Cells have intelligence!

          What's amazing is the fact that the cells with identical DNA produce different organs in a human body depending upon where they are located. In other words, the cells with identical DNA produce hair on your head while they produce finger nails on your finger. Another way to look at it is that since every cell in your body has the same DNA as the original single cell, they all have enough information to create everything in your body: bones, skin, teeth, eyes, heart, blood, etc.

          If our skin gets cut, the cells below the surface create more skin to replace it. But when the skin grows back to the original shape, the cells somehow know to stop this growing process. This means that there is some kind of local intelligence in every cell telling them not to create anything that does not belong there, although it has the capability to create everything in one's body. This suppression of the capabilities requires many times more intelligence than what is required to create one thing.

          Malignant cancer cells can be called cells that lost this intelligence. They grow things that do not belong there. This concept raises several interesting questions.

          How do they lose the intelligence?

          Can we restore this intelligence back to the cells?

          If our mind can communicate with plant cells, can we communicate with human cells?

        We don't have all the answers to these questions yet, but the first two are today within reach.

The beginning of body development

          Starting from a single cell, a human body is gradually developed in an orderly manner. It is not developed in a vacuum. In order for a cell to go through the process of mitosis, duplicating itself to multiply, it requires the duplication of chromosomes. For this process, there must be a sufficient amount of proteins and aminoacids in the cell to create a copy of the chromosomes. The embryocells get these nutrients and oxygen from the womb of the mother through the umbilical chord.

          The mother's blood does not circulate through the baby's body directly, but all the necessary nutrients, minerals and oxygen are transferred to the baby through the umbilical chord. The baby's own blood then circulates them throughout its body. Unfortunately, if there were any toxic substances in the mother's blood, they would also get transferred to the baby through the umbilical chord. We know all too well about babies born with drug addiction problems.

The beginning of aging

          Even if there were no toxic substances in the mother's blood, the baby's body would produce waste products. The process of metabolism, the oxidation (burning) of nutrients to get energy to function, creates residue waste products that the body has to get rid of. The question is: how well, or how completely are we getting rid of all these waste products? (More about the kinds of food and nutrients and their waste products will be discussed in detail in chapter 3.)

          The waste products that we do not discard completely must be stored within our body somewhere. The process of aging, which starts from the very beginning of our life, is the accumulation of these non-disposed waste products. Even when there are no toxic substances in our food, there are waste products that we must get rid of; however, if there were some harmful substances in our food, they change into poisonous wastes. The body must detoxify the poison and get rid of it.

          A famous French physiologist, Alexis Carrell, kept a chicken heart alive for about twenty-eight years. He incubated a chicken egg. The heart of the developing young chick was taken out and cut in pieces. These pieces, consisting of many cells, were transferred into a saline solution which contained minerals in the same proportion as chicken blood.

          He changed this solution everyday, and he kept the chick's heart alive for about twenty-eight years. When he stopped changing this solution, the heart cells died. The secret of the chick's heart surviving for twenty-eight years lies in the fact that he kept the extracellular fluids constant and also that he disposed of the cellular waste products every day by changing the fluid in which the chick's heart was kept.


          Since ancient times, people have searched for immortality. History tells us that in almost every culture, mankind has looked for the fountain of youth or special herbs that would help them live longer. Theoretically, we are immortal. Egg and sperm combine and create new cells and new life. This new life makes egg and sperm, again forming new life. In other words, germ cells never die. A part of us lives on and on in new life indefinitely.

          Eggs and sperms are germ cells. According to modern physiology, germ cells do not show signs of age, and carry the potential of life from generation to generation. (Parents may have some signs of aging; however, a baby is not born with those aging signs.) We have other kinds of cells which are ordinary body cells. As they grow, these cells turn into specialized tissue: nerve, muscle, connective tissue, tendon, cartilage, skin, bone, and fatty tissue. These tissues grow further to become specialized organs. These specialized cells of tissues and organs unfortunately reach old age and die. What makes these cells die?

