Alkaline Water Experiences


The Regency Elite, which was formerly named the Regenesis, is recommended by Dr. Robert Young in his books "The pH Miracle" and "The pH Miracle and Weight Loss".

All information contained herein is not intended in any way as medical advice. Testimonials are given by people who wish to share their experiences and are solely for information purposes. This should not be considered medical advice.

Old? Ha!

Memory and Energy

I'm 79 years old, and recently began drinking ionizer water. At my age I have come to expect that getting up in the morning is a chore and that energy is not something I have a great deal of. I am also aware that my memory has been going from bad to worse. My kids call it my "Whatchmacallit" syndrome as my sentences slowly fill up with forgotten words.

It's only been a month since I began ionizer water, but the changes have been profound. I walked from home to the beach, 2 kilometers along the beach, and up about 60 steps to a lookout. My kids were amazed, but I didn’t even think about it. The energy was just there!

I have had a recurrent eye infection for a long time and it has cleared up. My inflamed gum, another long term problem, has also greatly improved, and my tinea is undergoing its own "healing crisis" and appears to be drying out from underneath the skin, my kids tell me, is much, much better, and that’s a wonderful thing for me, having seen my sister succumb to Dementia. I am more aware of my food. I am aware of my choices and have stopped the "hungry ghosts" ~ my need to nibble. I believe that the way the ionizer reduces the molecule size of the water has helped my brain to re-hydrate. So many older people drink far too little.

I read about a doctor specialist in Geriatrics who healed his patients through getting them to drink water. That’s true, but the water most of us drink, even filtered water, is nothing like as easy to drink as ionizer water. I drink it and love to drink it. It restored my ‘natural’ thirst, and I only realized I had lost it when it came back. I think as a nation we are all dehydrated and all acidic overloaded. If this water was available through our taps this country would be a very different, healthier one than what it is today.

Barbara Bond, Byron Bay, Australia

November 9, 2004

To Whom It May Concern:

I am a 66 year-old woman who had a bone density scan completed in October/04, which showed an increase in my bone density. At the age of 60 I was diagnosed with osteopenia. I was a smoker and coffee drinker and lived a very sedentary life. At the age of 63, I had a repeat bone density scan with no further bone loss. In the three intervening years I had purchased and begun to sell magnetic sleep pads that go under your mattress (Classic model of 5 gauss) and routinely took calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D. supplements. I still smoked and was sedentary. I believe the magnetic sleep pad stopped my bone loss. This fall, at the age of 66, my repeat bone scan showed an increase in bone density. The only thing I had changed in the intervening three years was that I purchased, used and began to sell the Regency Elite ionizing/alkalizing water filters.

I attribute the increase in my bone density to the Regency Elite as it was helping to further alkalize my body so that my body did not need to take calcium from my bones to neutralize the pH. This has greatly excited me, as I was unaware of any obvious benefits from the Regency when I started to use it and just knew that drinking alkaline water was of benefit to me anyway even though I was in reasonably good health.

I am looking forward to my next bone density scan as I now walk for an hour a day, eat better, have stopped smoking, have recommitted to using the Needak rebounder which I also sell, have added a bone building product containing strontium, Vitamin K, and purchased a new Super Bed- The Max magnetic sleep pad of 20 gauss strength. I am also in the process of adding an in-home weight lifting program to my lifestyle.

In addition, my 87-year old mother diagnosed with osteoporosis has added bone density with one years use of the Regency Elite.

I have hope that this information will be of benefit to interested persons.


Kallie Miller, RN

London, Canada


by a CFS Survivor

I wanted to tell my story, in the hope that other people who are suffering from a chronic skin condition can gain hope!

In September 1996, I decided that I wanted to remove the amalgam fillings from my teeth. My reasons were partly health, and partly vanity.(I wanted to be a singer, and believed that a mouth full of metal was unsightly).

I wasnt aware at that time of the precautions necessary for the safe removal of mercury. Nor was my dentist in fact, and he proceeded to remove six fillings in about two days without damming my mouth, nor providing adequate supplementation.

Within about four months, I was confined to bed with a sickness that could only be described as hellish. My body and face had swollen up. My skin became inflamed and I developed urticaria which is a honey like serum that oozes from the body like water, and then dries and sets like toffee. I had absolutely no energy and by this time, was unable to digest food.(phew, all in the name of vanity!)

I saw my local GP who prescribed 50mg of prednisone daily. He didnt know what was wrong with me. Nor did any other Naturopath, skin specialist, immunologist, allergy specialist, Chinese herbalist etc etc etc.

My employers noticed how unwell I had become, and politely asked for my resignation. I had become completely dependant on my family, for financial and physical support. I was in breakdown!

I then decided pull on the big guns and contacted The NSW Environmental Medicine society in St. Leonards, Sydney. I saw Dr William Veda who at the time was Australias leading, published Chronic Fatigue specialist. $500 later, and a bag full of supplementation, my mother and I travelled back to our home town, Bathurst, with the belief that I was on the road to recovery. The opposite happened. I became worse!

