Can Produce More Than 1,000,000 Eggs A Day In Humans! The fish tapeworm is the largest of the human tapeworms. A fully developed worm may reach the length of 33 feet or more. There can be 3,000 to 4,000 segments in one worm. The main body of the worm - the proglottids - are virtually filled with male and female reproductive organs. This worm produces an incredible number of eggs, often more than 1,000,000 a day! The adult fish tapeworm may live in man for 20 years or more. Humans acquire the fish tapeworm by eating raw or uncooked fish which contain the larva. This means sushi (raw fish) eaters: BEWARE! According to Dr. Brooks, the fish tapeworms usually produce no visible symptoms. But many times the worm will be so large, that it will cause a colon blockage. "Anemia is not uncommon, owing to interference with vitamin B-12."

The dwarf tapeworm is also found in man. It is only 1-1/2 inches long. According to Geoffrey Lapage, the dwarf tapeworm is the most common tapeworm in the southern United States.

There is also a type of dog tapeworm that can be passed to humans. You can get the eggs of this worm on your fingers from the dog's hair or when the dog licks your face or hands.

The Eggs Of Pinworms Are Disseminated By Air Currents.

According to Geoffrey Lapage, the roundworm probably always has been one of the most common parasites of man. There are many different types of roundworms that can inhabit the human body.
One type is the common pinworms (Enterobiasis Vermicularis). These are also called seatworms or threadworms. This is the most prevalent worm parasite of man in North America. These are ivory or pearly-white in color. A single female may deposit 15,000 or more eggs, which are infective immediately or within a few hours. The crawling of the worm on the skin of the perianal area often produces intense itching. The person scratches his bottom and contaminates his hands with the eggs. Thus the cycle continues. This is why they are often called seatworms. They often attach themselves to the soiled linen in this region. According to Dr. Brooks, the worms deposit their eggs mostly at night, contaminating pajamas and bed linen. The eggs are readily transported through the air, and it is not uncommon to find them in every room of the house. In other words, the eggs of the pinworm are disseminated by air currents. Infection occurs by wearing clothes or sleeping in the bed of an infected person. You can also get the pinworm by handling pets. If the principal food handler is infected, (i.e. the housewife, cook, or maid), it is the rule to find most other members of the family infected.

Pinworms are often found within the appendix and have been associated with acute and chronic inflammation. Heavy infestations of pinworms can cause insomnia, nausea, mental depression, and anorexia. Complications are much more common in women than in men. This stems from the fact that the female worm, after depositing her eggs, loses her way while trying to return to the colon. Pinworms have been found in the vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes.

The Whipworm Makes A Soup Out Of Colon Tissue--Then Sucks It Up!
Whipworms, another type of roundworm that can be present in humans, eat the tissue in your colon. Most of these worms live in the cecum but heavy infestation can be found throughout the entire colon. These worms are shaped like a whip. The top two thirds is thin, the bottom third is thicker. The whipworm feeds itself by thrusting its thin end into the colon wall, and then injects a digestive fluid which converts this colon tissue into liquid which the worm sucks up. They make a soup of the tissue, in effect. This point was covered on page 256 of Animals Parasitic in Man.

Roundworms Can Cause Anorexia.
The roundworm, (Ascaris Lumbricoides), looks like a common earth worm. The female worm may be as thick as a lead pencil, and both sexes are creamy-white in color. Some of the largest roundworms are 6 to 12 inches long. The mature female roundworm can produce an estimated 200,000 eggs daily. Dr. Norman R. Stoll, a former worm expert at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research estimated at the time of his research, that the roundworm had infected about 644 million people in the world. Since this estimate was done in the 1940's, can you imagine what that figure would be today? According to Markell and Voge in Medical Parasitology, "the amount of roundworms in a single individual may reach staggering levels." They estimate an infected person may have hundreds, and even thousands or more round- worms.

