Can restore your peace and your health

Imagine releasing the emotional trauma of every painful memory you've ever had.
Imagine releasing destructive emotional states like fear, anger, anxiety, stress, depression, and loneliness.
Imagine feeling serene and satisfied
Imagine removing the destructive emotions that are at the source of many medical conditions
Imagine all of this happening in less than an hour.

This is the promise of Emotional Release Therapy!
This is alternative health care at its best!
Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. This is only possible because it consistently works for everyone!

Everyone Can Benefit

So why not try ERT?

It can't hurt you, but it will likely help restore your health and happiness.

Review the Article by Dr. Walter Weston on Cancer and Holistic Medicine.

Personal Testimonies on Emotional Release Therapy from students and clients.

1.Carol Adams, 1634 Overbrook Rd, Lyndhurst, OH 44124, , August 5, 2000

  1. Benefits of practicing Emotional Release Therapy. Practicing ERT and physical healing has been the most fascinating and rewarding experience of my life. I'm amazed at how much I enjoy these experiences. And I've found that our efforts to heal others bring wonderful unexpected benefits to ourselves also, like a sense of happiness and peacefulness.

  2. Removing the emotional trauma of a crime. A friend of mine was robbed at gunpoint one Sunday morning in the parking lot of a local department store. The next day, she told me she was very angry about the whole situation. She hadn't been able to enjoy her Sunday, hadn't slept well that night and was having difficulty getting her work done. After work, I practiced ERT on her. Now, she no longer felt angry, but was very depressed and tired. Her eyes were quite red from crying throughout much of the day. Within 10-minutes of ERT, my friend was making comments such as "I feel good, really good. I feel so light! My anger is gone. I feel like I can go home, play with my kid and enjoy my evening!" Several months later, she still reported no emotional trauma, anger or depression.

  3. A physical healing with my son. A few weeks ago, my 11-year old son Brian was playing with friends, one of whom was throwing those small, noisy firecrackers up against the side of a building. These firecrackers explode when they hit something hard and a piece of one flew into my son's eye either lodging in his eye, scratching it or burning it. His friend's mother rinsed Brian's eye and checked for dirt in and around the eye area. I took him to be treated by a doctor.
    On our ride home, Brian cried almost continuously and I then decided to do physical healing. Just a few minutes after our healing session, the crying stopped and he became engrossed in watching TV. A while later he came to me saying that he felt no pain in his eye. He said it felt like nothing had happened to his eye at all. Thank God!

  4. Client comments about ERT. I'm always amazed at the comments people make while we are doing the ERT. One woman who was working on issues of self-esteem and self-love, said she could see, with her eyes closed, a beautiful pink light entering her body at the level of her heart and filling her from head to toe!
    Another woman, working on issues of fear, saw a tree filled with red leaves. She noticed that as the leaves were falling off the tree, her feelings of fear and anxiety were leaving her! People generally notice a feeling of energy when we have completed the ERT, and state something like "I feel like I can accomplish anything the rest of this day!"

2. Rev Jim Baer, 1550 Westview NE, Warren, OH 44483, , He is an American Baptist minister. Tuesday, August 08, 2000 2:57 PM

His experience with ERT. You did ERT twice with me while I was on prozac for depression. I soon will be announcing my divorce to my congregation. I felt much better after both sessions and am functioning normally.
ERT on a 6-year old. I have practiced ERT on a six-year old boy. His mother brought him to me because he would cry every time she'd get in the car and go away, afraid that she'd get into a car accident and never come back. This was three weeks ago and he no longer cries like this.


3. Linda Beal (use alias, Linda Gayle), 2251 27th St, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223,

I was suffering from grief, anxiety and the pain from a relationship, when Dr Weston practiced ERT with me. During our session, I felt a release of negative, heavy energy. The results continued over time. Now, I feel healed of the issues the led me to seek ERT. I was drawn to ERT because it is based in faith in God. I believed in Dr Weston's credibility and I knew that with his help, I could learn to take care of my health in a meaningful way through ongoing release of emotional residue and also utilize the practice of ERT to to release longstanding resentment in two close relationships, restore normal elimination, and be freed of daily anxiety and intermittent depression. Now, two months after my only ERT session with Dr. Weston, I consider myself healthy and empowered to continue releasing and healing issues that arise in my normal daily living. I feel a confidence and strength that had been dormant for some time. I am thankful for the emotional release experience and for Dr. Weston's commitment to his work.