After commencing the treatment, My anxiety levels went berserk. I no longer had a sleeping pattern. I spent from 2am to 4am in the bathtub. I became acutely depressed, and withdrawn from the world. I had to forego my country farmhouse, and return to my parents house, out of fear that one night I would silently pass on!

This very bleak story continued on, for about two years. Occasionally seeing yet another healer, or health professional, gaining hope, then surrendering to the fact that nothing was changing.

In October, 1998, I moved to Byron Bay, seeking healing. I became involved in really bizarre spiritual pursuits. I formed the belief that I must have been an evil person, and was therefore "burning in hell"....literally! I changed my name, surrendered to God, and still, no healing!

I managed to learn to cope with my condition, and became more aware around food and the importance of organic. I was drinking at least 5 litres of water per day, but it was sometimes hard to get it down.

I became a little better month by month, But certainly, nothing was happening in a hurry.

In February 1999, I had a breakthrough. My good friend Mark offered to take me to Indonesia for a healing journey. I went on an intensive bowel cleanse, with daily colonics and fasting. I started urine therapy, and ate a beautifully alkaline diet of organic Pawpaw, banana, coconut and vegetables. All this combined with daily massage, and weird Indonesian healing concoctions for the belly.

For the first time in three years, I felt energy returning to my body. Unfortunately, my condition deteriorated immediately upon my return to Australia. We had torrential rainfall that year, and my house became mouldy. I had severe physical reactions, and began to sleep in the bathtub again.

I should also mention at this point, that during the whole experience, I would regularly break out in the herpes virus, which would infect my inflamed skin, and spread all over my face. It was a really painful and unsightly experience.

I continued this struggle for another 18 months, trying to balance work with rest, with detoxification, until finally I could not proceed any longer. I left my job and gave up despite huge fears about money and survival. (which is hugely ironic as I was barely surviving anyway)

I began daily rituals of meditation and singing. I asked God everyday what he wanted me to do next. (sometimes it was going back to bed). In a very short amount of time I was guided to call a man by the name of Ian Hamilton. I was told he had a machine that could help me.

I told him my story and he was hugely compassionate and at the same time very excited. He believed that his water would help me! I wasnt convinced, as I had done everything humanely possible costing a fortune, and here was a man telling me that I may get better just by drinking his water - which was free!

I took two litres of ionized water home and I drank it. Something profound happened. I felt....Normal.

I went back the next day and asked for another bottle. By the third day, the inflammation on my skin had subsided but quite honestly, by this time I was no longer obsessing about my skin because I FELT OK..

After a week, the flakiness had disappeared, and after a month my energy had stabilized.

All this for drinking two litres of water per day! It was such an easy road to recovery. Especially since the water tasted so good. My body just wanted it.

Its been nine months since first drinking the water and I have had no relapse. I have returned to work, manifested a creative and supportive relationship and travelled to Uluru for two months. I feel free.

So please, If you are suffering (and lets face it, we are all suffering on some level).............drink the water!

Morthern Spears


“In December 1986 I was introduced to a water ionizer by a friend of mine in Virginia. She told me that the alkaline water form this ionizer would lower my blood pressure, if I drank 5 cups of it daily. In those days I was taking 20mg of Vasotec a day to maintain my blood pressure at around 140/90. Vasotec was my third kind of blood pressure pill. The doctor had to change my blood pressure pills twice because of different kinds of side effects. I never liked the idea of having to take any pills “for the rest of my life”. That’s what the doctor told me when he initially prescribed the blood pressure pills for me.

My friend didn’t know exactly why the blood pressure would come down except for the fact that she knew it worked for many people. Trusting her sincerity and knowing she was a registered nurse, I bought the ionizer and started to drink high pH alkaline water. As I was drinking the alkaline water I monitored my blood pressure. I reduced the amount of Vasotec gradually as the blood pressure started to come down. After six weeks, I stopped taking Vasotec altogether. My blood pressure came down to 130/85 without my pills.

In the mean time, over a period of two years, I lost about 20 pounds without any special diets or exercises. Lately I am noticing that my eye sight is improving.”

Sang Wang, Miami – engineer and author of “Reverse the Effects of Aging”


“We installed the best filter on the market several years ago, however, after reading up on water water ionizer does in removing all toxins from one’s system, I ordered one, Oct. 1987.

My husband has high uric acid and is a diabetic which causes gouty arthritis. His hands, fingers, knees, actually all of his joints caused him great pain, preventing him from playing golf and some times even getting around. Now he is mainly free of pain which he feels is all due to his drinking ionized water. He claims he can’t live without it.

I, on the other hand have hypertension, high blood. I swear by this water. My coffee tastes better, cocktails taste better and I feel better. Amy my 12 year old grand daughter has completely cleared her face of pimples by using the astringent side on the face daily. It’s like magic.

This machine, I would guarantee any one, will keep them healthy and out of the doctor’s office. It’s fantastic and a treasured machine in our kitchen.”

Mrs G. Sirhal of Fort Lauderdale, Florida , USA


“I have recently introduced the water ionizer to my entire family. What I found to be wonderful is that all those members who did not feel inspired to drink water before have now become water babies.