Aging and reverse aging

          The answer is very simple. The cells deteriorate because the waste products are being accumulated. Can you imagine a house that is allowed to throw out only 99.9% of its garbage that it produces every day? Within a few months the house will have very bad odors.

          Now that we understand that the process of aging and deterioration of cells is the result of the accumulation of waste products, what we have to do is to find out the properties of these waste products and figure out a safe method of helping our body get rid of these waste products more completely, everyday. Furthermore, if we can somehow pull out old waste products that we have stored within our body from a few years ago, we will grow that much younger.

This is "reverse aging"!

          I don't mean to turn the chronological clock back. I am not talking about the removal of wrinkles to look young while your interior is getting old. What I mean by reverse aging is to reduce the accumulated waste products of a 50 year old body to the level of a 40 year old body or even younger. If the accumulated waste products have not caused irreversible damage to body tissues and organs by that time, their functions could also be revived.

Cause of Cancer?

Contagious Diseases and Adult Diseases

          The Japanese classify human diseases into two categories: contagious diseases and adult diseases. Contagious diseases are caused by viruses and bacteria, and with the exception of AIDS, modern medical science is very much advanced in taking care of them. In a few years, they will find the cure for AIDS as well, I am sure.

          Adult diseases are non-contagious diseases that we develop, just because we get old. Examples of adult diseases are cancer; heart disease, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure; diabetes; arthritis, gout; kidney disease; chronic diarrhea and constipation; hemorrhoids; asthma, hay fever, allergies; headaches, neuralgia; psoriasis, hives, eczema, other skin disorders; hyperacidity, indigestion, gas, nausea, etc.; fever; obesity; tooth and gum diseases; osteoporosis, leg cramps; hangovers; morning sickness.

Common causes of adult diseases

          The Japanese claim that the underlying causes of these adult diseases are the accumulation of acids in our body, poor blood circulation and poor cell activity.

          Ever since the success of penicillin against the infections caused by invisible bacteria and viruses, medical researchers have been looking for medicine to cure every kind of disease including adult diseases. None of these drugs reduce the acidity of the body. As a matter of a fact, most drugs are acidic.

          Since these adult diseases are caused by too much acid in our body, according to the Japanese, unless the treatment actually removes acids from the body, the 'cure' at best will be only temporary. And if the medicine were successful in removing acid from the affected area, the acid would go to some other place in the body to create side effects there, unless the treatment involves the disposal of acids from our body. For this reason, today's medical 'science' is rather poor when it comes to the cure of adult diseases.

The Growth of cancer cells

          A German biochemist, Dr. Otto Warburg discovered the 'cause' of cancer back in 1923 and he received the 1931 Nobel Prize for doing so. In his book, "The Metabolism of Tumors", Dr. Warburg demonstrated that the primary cause of cancer was the replacement of oxygen in the respiratory chemistry of normal cells by the fermentation of sugar. The growth of cancer cells is a fermentation process which can be initiated only in the relative absence of oxygen.

          One may wonder how any cell can survive, much less grow, in the absence of oxygen. But it so happens that plant cells are like that. Oxygen is a waste product that they discard. In other words, cancer cells are plant cells that live within an animal. I understand that the National Cancer Institute verified Warburg's theories in the 1950's; however, very little work has been done to determine the causes of a lack of oxygen to the human body.

          Among American doctors, Dr. Sheldon Saul Hendler is perhaps one of the very few who is advocating oxygen deficiency as the causes of many illnesses. In his book, entitled "The Oxygen Breakthrough, 30 Days to an Illness-Free Life", Dr. Hendler teaches breathing exercises and oxygen rich diets to overcome the oxygen deficiency problems.

          Ever since Warburg's discovery, researchers have been attempting to stop the fermentation process through drugs, radiation and surgery, which, in some cases, have been temporarily successful. In the mean time, the Germans are trying to find ways of getting more oxygen to all of the healthy cells in order to prevent the initiation of the fermentation process.