4. Jim Beasley, 6816 B Glenridge Dr, Atlanta, GA 30328, , jimbeasley@ hotmail.com

I have been practicing ERT and healing touch with clients and family for almost two years now and have had wonderful results. I had a friend of mine visiting from California last year. We decided we would go for a walk at a local national park in the Atlanta area. We had been walking for almost an hour and we a long way from any help when my friend was stung be a wasp or a hornet. Thank God he wasn't allergic to the venom, but almost immediately his finger began to swell. We walked a few yards more when the thought occurred to use ERT on the sting. By this time the hand was beginning to swell and my friend was in a lot of pain. I asked him if I could do ERT on his fingers and hand. He was skeptical but agreed. Within a few minutes the pain began to decrease and the swelling reduced. Within ten minutes the pain and swelling were almost gone. As we walked back to the ranger headquarters the swelling was limited to the tip of the finger when the wasp had stung him. And the pain was nominal. He said he'd always wanted to experience a miracle of healing and he did that day.
I had a client in Wisconsin who had experienced a miscarriage at a very early age. She had never released the pain and trauma from that experience and had been caring it for almost 30 years. I performed ERT over the phone with her and within 15 to 20 minutes the emotion pain and trauma were released. She was so excited and overjoyed. I also prayed with her and did spiritual healing. We were both filled with love and peace during the healing process. It was an incredible experience.
My daughter was visiting from NC and had just had her second child. She woke up one morning and was complaining of a pain in her breast. My wife who is a RN examined her and said it was a stopped up milk gland. I asked my daughter if I could do ERT on her. She agreed. Within a very short period of time the pain stopped the gland reopened.

5. Harold Becknell 1655 Whitaker NE, Minerva, OH 44657, Thursday, August 10, 2000.

ERT and pancreatic cancer. In the fall, 1999, a doctor diagnosed me with sugar diabetes. I took very little notice of the situation. After this, I discovered that I had sleep apnea and needed an operation to take care of it. My January 7, 2000 surgery was cancelled because I was not feeling well. At that time, my blood sugar was over 400. The diabetes quickly grew worse. On April 10, 2000, my skin began to turn yellow and my urine was a deep brown color. Hospital tests indicated it was far worse than diabetes. I had pancreatic cancer. In April, I learned that in addition to pancreatic cancer, I now had liver failure. On May 1, I was admitted to the Cleveland Clinic for a second opinion and as told that my cancer was inoperable and I had 6 - 12 months to live. I refused chemotherapy and radiation treatment. My daughter agreed to contact the Edgar Cayce Institute in Virginia Beach, near where she lived, seeking a healer in the Ohio area. None was found but a psychic was recommended near me in Wadsworth, Ohio. The psychic prevent unusual build up of emotional debris that blocks healthy energy flow. Using ERT, I was able told me that the best healer also lived in Wadsworth. His name is Walter Weston. I met with Walter on May 19 and 26. He told me that the emotional hurts of a lifetime contribute to disease and are the cause of cancer. He has developed a process called Emotional Release Therapy that removes all emotional pain and moods like fear and depression. This is a way of relieving stress that a person has accumulated throughout his life. Once the emotional pain is removed, the body normally will heal itself, with the cancer cells becoming normal cells once again.
Since ERT, I have looked and felt healthy. I have no symptoms of pancreatic cancer. My energy levels have returned to normal and I am enjoying life to its fullest. My family and I all know that God has healed and will continue to heal my body as long as I do not allow emotional stress to build up again.
I have since attended seminars led by Walter Weston and am attempting to learn to use ERT to heal others. My three daughters have also attended Dr Weston's seminars.

6. Cerena Clark check for her father's note

My mother called to tell me that when my father went to the doctor today, the lesion they had seen previously in his lungs was gone and that he did not need the steroid/antibiotic treatment.

7. Beth Donahue, 20 Edgewater Dr, Lakewood, OH 4410, , Wednesday, August 2, 2000

First time with ERT. After reading "Healing Others": "The first time I used it upon a woman who was angry. Immediately after using this therapy, she was better."
A physical healing of coughing. "I had a client who coughed all the time and all the doctors said they could not find a cause. I worked with him about twenty minutes, placing my hand on his throat and asked that all the pain in the throat be released into my hand. I didn't feel a great deal of warmth being released, but after the session he didn't cough anymore!"
ERT for sexual abuse. I practiced ERT with a woman who had been sexually and physically abused by her father for years. She was able to release her trauma and years of sadness in one session. I closed with a love blessing. Afterwards she stated, "I can now feel responsible for myself. I know what loves feels like inside!" She looked and acted different after that session.