My mother who started the day with a cup of coffee and never thought to drink anything during the day, never drank water and has high blood pressure, is now drinking away, can’t get enough and is looking forward to her next blood pressure test when she gives blood to see the improvement she believes will be there.

Our other halves - my husband and father both go armed to work with their 1½ liter bottles of ionized water – nothing else will do! My father jokes that he is glowing like a light bulb!

I used to drink countless cups of coffee for energy and now drink only the ionized water and have found that my skin glows, I have plenty of energy and require less sleep.

We also use the acidic water and spray our faces, gargle with and water the plants. I watered some indoor alpine flowers with the acidic water and phenomenally the usually light pink flowers turned to a fabulous violet and has since got so many buds it can barely fit in the pot.

What is great is that non water drinkers are completely converted to drinking ionized water - nature’s medicine, simply because we know it’s the best and it tastes great.

You don’t have to wait for an illness before drinking ionized water.”

Florence Niemann – The Fountainhead (Pty) Ltd, South Africa

May 28, 2000

To Those Concerned:

March 1999 I started using a "Regency Elite (Jupiter) water purifier ionizer. A year later I still cannot believe how my life has improved from changing one small thing in my everyday life.

I suffer with the following problems - hypoglycemia, degenerative disc disease, and fibromyalgia.

Needless to say we have spent thousands of dollars to regain and restore my health. And most of everything we tried helped me in some way, but the ionized water has been worth every penny and I can confidently say has benefited me more than all the many holistic remedies I've tried.

I am 43 years old and I've lived with pain for many years, and as time has gone by, I've given up on being active physically, or any high energy type activities. Within 2 days of drinking this water I noticed a higher energy level. After approximately 6 weeks, my body went into a mild cleanse where I suffered mild headaches. My feet always hurt especially upon rising in the morning. This went away completely and only occasionally returns. My fibromyalgia attacks subsided to only seasonal flare-ups, and the pain in my arms and hands almost completely disappeared. Lower back pain is still a problem, but this too is less chronic. Chronic sore throat was also part of daily living, as my immune system was so severely stressed. I always felt like I was coming down with something. This too, is gone.

It's a true Godsend in my life, as in this short year I've accomplished tasks that I could never think of taking on before, (like painting and decorating the entire inside of my house, sewing, and I'm taking on gardening again - one of my past pleasures). Mental focus is steadily improving, as I'm reading and enjoying socializing again. It's unending. I consume far less herbs and vitamins. I'm a better mother and wife, grandmother and friend, and super-Christian. God is my witness, as I'm enjoying life and love others again.

My husband can back up all my claims, as I wasn't much fun to live with anymore, now he's buying me flowers instead of pills all the time. Plus he's feeling more energetic himself and would never think of the cost involved as we've all benefited from this incredible machine.

Yours Sincerely,

Faye Suderman
P.O. Box 535, Emerson, MB. R0A 0L0

"I am 17 years old and I have had bad acne for approximately five years. I cannot remember a day that I have went out without wearing make-up to cover up the blemishes. For the past three weeks alkaline water is just about the only water I drink. My face has rapidly changed and I have very little acne left."


"I am 15 years old and I started ringing my hair with acid water about a month and a half ago. It used to look dull, but now my hair is softer, shinier and less frizzy!"


"I am 19 years old and have been working as a lifeguard at an indoor pool for the past nine months. About three months ago I cam down with a bad case of laryngitis which would not go away in spite of seeing a number of doctors, taking various antibiotics and natural remedies. Physically it left me tired, though I had been active in months prior. When my parents bought a Regency Elite 2000 Jupiter Ionizer machine about a month and a half ago, I began drinking the alkaline water….Since then my voice has been improving and is continuously getting stronger. Despite the fact that I have not been swimming regularly in the past months, I feel I have even more energy, strength and endurance now than I did before my laryngitis! Not only do I feel healthier physically, but I believe mentally I am more alert."


A woman in her forties under high stress was diagnosed with high blood pressure and was told she had abnormally high cholesterol levels. She began consuming one and a half quarts a day of alkaline water. After a few weeks, both her cholesterol and blood pressure were lowered; and as an added benefit, her stomach began to feel much better.

A teenager with severe acne began drinking the water and after three months, the condition was cleared up. He consumed two quarts a day of alkaline water.

A man worried about the effect of the prescription drugs he was taking for overweight began consuming two quarts a day. After six months, he had thrown away his drugs, and had lost over thirty pounds.

In California, a man had been suffering from super acidity for many years, and after eating a meal would unpredictably vomit. He began consuming six glasses of the alkaline water per day. Within a week his acidity ended; he also lost fifteen pounds in three months, and discovered a dramatic rate of increase in his ability to heal small ailments, like cuts and bruises.

A woman had suffered constipation for thirty years, and began drinking the water on a regular basis, and completely rid herself of this condition. She had also lacked an appetite for years, but has now developed a healthy one.

A female athlete in her twenties began consuming the water for a stomach condition. She felt an increase in her general energy level, and after a day of strenuous training, found that the alkaline water minimized the aches and pains she had always previously experienced.

For years, a woman had suffered ulcers, and was feeling nauseous from her medication; a regular consumption of the water allowed her to cease her medication and the ulcer to go away.