If Too Many Roundworm Larvae Get In The Lung, They Can Cause Shortness Of Breath.
When the eggs are swallowed, they settle down in the in- intestine and grow to adulthood. But before they reach the intestine, they first travel through the stomach, the blood, the lymphatic system, the liver, the heart and the lungs. Quite a trip, one might say. At one stage, the larvae rest in the lungs. If the larvae are numerous- enough, a person may have shortness of breath and other lung inflammations. Researchers Davies and Goldsmid found in 1978 that roundworms can cause intestinal obstructions. This happens when the roundworms ball-up in one large mass, like a roadblock on a highway.

Dr. Brooks states in Essentials of Medical Parasitology, that a heavy infestation of roundworms can cause intestinal irritation, anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea and constipation. This is the first research I have read saying that worms can cause anorexia. I'm sure many people don't know this. Dr. Brooks also says that the roundworm may leave the small intestine and force its way into the appendix, possibly causing appendicitis. He says the roundworm may even reach the liver and cause "extensive hepatic injury." When the roundworm penetrates the bile duct, it may block it up and cause jaundice. Dr. Brooks also believes that nutritional deficiencies are seen in heavy roundworm infections.

One Unknown Side Effect Of Drugs Is That They Can Drive A Parasite From One Organ To Another.
Many people are taking different types of medications, and no one is concerned how they will affect the parasites in the body. Here is something fascinating found in Essentials of Medical Parasitology. Parasitologists would classify the roundworm as an erratic parasite. This means they wander out of their normal environment in the body when they encounter adverse conditions. As Dr. Brooks explains, "A typical example is the finding of the Ascaris in the bile duct or liver. These worms do not commonly leave the intestinal tract unless the patient takes a drug that is toxic but not lethal to them, or unless there happens to be a gastro- intestinal disorder that alters the normal digestive process." This shows a potential danger of drugs that I'm sure hardly any doctors are aware of. Imagine if a person takes a drug to eliminate one problem an this drug indirectly drives a parasite from its natural resting place into another organ -- such as the liver. Then the person later comes down with severe liver problems, and no one will ever know what caused the problem in the first place. I'm sure there must be dozens of similar examples which could apply to other organs as well.

Hookworms Inject An Anti-Coagulant Into The Blood To Insure It Will Get A Good Supply.
Until recent times, the hookworm used to be one of the most prevalent parasites of man. Until many years ago, it was prevalent in the southern United States. The hookworm grips on to the intestinal wall of humans with its teeth. Because the hookworms suck blood, they are often colored red. No one can ever say a hookworm is stupid. It has an innate intelligence like all creatures in nature. It often penetrates the wall of the small intestine until it reaches a small blood vessel. Once it finds this vessel, it will inject an anti-coagulant into the blood to prevent the blood from clotting. In this way, the hookworm is insured of a good supply of blood. The hookworm uses the hemoglobin in the blood to get oxygen to breathe.

Wow! If you're like me, I read this information and immediately wanted a way to cleanse my body.

Cleansing can be done with a Zapper and/or herbal preparations.

For a herbal cleanse, we recommend the New Action Product, "Para Program 20 day - China Formula". This product is exported to China after meeting stringent requirements. One bottle Black Walnut Blend 100caps, 1 bottle Cloves 100 caps, 1 bottle Wormwood Double Strength 100caps. A special pharmaceutically tested formula exported to China. In this program herbs are taken daily, 3 times per day to keep body fluids and tissues saturated to eliminate all life stages of parasites.

One bottle costs $45.00 CDN plus $5.00 shipping.

OPTIMAL LIFE CENTER has available a "Zapper" which is an electronic device invented by Dr. Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D. to kill parasites, virus and bacteria. This has proved valuable to many people. Our OPTIMAL LIFE Zapper is an improved version.


This is an experimental device and is for research purposes. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. The manufacturer and retailer take no responsibility for any effects, positive or negative, resulting from the use of the zapper. The procedure outlined is for the benefit of people who wish to do personal research using it.

This device has a one year warranty against manufacturing defects..