8. Mary Faktor, 7326 Forsythia, Northfield Center, OH 44067, ,

Personal ERT benefit. I was in great emotional distress and depression due to breakup of a long term relationship. He did ERT on me as we spoke on the phone. I felt better, then went to see him that night. I felt much better after our meeting. My depression lifted and I got through the grief of the relationship. I his seminar and found myself to be a natural healer. I have been performing ERT ever since with great success.
Depressed man. I have healed a greatly depressed man who's son had died. He couldn't function or allow himself to love...he has since become engaged and is very happy and no longer depressed. I have worked with a stage 3 colon cancer patient who couldn't keep food down after chemo treatments...after one hour with me, he ate Chinese food for dinner.
Depressed woman.
I helped a woman going through great depression due to divorce...she has since come out of the depression.

9 Michelle Gippin, 1037 Bloomfield Ave, Akron, OH,

Grief, guilt, and trauma.
I sought Emotional Release Therapy about a year after my boyfriend committed suicide. I was experiencing depression, grief, chronic fatigue, repeated respiratory infections, and back problems. I knew they were emotionally based because I had always been healthy before the suicide.
When I met with Walter Weston, we talked about my problem. He helped me be ready to let go of the guilt I was carrying and forgive myself. Then he practiced Emotional Release Therapy with me for about an hour. I felt a lot of heat being released from my heart area. The next day, I was symptom free and have been ever since. I had tried many other treatments before meeting with him, none of which brought me any relief. I am deeply grateful to Walter Weston.

10. Jane Girouard, 1162 Limberlost Road, London, Ontario, N6G 3A5, Monday, August 07, 2000 10:37 AM

ERT on myself. I decided to try ERT because of my emotional problems. I needed to release a lot of issues around my childhood, especially my sexual abuse and the physical torture I endured at the hands of my mother. I needed to let go of all of the pain as it was impeding my growth. I found that within a week of learning to do ERT, I was feeling much stronger. I did it on myself for about 1-2 hours every day and it helped me greatly. I feel much different and much more at peace now. I was having problems with the desire to be dead and since I've used ERT that has diminished greatly. I am overall much happier and peaceful. I would also like to say that I taught it to my husband and my sister and they immediately loved it. My husband has quite a few childhood issues of his own and this technique has helped him to be much happier.

11. James Hasman, 149 Townes End Dr, Wadsworth, Ohio 44281,

  1. My Experience of an ERT Session. I went to Dr. Weston for severe back pain. After back surgery, my spinal pain continued. After one session of ERT, I felt marked improvement and continued to do ERT on myself for greater improvement. My headaches also ended. ERT improved my life, giving me insight on how to release "baggage" that I had been carrying around for many years, thus healing emotional stress. It allowed my mind to rest and not feel any negative emotions. This gave me mental energy to be available for healing my back. I believe ERT to be of great value and has good results for the simplicity of practicing ERT.
  2. Pets. Later, I applied ERT to myself and observed that two of our four cats, who had kept their distance from me, actually came to me to enjoy the peace I was now emitting. ERT also made them close to each other.
  3. ERT effects on my daughter. After practicing ERT on my 15-year old daughter, her emotional balance quickly returned when she got emotionally upset. Her emotional upsets are not nearly as intense as they had been before.
  4. ERT and God. I have used ERT to experience God more fully. I now experience God and his guidance comes through more clearly. This has led to an overall sense of peace and acceptance of life's problems, whereas before ERT, little things would occupy my mind to the point of extreme discomfort, even suicidal feelings.
  5. Experiencing God while practicing ERT. Since my very first practice of ERT, I always enter a deep spiritual state while practicing ERT. While at a trade fair in Washington State, my back became very tired. Taking a day off, I drove to the banks of the St Crax River where I dangled my feet in the water while sitting on a picnic table. While practicing ERT on myself, I had wonderful spiritual and physical healing that has lasted throughout the past two years. After ERT, a park ranger told me I had to leave. Previously, I would have been very upset and argued with his authority. Now, I thanked him and moved on.
  6. The value of ERT. ERT can be a simple and very quick, and can be practiced anywhere for immediate and long lasting results. I do ERT first thing in the morning, just before bed, during sex, while watching TV, while walking, and to achieve peace and calm on airplanes. It is the easiest way for me to achieve peace of mind.
  7. ERT a blessing. After seeing Dr. Weston practice ERT on television, I discovered he lived near me. I called him and he personally returned my call. The rest is history. A history that lives on and continues to bless me.