Oxygen therapies

          There are devices and methods available for the purpose of supplying more oxygen to the cells. "Oxygen Therapies" by Ed McCabe describes a hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ozone (O3) treatments. Drinking a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution or injecting ozone intravenously or rectally will place extra oxygen in the blood through a path other than the lungs.

          Recently we are learning that doctors in Europe have long been making use of the body's 'third lung', the colon, during surgery due to its ability to absorb up to 70% of the oxygen introduced to it.

          Although I heard a doctor claim to have destroyed 80% of a breast tumor by directly injecting ozone into the tumor, I question the validity of this kind of oxygen treatment unless the patient had a respiratory problem and was not able to breath in oxygen through the lungs. Oxygen infused in this manner eventually dissipates and it does not convert the acidic environment to an alkaline one.

The true cause of cancer

        Herman Aihara, in his book entitled "Acid & Alkaline" states that:

          "If the condition of our extracellular fluids, especially the blood, becomes acidic, our physical condition will first manifest tiredness, proneness to catching colds, etc. When these fluids become more acidic, our condition then manifests pains and suffering such as headaches, chest pains, stomach aches, etc. According to Keiichi Morishita in his Hidden Truth of Cancer, if the blood develops a more acidic condition, then our body inevitably deposits these excess acidic substances in some area of the body such so that the blood will be able to maintain an alkaline condition.

          As this tendency continues, such areas increase in acidity and some cells die; then these dead cells themselves turn into acids. However, some other cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond with brain function nor with our own DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer."

          In chapter 2, I showed the relationship between alkalinity and excess oxygen in water. Mr. Aihara does not mention anything about the lack of oxygen but rather talks about the acidification of extra cellular fluids which causes cancer. Dr. Warburg states that the primary cause of cancer is the lack of oxygen in a cell, like a plant cell. He didn't know what caused the lack of oxygen.

          I think Dr. Warburg was dealing with the symptom of acid build ups rather than the cause. Mr. Aihara was hitting the nail right on the head. For this reason, the German solution is to alleviate the symptoms, that is, to supply more oxygen, while the Japanese solution is to reduce the acidity, the very cause, by alkaline diet and/or alkaline water.

Alkaline therapies

          When you drink alkaline water, you are drinking water with excess oxygen, not in the form of O2, but in the form of OH- which is very stable because it is mated with positively ionized alkaline minerals. Two of these hydroxyl ions can form a water molecule (H2O) and give out one oxygen atom. The alkaline mineral is used to detoxify poisonous acid compounds and when that happens the hydroxyl Ionize freed to supply excess oxygen to the cells to prevent the development of cancer. It is indeed the case of killing two birds with one stone.

          We are talking about two kinds of oxygen. One is in a dynamic form, O2, and the other is in the stable bias form of OH- mated with positively ionized alkaline minerals. The body needs both kinds of oxygen. If you hold your breath, O2 is cut off and you die, and if your body pH goes down below 7, OH- is cut off and you would die also. When breathing stops, O2 is first used up and the body will use up OH- secondly, then death will occur. That takes about three minutes. Those people with high alkalinity, like babies, would live longer than 3 minutes.

          Reflecting back on the research works done by the two scientists, what is happening in our body may be as follows. When the environment for the cells becomes too acidic, there isn't enough oxygen to go around for all the cells in the area. In order for some cells to survive under the circumstances, they selectively change some cells to plant cells so that they can take in CO2 and give out O2. The convenience of the moment may cause damage later on, but at least it caused the survival of life for a little longer.

          Remember, the human body is a marvelously engineered survival machine.

Conventional medical therapies

          Today's medical industry treats malignant cells as if they were bacteria or viruses. They try to destroy them at any cost and usually the cost is the immune system of the patient. Since malignant cells are derived from healthy cells, trying to destroy one will affect the other. Chemotherapy or radiation treatments may be able to destroy 'all' of the malignant cells, but by that time the healthy cells are damaged to the point that they cannot destroy simple everyday bacteria and that person can lose his life.

