Cancer and Holistic Medicine

by Dr. Walter Weston, D. Min.

The medical approach to cancer involves physically invasive procedures that seek to remove, kill, or transform the cancerous cells, based upon a biological understanding of disease.

In contrast, the holistic approach to cancer involves non-invasive procedures focused upon restoring the health of the human energy fields, based upon a human energy field understanding of disease. Holistic care includes the field of study called energy medicine. An element of energy medicine is present in acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy, herbal medicine, fresh fruits and vegetables, food supplements, aromatherapy, music therapy, dance therapy, some massotherapy and chiropractic, physical exercise, the martial arts, tai chi, qigong, yoga, meditation, compassionate love, emotional release therapy, touch healing, prayer, and most of the other approaches offered on this web site. Each approach acts to restore the human energy fields to health that then signals the body's biological cells to become healthy.

According to researchers in this field, when someone is diseased, the person's human energy field is also diseased, distorted in specific ways that can cause and maintain the disease.

Human energy field researchers have long referred to cancer as an energy disease. As the cancer cells grow in number, they begin developing their own energy field system that competes with the human energy field system for control of body functions. In late stage cancer, the cancer energy field system has overwhelmed the normal human energy fields, blocking therapeutic outcomes of both medical and holistic treatment.

In the 1980's, a research breakthrough occurred in our understanding of the role of the human energy field as a cause of disease. It began when energy researcher Ramesh Chouhan received a government of India grant for a study at the regional government hospital JIPMER in Pondicherry, India. During eight years, Dr. Chouhan and his staff did energy screening of the 25,000 women entering the OB-GYN unit.

They took bioelectrography pictures of the human energy field of the ten fingertips. Through this massive energy field database and from the women's medical histories, Chouhan discovered the signatures in their energy fields that were predictive of oncoming cancer and arthritis.

His research conclusions indicate that three to six months before the onset of cancer, the physical energy field has become distorted in a distinct way that is predictive of the physical onset of cancer. Another energy field distortion occurs six to twelve months before the onset of arthritis. This implies that when there is a distorted human energy field, it is a major factor in the onset of some diseases. When I read Chouhan's research paper in 1987, I asked myself, what could be causing these energy field distortions? Then I remembered several earlier studies by American psychologists that some cancer patients had suffered an emotional trauma about eighteen months before the onset of their cancer. Could there be a connection between emotional pain and appearance of the distorted energy fields that were predictive of the onset of cancer and arthritis?

In 1989, I joined Chouhan for further research. Using a low light video camera, we were able to videotape the changes in the human physical energy field during my spiritual healing sessions with patients. We discovered that patients, whose energy fields tested positive for the onset of cancer, could have their energy fields returned to normal through spiritual healing sessions. These women did not get cancer.

With the 1994 discovery of Emotional Release Therapy (ERT), I had a new tool to test out my assumption. So far, that assumption has been proven valid. After cancer patitents release their emotional pain, their disease symptoms diminish and disappear, usually within a few weeks.

In 1994, a primary care physician referred a late stage colon cancer patient to me. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Cleveland, Ohio) had just informed the woman, Maggie, 49, that there was nothing more they could medically do to help her. Maggie and I had two Emotional Release Therapy sessions together, after which Maggie said she was emotionally peaceful and was the happiest she had been since her youth.

Six weeks later, Maggie had an MRI that indicated her cancer cells had diminished by about 30% since our sessions. Four months after our ERT sessions, another MRI indicated that she was free of cancer, with all her cells being normal.

Since then, I have assumed that many diseases have a unique signature in the host's energy field that either precedes and/or maintains the diseased condition. Using Emotional Release Therapy to release emotional trauma, followed by another holistic health care approach, produces consistent and predictable healing of cancer patients.

Once the emotional trauma has been released from every body cell, the human energy field must be continually strengthened. This is achieved by using any holistic approach that supports this.

This process meets the medical research criteria for its own research, consistent and predictable outcomes. I challenge the medical community to proceed with the clinical research.

Click here for more information on Emotional Release Therapy.