12. Dr Calvin Hawn, London

ERT by a dentist. Walter, you may be interested in my experience with ERT in my dental practice. Since taking your workshop, I have included ERT as part of my routine practice after invasive procedures, such as extractions, fillings, and various other surgeries. On completion of the procedure, I take a minute to ask the patient to close her/his eyes and, without comment or explanation, place my hand or fingers near the affected site. I then visualize the tissue and talk (silently) to it, asking it to release any trauma it has suffered into my hand; when I have a sense that the release is complete, I then direct healing energy into the tissue, asking that it be restored to health and experience no pain. Walter, I can honestly state that the amount of post operative pain experienced by my patients has dramatically reduced. No one ever calls me anymore to complain of pain, even though I always give my home number and urge them to call if there is a problem. When I next see them I always inquire as to how they felt after the last procedure; it is rare for anyone to report any discomfort and if they do, it has been of a mild nature. I cannot honestly remember the last time I wrote a prescription for pain control medication or antibiotics to relieve a post operative infection (my poor prescription pad - it must be feeling so neglected). I can't say what the future holds, but this has been my experience for months now, and I have no reason to expect that to change. Further more, I can report that this technique is so powerful that I don't even have to be present for it to work; on those rare occasions that I am running behind and cannot spend the time immediately to perform ERT, I simply take a moment later to visualize the tissue (patient long since gone), perform the ERT psychically with my intention firmly in place that it be back dated to the time of the procedure and, guess what, it works just as well. And, in actual fact, now that I think about it, I often don't even back date it, AND IT WORKS JUST AS WELL.

I have had other, more traditional experiences with ERT experiences that have rendered wonderful results and as time passes I use it more and more, virtually daily, with magnificent results. Now here's the best part - I rarely use it in the manner you so eloquently taught with my hand physically on the person; I do it psychically all the time. In person, long distance, hands on, hands off, person aware that you are doing it,person not aware that you are doing it - it just doesn't matter. It works! The only limitation to this technique is the limitation we have in being creative enough in its uses. I do believe that there is one absolute requirement to its consistent successful use, though - unconditional, nonjudgmental love for the person or tissue. Thank you, Walter for introducing me ERT. Life will never be the same again - it's much, much better.

Dr. Calvin Hawn, D.D.S resides in London, Ontario where he practices mercury-free dentistry and healing energy techniques. He is a practicing Reiki master, Craniosacral Therapist, and Medical Intuitive. He can be reached at: or

13. Emily Johnson, 24, Columbus asthma client Mother: Vicki Johnson

Asthma. My mother learned about ERT at a service conducted at the Summit Spiritual Center. Dr. Weston was the speaker. I had been improving with health matters in the last 2 years. I had been regularly attending healing services. I still required much daily medication. After ERT I didn't need any medication for about 1 week. I then had to use my inhalers, etc. but not as much as before. I am looking forward to my next meeting with Dr. Weston. Loved one statement from mother: "I didn't talk to Emily for about 5 days after ERT. She called and said, "You're not going to believe this, but I don't have to use any of my medicine. I could sense a great calm in her voice. She seemed much more relaxed."

14. Vicki Johnson, 2510 Dogwood NE, Massillon, OH 44646 832-8955,

My fear, anxiety, worry gone. I had struggled with fear for years, when I attended Walter Weston's ERT training session. I practiced ERT at the session and I have read PrayWell and another book of Dr. Westons. After the training session I didn't feel anything immediately. I go to healing services regularly and I use healing prayers and meditation daily. I therefore thought "It's okay, I'm all prayed up and ERT hasn't affected me with anything different." However, after about a week, I discovered a greater sense of calm. My feelings of anxiety, fear, and worry concerning my daughter's poor health seemed to vanish.

I noticed that I can control my fear and anxiety much better. I seem to get the "place of peace and calmness" much more quickly. Actually I think that I am staying in that place most of the time.

15. Linda Karger, 915 Hamilton Ave, Wooster, OH 44691, ,

ERT and depression and body aches. "Hi, Walter. Thanks for last night's ERT session. My depression is gone and my aches and pains are much better. I feel better, lighter today than I have for a long time." (an E-mail message)

16. Diane Keefe, 25 Park Hill Circle, Lake St Louis, MO 63367

Self ERT removes emotional trauma for safer driving. I went to the grocery store and was running late on beginning a trip. Leaving the parking lot in a hurry, I passed a slow car and entered the left exit lane. The man in the car I had passed came up beside me in the right lane and began yelling obscenities at me, his face distorted with rage. I cried all the way home. I unloaded my groceries and yelled at my children to get in the car for our trip. I was still upset and realized this was putting my children into danger with my erratic driving. So, as I drove, I practice ERT upon myself. I was immediately calm again and continued on my trip peacefully. A real miracle.

17. Ken Kline, 726 Mentor, Akron , Thursday, August 10, 2000 4:15 PM

ERT and my anxiety. I had suffered with anxiety and panic attacks since childhood. Following several sessions of ERT, my anxiety is almost non-existent. I also use ERT for soul searching on my spiritual journey. It makes me want to strive to be closer to God. Walter, you have become a big part of my life, helping me with my spiritual growth and letting the free love of God flow. The line I would use for you is "a priest with the gift of healing."