          Surgery for a malignant tumor is perhaps more selective. However, even after 'successful' surgery where 'all' of the tumors were removed, they can recur because the acidic environment has not been changed to an alkaline one. Radiation treatment after the surgery is another mistake. It will destroy some healthy cells and when those cells die, they become acidic wastes. A shot of sodium bicarbonate may be much better than radiation treatment, provided that a proper ratio of sodium and potassium is maintained.

          It is discouraging to see that cancer research is divided into so many specialties such as cancer of the liver, cervical cancer, cancer of the kidneys, cancer of the pancreas, etc. The cause of all cancer is a lack of oxygen caused by acidification. But when so many doctors are specializing cancer research in such narrow fields, they will never find the true overall picture. They will be forever lost in a maze.

Best cancer prevention means

          Drinking high pH alkaline water will definitely help in preventing cancer. Research should be done by the National Cancer Institute to see how alkaline water may help in curing early stages of cancer, depending upon how far the cancer has progressed. I am sure that there is a point of no return. However, since the healthy cells are alkaline and the malignant cells are acidic, drinking alkaline water will not harm healthy cells while it may destroy malignant cells. It is worth trying.


Heart Disease, Atherosclerosis, High Blood Pressure

Your blood is your body's transport system. It carries both nutrients and oxygen to the tissues of your body. It also carries waste products away from the tissues and helps maintain body temperature. To do these things, your blood must circulate continuously. Your heart is the center of the circulation and it pumps over 5 quarts of blood every minute.

Acidification of the body starts in the blood. As mentioned before, the blood performs a balancing acts in order to maintain the blood pH within the safe range of 7.3 to 7.45. The blood has a buffer pool of sodium bicarbonate made to neutralize strong acid compounds coming out of the cells as waste products of metabolism. When this buffer level is too low, acidosis is developed.

Acidosis and high blood pressure

Dr. Kancho Kuninaka, one of the pioneers of the alkaline water treatment in Japan, states that virtually without exception, the patients with high blood pressure have an acidosis condition. He has many successful clinical cases where the acid free high pH alkaline water lowered blood pressure.

There are several plausible explanations for this phenomenon. Since the higher pH blood contains excess oxygen, the heart doesn't have to work as hard. Another factor may be that the viscosity of the higher pH blood is low so that the heart does not need to pump as hard. A further reason may be that the calcium ions in alkaline water may be dissolving plaque and cholesterol buildup in the artery walls, thus opening up the passage.

Doctors know that if you take several deep breaths right before the blood pressure measurement, you can get a lower reading. You have temporarily elevated the pH of the blood by breathing out more CO2 and by breathing in more O2. If you can lower your blood pressure by using this trick, your high blood pressure is caused by the first two reasons in the above paragraph and you should be able to lower your blood pressure within a few months of drinking the alkaline water.

Alkaline water therapies

The above example is the case where your blood pressure fluctuates between high and low. However, if your blood pressure is always high, chances are that your arteries are getting narrow (atherosclerosis) and it will take a long time, possibly a year or more, for that blood pressure to come down by means of alkaline water. It takes time to dissolve plaque and cholesterol buildup, but eventually it will work. This slow process has no side effects. It lowers the blood pressure by eliminating the very causes of the high blood pressure.

Pill therapies

The blood pressure pills are designed to fool your body by chemical means in order to force the blood pressure down. That is why every blood pressure pill has side effects. Unless you are lowering the acid level in the blood, which is the real cause of the high blood pressure, everything else is going to be more harmful and you have to take the pills for the rest of your life. Remember that the blood pressure is high because your body, the marvelously engineered survival machine, is trying to compensate for some deficiency in your body.

Blood pressure and smoking

A friend of mine in Tampa, Florida was telling me about her peculiar blood pressure problem. She was having to go to her doctor's office several times a week to measure her blood pressure. She was taking the blood pressure pills but wanted to cut them out, and her doctor wanted to make sure that it was all right to do so.

The peculiar part of her problem was that at the end of a hectic day at the office, she would be sure of the high pressure, but her blood pressure measured normal. But during the weekend when she had been relaxing at home, watching TV and reading books, her blood pressure measured alarmingly high, so high that the nurse had to call the doctor in.