18. Ken McDonald, 629 N.Buckeye St, Wooster, OH 44601,

  1. My ERT Experience. When I went to my first ERT session with Dr. Weston, I had gluten intolerance, gout, carpal tunnel, and arthritis. ERT removed my anxiety, definitely cleared my emotions, alleviated my physical symptoms, and gave me an alternative therapy that saved my hands, so I can use them as a massage therapist.
  2. Practicing ERT as a massage therapist.
    1) With my first client, ERT removed his anxiety about upcoming surgery.
    2) Another client felt open and his face shown with incredible joy.
  3. The salt bath was incredible. I felt like a foot of fat just fell off me and into the tub. I did a good ERT release while in the tub of salted water.

19. Jan Myers, 2277A Cambridge Rd, Coshocton, OH 43812, ,

  1. ERT and dying. My father, Charlie, cut himself off from family members many years ago. My husband, Allen and I were with him as he was dying. I think only the fear of dying stopped him from dying. His eyes had been glazed over for several hours, when I practiced ERT with him. In a semi-coma, he released his pain, fear and anger into my hand. He soon became much more peaceful and his breathing was easier. We told Charlie we loved him and he tried to respond by saying, "I love you." (This was the first time my father had ever said this to me.) And then he was gone.
  2. ERT and anxiety attacks. Mindy, a young mother with a baby, had problems which were effecting her emotionally. She was so anxious that she hadn't been able to eat or sleep for several weeks. Mindy agreed to ERT. I couldn 't believe how much emotional pain she released into my hand. Afterwards, she said, "I can't believe how much better I feel." She then fell asleep for awhile. Awaking, she was like a different person. She was talking calmly, ate dinner, and reported to me the next day that she had slept all night.
  3. ERT with children. I use ERT on my 6-year old son, Max, and my baby girl, Maggie. Whenever Max appears to be getting frustrated or seems edgy - or if he is getting on my nerves - I know it is a good time for emotional release through ERT. We usually do ERT at bedtime after we say our prayers. For my baby, Maggie, I used it when she was teething or when she appears irritated. After ERT, she is so much better. Honestly, for mothers I think this is a wonderful way to deal with parenting stress. ERT calms both mother and children. I also work with my husband periodically.

20. Jeanne Noble, P.O. 358, Jeromesville, OH 44840,

Stress relief while moving. Recently, my husband and I moved. After three days of packing and unpacking, I realized I was very stressed out. I did ERT on myself to release my anxiety. When I got in touch with the feeling of anxiety, I realized that it was fear that I was dealing with. the fear of not doing a good job of moving. It was good old performance anxiety. With that realization, I released the fear using ERT and consciously changed my attitude. The move was still a lot of work, but now I was in a carefree mood.

21 Faith, Medina, OH

Emotional trauma. When I met Walter Weston, I was suffering from depression, extremely high anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, fear, phobias, chronic fatigue syndrome, and living in an extremely pain and unhappiness in my marriage. I did not have the energy to visit my parents and friends or to do simple household work like loading the dishwasher. I was a prisoner in my own home, spending my life lying down and sleeping 14-hours a day. Following many sessions of Emotional Release Therapy with Walter, ERT has taken away the depression and the feeling of emotional overload that I have felt for years. My emotional pain and anxiety are gone. Since childhood, my phobias with snakes, elevators, and storms have terrified me, but now they are completely gone. Twelve years of panic attacks have disappeared. My physical body has responded to the release of my emotional pain through increased stamina. My low blood sugar is now normal. It is incredible how ERT works! The emotional pain that had been stored inside me since childhood was released! I feel like a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders and can now feel happiness and joy. It is so wonderful to live in peace. I am thankful every day for Emotional Release Therapy! ERT has enabled me to make enormous decisions about my life that I sure will change my life forever!

22. Debbie Pillow, 304 Rainbow Forest Dr, Lynchburg, VA 24505, , 8-2-00 Seminar was on 7-12-99

Weight Loss and Personal Transformation. "After taking your Emotional Release Therapy seminar and experiencing the healing affects, I have lost over 80 pounds this year and my heart's goals are become clearer every day. My health has improved and my energy is in abundance. My diet is no longer considered one but a way of life. People who know me have seen a dramatic change in me and my way of thinking. I am considering a move to California and separating from my husband of 16 years. This is a big step for me, but for the first time in my life I am listening to my heart. Many around me disagree with my decision and are trying to hold me back. I will be of greater value to others if I feel free to live and to love."

23. Vicki Raymond, 22 Montclair Ave., London, ON N6H 3V1, , 12-08-00

Practicing ERT. In the first week after the course, I practiced Emotional Release healing with 9 people and also 4 sessions with myself. This second week I've had sessions with 5 people so far. My husband and I are using the relationship prayer every evening (so far no results to report). I have had some awesome experiences with this healing.

I feel very fortunate to be able to work with other healers and friends who are simply very open to the concept. When people are familiar with the concept of releasing and working with energy it makes it very easy and encouraging for the new student! I would like to suggest that the person place my hand wherever it feels most comfortable for them if there is a better spot than where I have placed my hand. Most people do have a preference. I still do not seem to feel in my hand what others do regarding heat and tingling when the releasing stops but as you can see it does not stop me. I expect experience will remove any lack of clarity in this regard. In the meantime I just "bluff it" and yet find that I'm actually accurate most of the time.

I offered ERT to my friend June who recently had surgery for a large cyst on one ovary. She was keen to accept my offer. She wanted my hand to be on her solar plexus and proceeded to quickly release with sobbing and tears. She felt good afterwards and weak. We plan another session next week. Four days later she reports feeling really good still and very happy to be without those heavy emotions. In fact she beamed as she told me this. Have read a little and am very glad I bought each of your books. Let me simply thank you Walter for being you! For sharing with us what you know. It is my personal belief that your heart's desires will be manifested in the world - without a doubt - because it is God's will - not so much because of human endeavor, as essential as it is - in spite of us humans - the healing of the world is in process, it's only a matter of time before a more complete healing is attained. I wish to acknowledge your service and virtues of love, compassion, determination, endurance, and patience in long-suffering with carrying out your life purpose.

I thank your wife also for her patience and understanding for your need to travel and share what you know. May God hold you close and guide you always.

Warmest regards, Vicki Raymond

24. Jackie Woolley Robinson April 11, 2000 9:22 a.m.

Self-ERT for emotional and physical pain. I have suffered for twenty years with fibromyalgia, allergies, and sinusitis/bronchitis. Three times, they have caused me to become ill for most of a year. I knew my conditions were caused by my emotional reactions to life. It was not until I read your book, "Healing Yourself," that I found the solution using Emotional Release Therapy. Following the release of my painful memories with ERT, I was able to finally heal my illnesses and was symptom free within 3 or 4 days. Thank you, thank you, for sharing your life's work with us. You have given me new life, which I hope to pass on to others. In honor of my 65th birthday, I ordered and sent your books to five of my friends.

25. Sharan Robinson, 110 Sunrise Canyon Rd, Wimberly, TX 78676, Wednesday, August 2, 2000 4:43 p.m.

ERT heals depression. As a registered nurse, I initially used ERT in nutritional counseling. A young woman 24 came to me suffering from severe depression and headaches. She was a new teaching graduate and her depression was so debilitating she was unable to apply for a job as a teacher. After several ERT sessions, her depression was gone as was nine years of constant headaches. She also had a more noticeably brighter effect. She now is working a full time job and the headaches only plague her occasionally.

26. Margot Saraceno, Poughkeepsie, NY ,

ERT and fibromyalgia. Fourteen years ago I came down with fibromyalgia, which filled me with constant severe pain throughout my body plus immense fatigue. I was filled with hope after reading one of his Dr. Weston's books. I contacted him and flew to Ohio for Emotional Release Therapy. It was probably one of the best investments and treatments I have ever experienced. Afterwards, My physical pain dropped by at least 90%. It did not cure my fibromyalgia, but with my own daily use of ERT, it is almost unnoticeable, so I can live as normal a life as possible. I am now using the emotional release therapy on others with great success.

27. Linda Schiller-Hanna, 189 Tolbert, Wadsworth, OH 44281, Thursday, August 03, 2000 10:13 PM

  1. ERT cures trichotillomania. I sought ERT from Walter Weston because I knew someone who raved about his healing work and I also was impressed with his book. I told Walter my biggest problem was something that I had had for over thirty years. I had gone to many different therapists and tried countless remedies with no success. The problem is called trichotillomania. It is the compulsion to pull one's hair out by the roots, often resulting in bald patches. It had been the source of deep shame and sadness for years. The day he worked on me, I lay on my massage table and Walter sat beside me with his hand on my heart area and began to lead me through the ERT process. I was amazed. It was a completely new idea to me, and it was working. At a certain point, something happened that I will never forget. Suddenly, it was almost like a bolt of lightning struck me... as if a kind of "evil spirit" flew out of my body and across the room and hit the wall. I immediately began to sob with relief. It is as close a thing to an exorcism as I have ever seen on myself or anyone else. As I am a holistic health care practitioner and widely read and experienced in this field, I don't doubt that something highly significant happened. Following this very deep cathartic process, I felt lighter and freer than I had in years. I sensed in Walter a profound caring and faith that is rare in this world. Whether it was his personal abilities, or the process or just an excellent tool in the hands of a healing master, I don't know for sure...but it worked beautifully.