As she was telling me this story, I made the observation that she smoked. So I told her that the fact that her blood pressure went up and down indicated to me that her problem may be caused by the oxygen level in her blood going up and down. Then I told her that her smoking will lower the oxygen level in her blood.

She looked at me with wide eyes and said: "You know, Sang? We are not allowed to smoke in our office!" Her definition of relaxing at home meant smoking and watching TV, etc. I told her that she didn't have a blood pressure problem but that she had a smoking problem. She said that she would have to work on that.

Blood pressure and sugar

For people with hypertension, doctors advise them not to eat too much fatty food, to cut out meat, to eliminate sugar, and to stop smoking. They should add "cut out soft drinks" to that list. The riddle is: What are the commonalties of all these things? The answer is that they all rob your body of oxygen. Smoking not only reduces the available oxygen from your body but the nicotine has the effect of narrowing capillary vessels. We know by now that all of the acidic foods and drinks lower your blood oxygen level. But what about sugar?

Sugar grabs oxygen with the highest priority. Mr. Gregory Grosbard of Miami, FL received a U.S. patent on improving plastic strength by using sugar. Each time plastic material goes through a heat cycle it loses strength, because oxygen in the atmosphere goes into the material under heat, creating oxygen "holes". As Mr. Grosbard mixed a small amount of sugar into the plastic material during the heat cycle, the sugar grabbed the oxygen first, making the plastic stronger.

Effects of soft drinks

Soft drinks, especially the cola type, are highly acidic. A dentist friend of mine told me that he can demonstrate the tooth decay process by submerging an extracted tooth into a glass of cola and watching it decay. In chapter 2, I calculated that in order to neutralize a glass of cola with a pH of 2.5, it would take 32 glasses of alkaline water with a pH of 10.

Soft drinks are slow killers. It would be an interesting experiment to test the effects of alkaline water and soft drinks on laboratory mice. If we had three groups of mice evenly grouped as to their age and health condition and we gave one group of mice only cola type drinks; the second, distilled water; and the third, alkaline water, what would be the outcome? We can all guess as to which group would live the longest and which group would end up with the shortest lives.

Lately we have been alarmed by the incidence of younger people being hit by the so-called adult diseases which used to converge mainly on the 40-plus age group. I wouldn't be surprised if the frequency of these incidents are paralleled by the success and the growth of many soft drink companies.

The acidity of some soft drinks is caused by carbon dioxide, which is not so bad because we can eventually breath it out. But some soft drinks are highly acidic even after the carbon dioxide is all fizzled out. Perhaps the consumer advocates group should demand the acidity of the drinks to be clearly indicated on the labels of these soft drinks.


In a healthy body, the pancreas produces insulin and the insulin manages and helps the body to use sugar and carbohydrates properly. The adult disease diabetes is called insulin independent diabetes mellitus. The Family Medical Guide by the AMA defines it as follows:

"Insulin-independent diabetes: In this form of diabetes mellitus, which usually affects people over 40, the insulin producing cells in your pancreas function, but the output of insulin is inadequate for your body's needs. People who have this form of the disorder usually eat too much and are overweight. Their overeating causes an excess of glucose in their blood, and the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to cope with it. Heredity is also an important factor. In nearly a third of all cases, there is family history of the malady. Age is also a factor, because the efficiency of your pancreas decreases with age."

Alkaline water therapies

Dr. Keijiro Kuwabara of Japan has been clinically treating diabetes quite successfully by use of alkaline water. He reports that a 49 year old insurance company employee was diagnosed by the company physician as having a case of insulin-independent diabetes mellitus. With only one month's use of alkaline water, the sugar count came down to virtually an undetectable level, from 300mg/dl one month previously.