    I was so grateful; I gave Walter my prize possession. It was an Eagle feather that had been given to me by a client from Alaska who had had it dropped at his feet when he walked a barren island as the eagle flew over...and he had kept it for years himself. To turn over something I treasured that greatly, shows the enormity of this experience. I have never regretted the decision to pass on that special item. For several days following, I did not pull my hair at all. I also suffer from ADD, and in my entire life, I had never had an unfinished pile of ironing to do. The day after Walter's work with me, I was able to focus and do all the ironing in the house. It is not that the ironing work is hard for me, but that I would get too restless to complete it...or any other project for that matter.

    The healing was not entirely complete...I have had some residual flare- ups with the hair pulling, but it has dramatically decreased. I was so impressed with Walter's system, that I hosted one of his seminars in my home. There, everyone seemed to learn ERT easily.  

  2. Practicing ERT for grief. A friend I was visiting in a nursing home mentioned that a fellow resident was in deep grief over her roommate's death the night before. I found the poor woman was sitting forlornly in her doorway in a wheel chair. I shared my sympathy with the lady and held her hand Then, I put my hand on her heart and led her through ERT. I immediately felt the warmth of her released grief entering my hand. She began crying softly and I could see her face soften and relax as time went by. We only had a few minutes, but I worked as quickly and effectively as I could. When we finished, her face was radiant. She gave me a beautiful smile and she stated, "Thank you. I am at peace." That is the miracle of Emotional Release Therapy.

28. Karen Shepherd, 6610 Richmond Rd, Oakwood Village, OH 44146, , July 2, 2000

  1. My first ERT session. I arrived feeling curious and left feeling peaceful and lighter. It improved my life by making me more peaceful.
  2. Practicing ERT with ADHD. My son was diagnosed with ADHD in 1998. I did ERT with him three nights in a row and after learning it at Walter Weston's seminar in February. Following ERT, his behavior and attention improved to the point where he no longer needed his Daily Progress Report. This was after two summers of very expensive day camps for children with his disorder. My son has never been on ADHD medication, but he has had psychosocial intervention.

29. Dr. Jeri Spencer, N.D., 9354 Jason Rd, Laingsburg, MI 48848-9216, , Thursday, August 03, 2000 9:01 PM She is a naturopath.

  1. ERT with a 7-year boy. I did ERT with a 7-year boy who had had several bad emotional experiences and had been acting out inappropriately with other children his age and younger. After two ERT sessions the inappropriate behavior discontinued and he also quit blaming his mother for his father leaving them. His behavior changed drastically at school, church and home, and he was able to return to a public school environment. He began to catch up with his schoolwork and his reading level improved.
  2. ERT and dialysis. After an ERT session on an elderly woman whose physician was insisting she needed kidney dialysis, the kidneys began improving until doctors (totally amazed) told her they were functioning at better than 30% and dialysis was no longer necessary.
  3. ERT with an upset teacher. After an ERT session with a 2nd grade teacher who was having a very difficult time with her class, was very frustrated with the student's behavior, and was angry at the attitudes of their parents, she was able to return to the classroom and reported back that with the release of her anger and frustration, she had better control in the classroom and after a conference with the parents, they were able to develop a plan to improve the student's behavior and study habits.

30. Jody Sullivan 10971 Market Ave N, Uniontown, OH 44685,

Learned to pray aloud. The most important impact at Dr Weston's seminar is that I learned to pray out loud. This has changed my life. I discovered a powerful divine connection beyond anything I had experienced with silent prayer.

31. Liz Tekus, 1319 Oakridge, Cleveland, OH 44121, , 8-3-00

I was drawn to your emotional release therapy workshop because I was intrigued by the information you presented to our church this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar and went on to work on three people shortly afterwards. Two of these were skeptics, my sister and a teenage boy. I didn't know if either would consent to the process. The third was my husband who is very receptive to things of this nature. All three felt released and relieved after their sessions. I must confess that I really haven't developed my technique at all. It's something I intend to return to when I can. I enjoyed working and learning with you.

32. Jack Thomson, Justin's father

Heart Failure. I just got off the telephone with my family doctor and he had news for me that you have heard many times before. I have made a recovery that is " unprecedented, miraculous " and one for the medical journals.

Back in early April I was sick - much sicker than I really knew or appreciated. My heart had failed so badly that the doctor was not optimistic about my recovery and was considering putting my name on the transplant - needed list. My heart was beating irregularly, rapidly, was tremendously enlarged and pumping less than 20 % of the blood within it to the rest of the body. By early May I had both a blood clot in my lung and pneumonia.

Today my heart has returned to normal size and is beating regularly and normally. Over 50% of the blood in my heart are pumped out with each beat. When I was discharged form the hospital in May the doctor asked me if I believed in God. Was he inferring that I had but a short time to live or was he actually encouraging me to surrender myself to God through prayer? On April 18 you e-mailed Justin with advice for me and indicated that you would pray from a distance. I know that a lot of other people and groups prayed for my recovery as well. Justin showed me how to engage in emotional release, which I have done almost daily since mid-April. When I do this I slip almost immediately into a deep sleep. Somehow I think of it more as a "state" than as a sleep. Is it normal to sleep while practicing ERT?

I have read both of your books. Unfortunately I do not seem to have the characteristics to be a healer but somehow I was able to invoke God's assistance through your strategies. Nonetheless I am very grateful and hope that I can help others who need healing.
Thanks for including Justin on your Africa trip. I know that he will be relying on you for guidance and support. You have helped him to become a new person and I am hoping that he will be able to do the same for his brother, Christian.

I look forward to meeting you at Justin's sometime this fall when you have another seminar in London. Appreciatively , Jack Thomson

33. Justin Thomson, 430 East Mile Rd, London, ON, Canada N6H 3K3 Friday, August 4, 2000

ERT and the Healing of Muscular Dystrophy. For twelve years I had Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy. Medical doctors could do nothing and offered no hope. I took it upon myself to explore health and wellness alternatives. Within this category I found Emotional Release Therapy in a book, "Healing Yourself," by Walter Weston. The pursuit and practice of daily ERT was very enjoyable and the improvements I began noticing were extraordinary. After five months of daily ERT, I was totally 100% cured of my muscular dystrophy. A miracle had taken place during the process of Emotional Release. (More can be added).

This new way of thinking and healing Dr. William Wells, P.O. Box 841, Pine Valley, CA 91962; is definitely where our society should be focusing their attention. Now, practicing ERT with others, I have witnessed other people's transformations as the symptoms of depression, sore muscles, hot flashes and heart disease disappear. And I have just seen a few people so far. ERT has changed my life significantly and I will never be the same.

34. Dr. BW, Pine Valley, CA 91962,

I am a health care professional. I had been deeply depressed and down on life, mostly because of the death of my father, when Walter Weston practiced Emotional Release Therapy with me over the phone from 2,500 miles away. After working together for about 45-minutes, ERT did help by clearing out a lot of depression and giving me a new lease on life.

35. Marlene Welsh, 221 Bennett St E, Goderich, ON N7A 1A8, 12-20-00

Developing an ERT Practice. Hi Walt: I have been very busy with setting up my ERT business. I completed my 9th client last night. I am amazed at the results. My most favorite one was a friend that I gave two free sessions to. What I am finding with people on their first session is that they have a lot of intense emotion to release then on the second session there is not a lot.

What happened on this particular session was that the client released for awhile then I guided her to fill the empty space with love and peace. An overwhelming sense of love and peace came over me also and we were both immersed in a state of love and peace. It was a beautiful feeling that I have rarely felt. It was incredible!! The following day her husband had a heart attack. He is doing better now but I believe it was great preparation for her to handle the stress that was coming her way. Everyone of the nine report feeling lighter and peaceful.

Anxious male. Yesterday I had a highly tense anxious male client. He was very cooperative and released a great deal. He reported feeling peaceful, which is rare for this person. He is a compassionate person to and for everyone but himself. Yesterday afternoon he went out and actually bought himself a ring he has always wanted. Last evening he reported laying down and sleeping for three hours after he got home. This is a person who is in high gear all the time, amazing!!

I also had a 17 year old boy come for a treatment. I did not sense the intense emotions that I have in more lets say mature clients. He released a couple of emotions and he reported feeling peaceful. He is a young man who has a lot on the go and felt tired of having so much on his plate.

Abandoned wife. I am also seeing his Mother. Her husband recently left her for another woman. I have seen her twice and she is doing very well, the first time she walked into my office, she looked at the kleenex box and started crying. She is much more at peace now and even her face has changed, it seems to have softened. This is amazing work.

Thank you so much for sharing your information and gift with me. It has changed my whole life and I can now use the talents that I have known that I have had for a long time. I wish you all the success and happiness in your life.

Merry Christmas to you and all your family this blessed holiday season.
Thanks Walt

Sincerely Marlene Welsh

To book an appointment for an ERT session, by phone or in person, with Kallie Miller please call or email