The pancreas produces one of the highest pH body fluids, pancreatic juice, with its pH value of 8.8. A shortage of calcium ions in the body impairs the production and the release of the insulin hormone. This eventually leads to an acidic blood condition. Clogged blood vessels caused by excess protein buildup also impairs pancreatic function. Alkaline water, by supplying calcium in an ionized form and by helping prevent excess protein buildup, can help prevent and heal this condition.

As we age (by now we know this statement to mean "as we accumulate acidic waste products"), they say, that the efficiency of our pancreas decreases. Apparently we accumulate acidic waste products around the pancreas, men more so than women. Men initially begin to build up fatty acids around the waist.

Adult diseases and heredity

Heredity here may mean that somehow in that particular family ,there is a tendency to accumulate waste products at or near the pancreas first. Until they reach 40, the amount of acid accumulation is not sufficient enough to slow down the functions of the pancreas. This means that if we prevent wastes from accumulating by means of alkaline water, that person will not get diabetes even if he reaches 70 or 80 years old.

After all, he didn't have diabetes when he was 30 years old; that is, he didn't have enough of an acidic waste buildup until that time. Chronologically he may reach 40 or 50, but if he can keep the level of the wastes to that of 30 years old, he will never get diabetes. Heredity may not have to be related to chronological age.

The alkaline water treatment will not apply to diabetes from different causes such as a damaged pancreas, etc.

pH and Osteoporosis

As a part of normal metabolism, the body produces acids. When the body has an excess of acid it can't get rid of at the moment (due to acid excess or a lack of alkaline reserve minerals), the acid will get stored for later removal. Where does it get stored? Mostly in the interstitial spaces, also called the extra-cellular matrix - this is the space around the cells. When the body stores this acid in the extra- cellular matrix, it believes that one day, the acid is going to be removed. Therefore, in order to be in balance, it knows that for every molecule of acid that gets stored in the tissues, an equal molecule of bicarbonate or base substance needs to be put into the blood because one day it will need to escort the acid out of the body. This is the body's amazing compensatory mechanism at work. What we see here is the pH interplay between the blood and the tissues. If the body has an acid overload, it stores the acid in the tissues (the tissue pH decreases) and the blood compensates and becomes alkaline (the blood pH increases).

As the body degenerates further into ill health, the blood pH often will turn from it's alkaline condition and then start to move down. When that happens, the body is losing its compensatory mechanisms. If the proper intensive intervention is not engaged, bodily death will often ensue. But before that happens….

As more acid accumulates in our body, it gets stored and pushed further, and ultimately it can get pushed into the cell. When it gets pushed into the cell, the first thing it does is displace POTASSIUM and then MAGNESIUM and then SODIUM.

Wow! Those are three critical minerals in our body. The potassium and magnesium will leave the body, but as a preservation mechanism the sodium will be retained. Now remember, the body knows it must place an alkaline molecule in the blood to escort out this increasing acid that is being stored in the tissues and cells. It has to COMPENSATE at a biochemical level for the things going on. What it will often do (when mineral reserves are low which is often the case when eating a modern American diet) is draw CALCIUM (the most alkaline mineral) from the bones and put it into the blood. This is something you don't want and it is a big part of what's behind osteoporosis, arthritic pain, etc. It is brought about by the body compensating for an ever increasing tissue acidosis somewhere in the body. What you don't want to do in this case is take more calcium supplements that won't be utilized down at the cellular level. With that said, you can now understand why most generic calcium products, antacids, etc. are one of the most over-prescribed supplements. In these situations what the body really needs is more potassium, and magnesium, perhaps organic sodium, and possibly zinc which lends help to the whole proper acid breakdown process.

With a good understanding of the pH interplay in the body, natural answers can be derived for good health, including good bone health


Personal responsibility for personal health. That's the 21st century way. Proactive for health rather than reactive to disease. Disease is painful, activity limiting, and costly. That's why checking personal pH - the acidity or alkalinity of some easy-to-get-to body fluids - will become as routine as checking your weight, credit card balance, or smoke alarm. Why? Because it can help you be an active participant in your personal health process. Keeping tabs on your personal pH can help you keep tabs on your personal health.

Read and learn more here


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